795.00/7–1350: Telegram
The Chargé in Korea (Drumright) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 13—10:55 a. m.]
1. Deptel 1 of July 12.1 Foreign correspondents presently devoting entire time to American-held front because of greater news interest also closer proximity to headquarters here. Will try improve their coverage Korean fighting but correspondents not likely accept our suggestions. Suggest use OFL communiqués there to emphasize Korean resistance which still considerable.
While morale ROK Army varies with units, in general ROK still has army in field of over 50,000 men fighting delaying actions stubbornly and some success. Morale lower among Cabinet Ministers who; have not risen to the crisis. Believe this situation will improve when Cabinet assembles with President in Taegu. Will try again there to arrange regular ROK press releases detailing government activities. Meanwhile Provincial Government leaders have done remarkable job maintaining public order. Also activities Railway Administration have been outstanding.
The text of this message read as follows:
“Press here takes view ROK Govt and Army have collapsed entirely and latter offering little resistance leaving US to fight alone. CINCFE sitreps indicate ROK Army showing good resistance. Wld have most salutary effects if press reports emanating there play up ROK Army activities. Request ur comments attitudes and morale both Army and Govt.” (795.00/7–1250)