Editorial Note
The United Nations Security Council held its 475th meeting on June 30 from 3:00 to 5:40 p. m. to discuss the situation in Korea; for the record of the meeting, see U.N. document S/PV.475. During the course of the meeting, the Egyptian delegate explained his Government’s abstention on the June 27 resolution, while the Indian Delegate read the statement of the Government of India supporting that resolution. The Security Council also took note of a number of communications from member states indicating support and in some cases offers of assistance for the United Nations decisions on Korea. The French representative replied to a Soviet statement (U.N. document S/1517) denying the legal force of the June 27 resolution. Ambassador Austin reported on the press release concerning President Truman’s decisions on intensification of United States military action in Korea. Before the conclusion of the meeting, the President of the Council (Rau) read aloud the text of U.N. document S/1518, a communication from UNCOK transmitting a report dated June 24 from UNCOK’s field observers of a trip along the 38th parallel just prior to the outbreak of hostilities. The report had concluded that the ROK forces were organized entirely for defense and were in no position to carry out a large scale attack against North Korea.