795.00/7–2150: Circular telegram

The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic and Consular Offices 1


Although Taejon lost, Tokyo Hdqtrs reports local successes in center and on east coast where Allied naval strikes punishing enemy. In Hamchang-Andong area enemy flanking movements are complete failure. Several points retaken. Enemy force of undetermined size moving south on west coast plain and advance elements reported 60 miles southwest Taejon. No friendly forces this sector. ROK naval base Kunsan lost. Enemy growing more sensitive US air attacks, now reluctant to enter into action in daylight and taking steps conserve dwindling transport by elaborate camouflage. Enemy estimated lost half armor in 4 weeks action, 156 of estimated 260–412 armored vehicles knocked out. Our air action especially carrier strikes have reduced enemy air capabilities to only 75 sorties a day.

Re SyG Lie’s circ request aid for Korea, top Canad officials endorse UN US stand but not convinced of gravity situation. Canad dispatched a long-range air transport sqdrn and may send more destroyers but probably not troops since Canad Army has only one operational brigade. NZ consulting other Commonwealth countries, waiting to see what they do. Unlikely NZ ground troops be sent due long training needed. Swed finds it impossible modify position and provide troops but willing supply field hospitals. Cannot supply ambulances since Swed Army has, none spare. Ital cannot supply material aid at least for present. East Pak Army has urged Pak Govt send troops. SyG Indian Fonoff thinks Nehru unlikely assign even token force just now. Ceylon Primin stated if Korea shld develop into “struggle between Communism and democracy” no doubt which side Ceylon wld fight. According Pak Dipl in Jidda there some hope for change in [Page 442] Egypt attitude near future. Turk UN rep said any hesitation part Turk on offering troops due to fear of direct attack on Turk. Amemb Athens hopes Greek Govt offer of six C–47s will not be accepted by UN due technical problems. Little chance Iran will offer troops or other aid. Phil Fonmin Romulo repeated offer 25,000 Phil Scouts to be outfitted by US. Pres Quirino stated Phil Army needed in anti-Huk campaign at home. Thai Fonmin reported in press to have offered 4,000 best combat troops ready within month.

PolAd Tokyo notes current Jap anti-Commie drive taking edge off Jap Commie Party activities. Party line newspapers are closed as soon as they open. Commie line concentrating on appeal that US and UN will bring renewed suffering not peace. Numerical strength Party reduced and labor unions culling rolls. Jap Primin explains to Diet that move expand police reserves taken to provide against emergency of possible Commie infringement on Jap territory and disturbance internal law and order.

Emb Paris and Leg Dublin note that Commies capitalizing on sensational emotional type stories on “stumbling, sobbing GIs” such as those filed by Homer Bigart and Marguerite Higgins from Korea. Such stories have helped make Europeans seriously doubt effectiveness US mil support in event Sov aggression Europe.

Replying recent Schuman aide-mémoire calling for reassessment western strategy in light Korean developments, we state that US in full Record with Fr suggestion that closest contact be maintained between US, UK and Fr. We particularly gratified at Fr decision send naval unit to Korean area.

Yugo UN rep Bebler said he becoming personally more concerned possibilities aggression against Yugo. He referred to mounting campaigns in USSR and satellites alleging that Yugo prepares for war on neighbors with US connivance. He intends invite member Amer Progressive Party such as Henry Wallace to inspect Yugo first hand to determine whether Yugo permits fon powers to have milit bases on Yugo soil.

Bebler also commented that it unfortunate Nehru in message to Stalin had given latter opportunity to place Chi UN representation question in front of the aggression in Korea.

US Chargé in Taipei reports that most Amers there believe Commies having little success among civilians, particularly Formosans. However, ample discontent present in armed forces for Commies to work on.

  1. Sent to 38 diplomatic missions and to the Consulates General in Hong Kong and Singapore.