790B.5/7–2150: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Burma


43. Provisional info policy guidance on mil aid to SEA.

Mil aid SEA shld be publicized as positive force undertaken aid govts requesting assistance creating conditions under which polit, social, econ progress can be made despite hindrance Commie inspired subversion revolt, mil threat, intimidation. Make clear aid each country undertaken as program supplemental assistance. Primary responsibility mtg threat to SEA falls on govt and people country concerned and on (this sensitive point) nation or nations committed to maintenance its security. Aid provided by US contribution toward realization common objectives peace and orderly democratic development, but shld be clearly indicated such assistance supplemental efforts govt and people who have primary responsibility.

Limit reports for public media relating recipients, items, quantity mil aid, timing shipments and deliveries to info contained official releases.

Observe care reporting US mil aid SEA for fol reasons:

Govts SEA particularly sensitive anything can be construed as interfering with sovereignty or indicating lack confidence in ability run themselves.
There is considerable continuing suspicion Western Imperialism (domination by Colonial Power), generally more feared than Communism, may attempt reassert itself.
All countries SEA, regardless feelings toward Communism, wish avoid label camp-followers anti-Commie Western Bloc.
Extensive Commie propaganda machine SEA which will miss no opportunity distort objectives and results Amer mil aid.

Fol cautions shld be observed reporting US Mil Defense Aid SEA:

Editorial comment from Amer press substantially correct in fol official releases may be cautiously used but avoid labels for SEA “bastion defence against Communism” “anti-Commie front” “cold war” etc.
Do not pick up comparisons US mil aid Europe with SEA.
Use every opportunity make point mil and econ assistance interdependent in SEA. Econ, social, polit progress must have climate stability, law and order estab through efforts each country SEA—this strongest possible contribution peace SEA and world.
Avoid predictions or comments concerning future mil or econ aid. While recipient govts and people shld not be encouraged look on assistance programs as commitments to continue aid, impression shld not be given that US without continuing interest in welfare free nations SEA.
Play Indo-China aid sparingly for record to Burma.
