330/7–1850: Telegram
The Ambassador in France (Bruce) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 18—9:23 p. m.]
332. Repeated info London 95. Embtel 331.1 Following is text Schuman aide-mémoire:
[The aide-mémoire, not printed, began by reiterating French support for United Nations opposition to the North Korean aggression and expressed appreciation for United States contributions toward this end. The French note went on to point out that events in Korea after 3 weeks pointed to a protracted conflict rather than a rapid United Nations victory. In this light, and in view of the danger of extension of the fighting, the French Government felt that no opportunity to enter into conversations with the Soviet Union should be neglected, although a North Korean withdrawal to the 38th parallel must remain the fundamental condition of any basis for understanding.
In view of the dangerous situation in the Far East, the French Government called for as close contact as possible with the American and British Governments in the form of consultations aimed at warding off in advance any new perils which might arise and depriving the aggressors of the profit of the initiative. Questions meriting particular attention were the problem of armed intervention by Communist China, United States action in regard to Formosa, Chinese representation in the United Nations, Berlin, the Soviet threat against Yugoslavia, and the Near East situation.
The French note concluded by pointing out that military developments in Korea showed the relative weakness of the Western powers and the need for increased efforts to meet the threat of Communist armed aggression. Tripartite military talks, in addition to the suggested diplomatic discussions involving France, the United Kingdom, and the United States, should be held to discuss the challenge, perhaps in connection with the impending meeting of the Deputies of the North Atlantic Council in London, or within the context of the Standing Group, composed of representatives of the Three Powers, [Page 424] which served in a subordinate capacity to the Military Committee of the North Atlantic Council.2]
- Not printed; it reported the receipt of the message transmitted in telegram 332, from French Foreign Minister Schuman, who stressed the great importance and seriousness attached to it by the French Government (330/7–1850).↩
- The tripartite discussions suggested by the French Government took place on August 3 and 4 in Paris; they were held on the political level and did not involve military talks. For the minutes of the meeting of August 3, see p. 519.↩