357.AD/7–1850: Telegram
The Acting Political Adviser in Japan (Sebald) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 18—8:33 p. m.]
Unnumbered. For OAFE and State Department. Re State Department message 180106Z (sent Tokyo as 102).1 I have discussed matter with General MacArthur who in effect states as follows:
“General MacArthur holds Secretary Romulo in highest esteem and personal regard, but the military situation in Korea does not permit this type of activity at this time. A further objection is the fact that he is the Foreign Minister of the Philippine Islands Republic and has no connection with the UN Commission on Korea. It is believed that his, presence would tend to create friction and misunderstanding which at this time would certainly be most undesirable. If his services are to be employed in the Korean situation it should manifestly be from his UN Headquarters rather than Korea. If any opportunity presents itself in the future to utilize his services here, it will be reported at once.”