List of abbreviations and symbols
Editor’s Note.—This list does not include standard abbreviations in common usage; unusual abbreviations of rare occurrence which are clarified at appropriate points; and those abbreviations and contractions which, although uncommon, are understandable from the context.
- ACJ, Allied Council for Japan
- ANETA, Algemeen Nieuws en Telegraaf Agentschap (semi-official Dutch News Agency)
- ANZAC, Australia-New Zealand
- AP, Associated Press
- APRI(S), Angkatan Perang Republik Indonesia Serikat (Army of the Republic of the United States of Indonesia)
- AS, Associated States
- Belto, series indicator for telegrams from the United States Economic Survey Mission to the Philippines (the Bell Mission)
- BFO, Bijeenkomst voor Federal Overleg (Federal Consultative Council of Indonesia)
- BNA, Office of British Commonwealth and Northern European Affairs, Department of State
- BSM, British Services Mission
- BOSEY, Board of Supplies, Executive Yuan (Republic of China)
- Delga, series indicator for telegrams from the United States Delegation to the United Nations General Assembly
- Depcirtel, Department of State circular telegram
- DepHiCom, Deputy High Commissioner
- Depins, Department of State instruction
- Deptel, Department of State telegram
- Depto, series indicator for telegrams from the United States Deputy Representative to the NATO Council
- DI, Darul Islam (the Islamic State)
- E, Office of the Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
- ECA, Economic Cooperation Administration
- ECA/W, Headquarters of the Economic Cooperation Administration at Washington
- Ecato, series indicator for telegrams from the Economic Cooperation Administration in Washington to its missions abroad
- ECOSOC, Economic and Social Council of the United Nations
- EE, Office of Eastern European Affairs, Department of State
- Embtel, Embassy telegram
- ER, Economic Resources and Security Staff, Department of State
- EUR, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
- Excon, designation for telegrams dealing with the export control program
- Ex-Im, Export-Import Bank of Washington
- FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization
- FCED, friendship, commerce, and economic development
- FCN, friendship, commerce, and navigation (treaty)
- FE, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State
- FEAF, Far East Air Forces
- FEC, Far Eastern Commission; or Far East Command
- FECom, Far East Command
- FLR, Formosan League for Re-emancipation
- FMACC, Foreign Military Assistance Coordinating Committee
- FonMin, Foreign Minister
- FonMinConf, Foreign Ministers’ Conference
- FonOff, Foreign Office
- FP, Division of Foreign Service Personnel, Department of State
- FSO, Foreign Service Officer
- FYI, for your information
- G, Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of State
- GA, General Assembly of the United Nations
- Gadel, series indicator for telegrams to the United States Delegation to the United Nations General Assembly
- GARIOA, Government and Relief in Occupied Areas
- GATT, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
- GEA, Office of German Economic Affairs, Department of State
- GER, Bureau of German Affairs, Department of State
- GHQ, General Headquarters
- Gimo, Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek
- GOC, Committee of Good Offices for Indonesia of the United Nations Security Council
- GOI, Government of India
- HC, High Commission (er)
- HICOG, United States High Commissioner for Germany
- HICOM, High Commission (er) for Germany
- HMB, Hukbong Mapagpalaya ng Bayan (People’s Liberation Army), the military arm of the Communist Party of the Philippines
- HMG, His Majesty’s Government (United Kingdom)
- HRTC, Hague Round Table Conference
- Huk, Hukbong Mapagpalaya ng Bayan (People’s Liberation Army), the military arm of the Communist Party of the Philippines
- IBRD, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- IC, Indochina
- IMF, International Monetary Fund
- intel, circular information telegram
- IO, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State (after August 25, 1954)
- ITO, International Trade Organization
- JCRR, Joint (United States-Chinese) Commission on Rural Reconstruction (Taiwan)
- JCS, Joint Chiefs of Staff
- JMP, jenminpiao (Chinese Communist currency)
- JSM, Joint Survey Mission
- JUSMAG, Joint United States Military Advisory Group
- KL, Koninklijke Leger (Royal Netherlands Army)
- KMT, Kuomintang (Nationalist Party), Republic of China
- KNIL, Koninklijke Nederlandsche Indische Leger (Royal Netherlands Indonesian Army)
- KPM, Koninklyke Paketvoart Maatschappy (Dutch Merchant Marine)
- L, Office of the Legal Adviser, Department of State
- LCI, landing craft, infantry
- LCVP, landing craft, vehicle, and personnel
- Legtel, Legation telegram
- LSSL, landing ship, support (large)
- LST, landing ship, tank
- MA, Military Attaché
- MAAG, Military Assistance Advisory Group
- MAP, Military Assistance Program
- Masjumi, Madjelis Sjuro Muslimin Indonesia (Council of the Indonesian Moslem Association)
- MDAA, Mutual Defense Assistance Act
- MDAP, Mutual Defense Assistance Program
- MEA, Ministry of External Affairs
- MFN, most favored nation
- MilEx, Military Executive Board
- MilOb, Military Observer
- MinExtAff, Ministry of External Affairs
- mytel, my telegram
- NA, Naval Attaché; or Office of Northeast Asian Affairs, Department of State
- NAC, National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems
- NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- NCO, noncommissioned officer
- NEA, Bureau of Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs, Department of State
- negara, administrative unit (state) in Indonesia
- NEI, Netherlands East Indies
- NG, New Guinea
- niact, night action, communications indicator requiring attention by the recipient at any hour of the day or night
- NKVD, Soviet secret police
- NME, National Military Establishment
- NNG, Netherlands New Guinea
- Nr, number
- NRC, Nationalist Republic of China
- Nrd, numbered
- NSC, National Security Council
- OFLC, Office of the Foreign Liquidation Commissioner, Department of State
- OIR, Office of Intelligence Research, Department of State
- OIT, Office of International Trade, Department of Commerce
- OJEIRF, Occupied Japan Export-Import Revolving Fund
- OMP, Office of International Materials Policy, Department of State
- OOF, Office of Operating Facilities, Department of State
- OSD, Office of the Secretary of Defense
- OUSEU, Office of the Under Secretary of the Army (United States)
- P, Office of the Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs
- PC’s, participating countries
- PLA, People’s Liberation Army (of the People’s Republic of China)
- PM, Prime Minister
- PNI, Partai Nasional Indonesia (Indonesian Nationalist Party)
- POC, Peace Observation Commission
- POL, petroleum, oil, and lubricants
- PolAd, Political Adviser
- PSA, Office of Philippine and Southeast Asian Affairs
- R procedure, requirement for Department of Commerce licenses for export of certain items
- RA, Office of European Regional Affairs, Department of State
- reDepintel, regarding Department of State circular information telegram
- reDeptel, regarding Department of State telegram
- refEmbtel, reference Embassy telegram
- reurtel, regarding your telegram
- RFC, Reconstruction Finance Corporation
- RI, Republic of Indonesia
- RIS, Republik Indonesia Serikal (Republic of the United States of Indonesia)
- RNIA, Royal Netherlands Indies Army
- RTC, Round Table Conference
- RUSI, Republic of the United States of Indonesia
- S, Office of the Secretary of State
- S/A, Office of the Ambassador at Large (Jessup)
- S/MDA, Office of the Director of the Mutual Defense Assistance Program, Department of State
- S/P, Policy Planning Staff, Department of State
- S/S, Executive Secretariat, Department of State
- SAOUS, Office of the Secretary of the Army (United States)
- SC, Security Council of the United Nations
- SCAP, Supreme Commander for the Allied Power in Japan
- SEA, Southeast Asia
- SEAC, Southeast Asia Aid Committee
- SEAU, Southeast Asian Union
- SOA, Office of South Asian Affairs, Department of State
- SOBSI, Sentral Organisasi Buruh Seluruh Indonesia (Central Organization of all Indonesian Labor, the largest trade union federation in Indonesia)
- SRO, Shanghai Regional Office of the Economic Cooperation Administration
- Stanvac, Standard-Vacuum Oil Company
- STEM, United States Special Technical and Economic Mission
- SYG, Secretary-General
- Telcan, series indicator for telegrams to branch of the United States Embassy in China at Canton
- TIAS, Treaties and Other International Acts Series
- TNI, Tentara Nasional Indonesia (Indonesian National Army)
- Tobel, series indicator for telegrams to the United States Economic Survey Mission to the Philippines (the Bell Mission)
- Todep, series indicator for telegrams to the United States Deputy Representative to the NATO Council
- TO&E, Table of Organization and Equipment
- Toeca, series indicator for telegrams to the Economic Cooperation Administration in Washington from its missions abroad
- Tomap, designation for telegrams concerned with the Mutual Defense Assistance Program
- TopSec, Top Secret
- Tosec, series indicator for messages to the Secretary of State when he is absent from the Department; or series indicator for messages to the United States Delegation at the May and September Foreign Ministers meetings
- Totib, series indicator for telegrams concerning Tibet
- TOW, termination of war
- U, Office of the Under Secretary of State
- UKHC, United Kingdom High Commissioner
- UKG, United Kingdom Government
- UNA, Bureau of United Nations Affairs, Department of State
- UNCI (UNCFI), United Nations Commission for Indonesia
- UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
- UNO, United Nations Organization
- UP, United Press
- urtel, your telegram
- USDel, United States Delegation
- USGOC, United States Delegation to the Committee of Good Offices for Indonesia of the United Nations Security Council; or series indicator for telegrams to the Delegation
- USI, United States of Indonesia (Republic of)
- USIE, United States Information and Educational Exchange Program
- USIS, United States Information Service
- UST, United States Treaties and Other International Agreements
- VM, Viet Minh, abbreviation for Viet-Nam-Doc-Lap-Dong-Minh-Hoi (League for the Independence of Viet-Nam)
- VN, Viet-Nam
- VOA, Voice of America
- WE, Office of Western European Affairs, Department of State
- Weeka, weekly, inter-agency, summary analysis from United States diplomatic missions
- WFTU, World Federation of Trade Unions
- WHO, World Health Organization
- ZI, Zone of the Interior