795.00/7–350: Telegram

The Ambassador in Korea (Muccio) to the Secretary of State


10. Mytel 7, July 3.1 Enemy thrusts through Yongen and Songjongni do not appear to have made much progress today. Enemy believed to have pushed considerable number troops and equipment across Han River below Seoul with air opposition seemingly light. New threat has developed to east, this time in Yoju and Wonju areas which reportedly in enemy hands and with enemy advancing rapidly southeast. This enemy thrust evidently came from Chunchon direction and represents break through 6th division defenses.

Rhee arrived in Pusan yesterday by sea from Mokpo and is evincing strong desire return Taejon. About 105 assemblymen have registered with Assembly secretariat and others are known to have gone [Page 302] to constituencies in south. Cabinet had inaugurated informal meetings, though there little evidence of government offices being set up in Taejon. People more calm here today than any time since outbreak hostilities. Commodity prices have risen somewhat Taejon where influx of refugees relatively great, but little elsewhere.

Department pass CINCFE.

  1. Not printed.