795.00/6–2950: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Moscow

top secret

7. Embtel 1768 June 29. Development close relations Kapur Ind Emb highly commendable. Dept has found recent Embtels reporting his views extremely interesting. FYI although Dept gave Amb Pandit advance notice Pres statement of June 27, successful discussions with Indians on Korea culminating GOI acceptance SC Res June 27 conducted entirely New Delhi by Amb Henderson. Although reftel not recd until after GOI acceptance, in point fact, content, tone, and method Henderson’s representations to Nehru Bajpai very similar Kapur’s proposals. No special appeals such as msg from Pres or Secy utilized. No action being taken however along lines Kapur’s idea of SYG appealing Nehru. Dept agrees Kapur’s brief might be useful in future approaches GOI leaders.
