795.00/12–1250: Circular telegram
The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Missions 1
263. Observers seeking rationalize conduct Chi Commies in invading Korea are strongly attracted to hopeful hypothesis that their action reflects neither their subordination to Moscow’s drive to weaken and destroy free world nor expansionist momentum inevitably developed by totalitarian regime seeking justify suppressive rule by rousing hysterical popular fears of fon enemy, but that, on contrary, Chi Commies motivated by genuine misunderstanding US purposes, which they see as comprising mil operations against mainland. According this theory, such misunderstanding has been encouraged by USSR, exploited by Chi Natls, given substance by extremist demands of Amer supporters of Chiang Kai-shek and interposition Seventh Fleet Formosan Straits, and confirmed by intentions credited to UN Commander. Corollary this theory is that reasonable settlement Korean conflict could be made on basis delivery Formosa and UK seat to Peiping. Effect is stigmatize US for failing agree compromise averting danger general war.
Obvious it essential all US officials expose fallacy this reasoning whenever encountered.
Our position in final analysis rests upon fact that if Chi Commie regime desires normal relations with us and is primarily concerned with welfare China and not with advancement Bolshevik interests or extension control over neighboring countries, then specific problems at issue between us—Formosa, representation UN, Korea, etc.—will fall naturally into perspective and prove soluble, but that if this is not desire Chi Commies, if in fact they are dedicated overthrow national govts other Asian states and destruction free world along orthodox Bolshevik lines, then attempts solve specific issues by concessions to their demands will prove futile and merely whet their appetites.
From time Chi Commies took Mukden, Peiping, and Nanking they had every opportunity explore our position in talks with US officials. Indeed, on numerous occasions when issues arose between us, our officials sought discussion with their authorities and were shunted aside. By outrageous treatment our reps in disregard all civilized standards, by encouragement extortionate demands and riotous action on part local employees our offices, by arbitrary and illegal seizure US official property, Chi Commies made plain they uninterested reaching any understanding and made impossible our maintenance any representation [Page 1533] Chi mainland. Withdrawal US officials by no means closed avenues possible exploratory talks between US and Chi Commie authorities, but consistent imperious aloofness latter has made unmistakable they totally disinclined any contact with us.
On our side we have taken every opportunity give assurance our belief in inherent congruence genuine Chi and. Amer interests, our lack any desire seek voice in internal affairs Chi, and our intention observe scrupulously inviolability frontier China. In face serious provocation represented by attacks on UN planes by Commie craft sallying from and returning to Manchurian sanctuary, UN Commander has exhibited exemplary restraint. We have offered compensation any confirmed damage Chi side border inflicted by US planes in ignorance their whereabouts.
For their part, Chi Commies have from start subjected us to unrelieved stream of vituperation, singling us out among all nations for most violent vilification, exhibiting utter disregard truth and absence any desire ascertain it. While not one threatening gesture made their direction by UN Commander (who, be it noted, had received and declined offer Chi Natls supply 30,000 troops Korea), Chi Commies hurled half-million men against UN forces which supported by 54 nations UN (as well as by number other free nations whose membership UN blackballed by USSR although they far more eligible to be admitted UN than Peiping regime to represent Chi in UN) and which were on point winding up campaign with declared purpose thereupon withdrawing.
Plain fact is that given Chi Commie intentions as revealed, danger present serious situation was implicit in first response by UN to unprovoked assault on ROK by No Koreans and could not have been avoided by any action on part UN or US short of acquiescence in elimination ROK, which would have destroyed finally principle collective security and have left UN moribund.
Insofar as link-up of Formosa with Korea by intervention Seventh Fleet may be adduced as factor in Chi Commie invasion Korea, important remember that Seventh Fleet was placed Formosan Strait after aggression against ROK, which incontrovertibly must have had Chi Commies acquiescence and in fact, as now known, had their active support. Commie aggression against ROK preceded isolation of Formosa. Note also US simultaneously required Natls cease all attacks against mainland. Therefore isolation Formosa cannot be considered cause of Chi Commie intervention in Korea.
US maintains position that (1) aggression in one area cannot be recompensed by rewards in another, (2) solution Korea requires cessation Chi Commie aggression, (3) end Chi aggression and settlement Korea on basis satisfactory to UN must not be connected with negotiation [Page 1534] other issues such as UN rep and Formosa, (4) these issues are before UN, and while UN may have shortcomings, it is only agency we have for collective expression judgment of mankind, and (5) surrender to Chi Commie terrorization on these issues would speedily be followed by decisive further Chi Commie aid to Indochinese Commies, irresistible pressure on Thai Govt, advancement Chi claims to North Burma, stepped-up invasion Tibet, and tipping of now balanced scales in Malaya in favor of Chi Commie guerrillas.
US can only regard tendency adduce extenuating circumstances in conduct Peiping as testifying to success Soviet strategy. For it now unmistakable to anyone that while strains emitted by Peiping are Chi, organist is Russian and Dept is impelled to conclude that consistent singling out of US as enemy China by Peiping propaganda was essential element Soviet effort refrain from hardening attitude other countries toward Peiping and lead cleavage free world at time its greatest peril.
- This message was sent to all diplomatic missions outside the Western Hemisphere and to Frankfort; it was repeated by airgram to all the Western Hemisphere posts and to Tangier, Tripoli, and Tunis.↩