330/8–1550: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Mission at the United Nations


147. Re Rau proposal made in SC yesterday. US will give sympathetic consideration to any proposal made in Council which is likely bring about compliance of North Koreans with resolutions heretofore adopted by Council.

We cannot of course give support to Indian proposal until we learn purpose which Rau has in mind and precise terms of reference of proposed comite.

Accordingly, you shld approach Rau and make clear to him our concern with ref to fol:

Korean case is not conflict between US and USSR but UN against North Korean aggression and any who give support to it.
Principal function of Comite shld be to assist SC in formulating proposals for Korea on basis of cessation of hostilities and full compliance by North Koreans with SC resolutions. It shld not have any mediatory functions.
SC maintains and does not surrender any part of its responsibility for action in relation to Korea. SC in carrying out this responsibility is acting on behalf of all UN Members to achieve:
Cessation of hostilities and withdrawal of NK forces,
By example of UN action in this case to deter and prevent aggression anywhere, and
Establishment of free unified and independent Korea so that its people may govern themselves in manner recommended in prior GA resolutions.
That although Comite may of course consider resolutions now before SC, just as it may consider entire SC debate, those resolutions, particularly US res, are before SC and shld be put to vote as soon as Pres willing carry out his obligations as Pres. There is no reason why SC needs sub-comite consideration of these res before vote can be taken.
We feel strongly that North Korean reps shld not be heard by Comite until they cease their defiance of UN and that there is no occasion or justification for hearing Chi Commies.
If Com. established, its work should end by Sept. 15 to clear the deck for any GA rec. on Korea.

FYI our present thought as regards para 5 action is that it wld be better not to make issue of this point in formulating res but to rely on efforts US and UK and other friendly dels to persuade comite members individually of dangerously harmful results of such a course on continued public support in US of UN action in Korea.

You shld discuss also foregoing conception of nature and function of comite with other SC members with view obtaining their concurrence.1

  1. The text of this telegram was sent to New Delhi in telegram 248, August 15, with the added instruction to Ambassador Henderson that at his discretion he discuss its substance with Bajpai (330/8–1550).