795B.00/8–1750: Telegram

The Ambassador in Korea (Muccio) to the Secretary of State


131. For Department’s info only. Embtel 129, August 16. Rhee was reconciled this morning to withdrawal seat government from Taegu. At his request I arranged air travel to Pusan where he said he wished to go on urgent business. Late in afternoon he returned Taegu. After picking up Mrs. Rhee and personal entourage he flew to Chinhae where he plans to rest for two or three days. Later he will probably proceed to Pusan.

Korean Cabinet agreed this morning most of civil government should be removed to Pusan and that move should be accomplished during next three days, with announcement of move to be made at noon of 18th.

However General Walker called me late this afternoon to inform me enemy had launched strong drive on Korean sector north of Waeguan at noon today. He said enemy push was of such intensity he felt it advisable for Korean civil authorities, Diplomatic Corps and UN [Page 596] officials to leave without delay. At my suggestion Walker called in ROK Acting Prime Minister and chief of staff, outlined situation and repeated advice to leave. Later after I had conferred with Prime Minister and Home Minister it was agreed latter would take steps to issue official announcement tonight and ready government employees and National Assemblymen to leave Taegu tomorrow. Arrangements are being made for special trains for this purpose.

Foreign Minister called on Diplomatic Corps tonight and orally informed them of intention ROK Government move most of civil departments to Pusan. At same time he advised them leave Taegu soon as convenient. It is understood Diplomatic Corps and UN officials plan to leave Taegu tomorrow. All members Embassy with possible exception Drumright and myself and possibly one or two others will probably leave tomorrow morning for Pusan where Embassy will be reestablished.

General Walker informed me there good possibility Taegu will still be held, but he does not wish assume responsibility for civilians remaining here. He stated he expects retain 8th Army Headquarters here unless and until military situation becomes precarious,
