330/8–1150: Telegram
The Ambassador in India (Henderson) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 11—10:23 a. m.]
344. 1. In conversation with me yesterday Bajpai Secretary General MEA referred to Ambassador Austin’s statements Security Council indicating that Council members would consult to determine what steps to take to assert authority Security Council in case Malik continued obstructive tactics. He asked if I had any ideas to what “steps” US had in mind. When I replied in negative he said he hoped US [Page 555] would not complicate matters by endeavoring set up shadow Security Council or some kind committee without Russia to handle Security Council affairs. Only three weeks left of Malik’s presidency and in GOI’s opinion it would be preferable, unless any new aggression should develop, for Security Council struggle along even with handicap of Russian obstructionism until September 1. Malik had now made it clear that USSR had returned not for purposes of promoting world peace but to use Security Council as platform for disseminating propaganda and to prevent Security Council from taking any constructive action. Nevertheless GOI believed that any endeavor to circumvent Security Council or to replace it during presidency Malik would give Russians further opportunity to claim that UN had become nothing more than instrument of western imperialism.
2. Bajpai referred to Soviet resolution condemning inhumane actions of American Armed Forces in Korea. He said instructions had been sent Rau to vote against resolution pointing out in doing so that it was part of duties of Security Council to make sure that warfare was being conducted in as humane manner as possible. He hoped US Government and public opinion would not misconstrue such statement by Rau. GOI was of opinion that in rejecting USSR resolution it should indicate that it was not opposed to Security Council taking interest in manner in which war was being conducted.