Memorandum by the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Secretary of Defense (Johnson)
top secret
Washington, July 10,
Subject: U.S. Courses of Action in the Event Soviet Forces Enter Korean Hostilities
- 1.
- In accordance with your memorandum dated 30 June 1950,1 the Joint Chiefs of Staff submit herewith their recommendations as to the course of action to be adopted by the United States in the event that Soviet forces enter Korean hostilities.
- 2.
- The Joint Chiefs of Staff are of the opinion [that] the USSR armed forces should be considered to have entered Korean hostilities when major Soviet combat units engage or clearly indicate their intention of engaging in hostilities against U.S. and/or friendly forces in the Korean hostilities. The Joint Chiefs of Staff are concerned, however, lest political considerations demand excessive commitments of United States military forces and resources in those areas of operations which would not be decisive. In the event the USSR should decide to undertake global war, that nation would be in a position to exploit such United States deployments and commitments and could thus render more effective Soviet over-all war strategy.
- 3.
- Preliminary to, or in the initial stages of a global war, it would be militarily unsound for the United States to commit large forces against the USSR in an area of slight strategic importance, as well as one of Soviet choice. Therefore, if major USSR combat units should at any time during military operations in the Korea area of hostilities engage or clearly indicate their intention of engaging in hostilities against U. S. and/or friendly forces the U. S. should prepare to minimize its commitment in Korea and prepare to execute war plans. These preparations should include initiation of full-scale mobilization.
- 4.
- In connection with the preceding paragraphs, the Joint Chiefs of Staff would advise that, by their direction, the matters set forth therein are being kept under continuing study with a view to timely submission in accordance with development of suitable recommendations.2
For the Joint Chiefs of Staff:
Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff
Omar N. Bradley
Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff
- Not printed.↩
- This memorandum was forwarded to the Executive Secretary of the NSC (Lay) by Secretary of Defense Johnson with a statement of his concurrence. Mr. Lay submitted it to the NSC as NSC 76, under date of July 21, for consideration at the 62nd NSC meeting scheduled for July 27 (NSC files). For the comments of the Department of State on NSC 76, see the enclosure to NSC 76/1 under date of July 25, p. 475.↩