[Page [1542]] [Page 1543]- Abbott, George M., 18n , 698–699, 702–703, 705–709, 715–716, 725–730, 769
- Acheson, Dean G.:
- Asia: U.S. military assistance program for, 4, 8; U.S. policy toward, 4, 19, 29–30, 35, 70, 157–158, 162, 181, 275, 311–312, 322, 326, 832, 1348n , 1401, 1403, 1405, 1412
- Australia, U.S. relations with, 211–212, 222–223, 225–228
- Burma, U.S. relations with, 78, 232–233, 254–255
- China, People’s Republic of: Attitude toward the United States, 394; relations with the Soviet Union, 294–296, 308–312; representation in the United Nations, question of, 519–520; seizure of U.S. government property, 273, 275–276, 286, 306–307, 321–322; situation in, 269–270, 289, 294, 300–302, 305n , 318, 327–328, 482; U.S. policy toward, 553–554, 582, 851–852, 854–856, 867, 1067; U.S. recognition, question of, 348n
- China, Republic of: Cessation of air and sea operations against mainland, 399–400, 416, 419, 513, 524; Chinese Air Force attacks on U.S. government property in Shanghai, U.S. protest against, 306–307, 313n ; military situation, 335, 340, 359; U.S. economic assistance, 277–278, 293; U.S. military assistance, 277, 316–317, 325–326, 333, 339, 346–347, 351–352, 379, 383, 387, 579, 603–604, 617
- Chinese Nationalist troops in Burma, 246–247, 249–250
- Colombo plan, 146, 159–161
- Conference of U.S. chiefs of mission in the Far East, 18–19, 27–29
- Foreign Ministers’ conference at London, 1020n , 1163
- Guerrilla activities in mainland China, 609–611
- Indian policy toward People’s Republic of China, 613n
- Indochina:
- U.S. economic assistance, 94, 715, 761, 764, 768, 785–786, 790–791, 801–802, 809, 813, 815, 819–820, 853, 932–934
- U.S. military assistance, 40–45, 94, 748–749, 751n , 772, 788, 792, 833–837, 844, 849, 870, 882, 893, 899–900, 901n , 909–910, 924, 935–936, 943
- U.S. policy toward, 691–700, 702–705, 707, 711, 716–722, 724–728, 730–735, 738–743, 747, 749, 752–753, 761–762, 765, 768–773, 776, 778, 780, 789, 793–794, 799, 802, 812, 819, 821–823, 827–829, 831, 839, 859–860, 863–864, 868–870, 873–874, 876–878, 880–881, 886, 890, 894, 898–899, 902, 906, 909, 913–914, 917, 920–921, 924–925, 930, 934–936, 938–941, 944, 949, 954, 958, 1415–1416
- Indonesia: U.S. economic assistance, 978, 1011; U.S. military assistance, 964–966, 1030, 1037, 1046, 1051, 1078, 1098; U.S. policy, 967, 969, 971, 973, 979–981, 983–985, 987, 992, 993n , 995–1000, 1005, 1007, 1009, 1017, 1019, 1027, 1029–1030, 1033–1034, 1037, 1039–1040, 1043–1045, 1053–1054, 1059–1060, 1074, 1076, 1081–1087, 1089–1090, 1092–1093, 1095–1096, 1099, 1104
- Japan: U.S. military bases, 1169, 1270; U.S. policy, 1348
- Japanese peace treaty, 1112n , 1113, 1117, 1126n , 1129, 1138–1140, 1150, 1153–1154, 1156–1161, 1171–1172, 1173n , 1174–1181, 1191–1193, 1198–1200, 1207, 1212–1213, 1228, 1229n , 1230n , 1243, 1254–1255, 1258–1259, 1261–1262, 1264–1265, 1268, 1272–1273, 1276–1278, 1282, 1284–1285, 1288, 1292–1296, 1303, 1307n , 1233n , 1351n , 1358–1359, 1363–1367, 1383n , 1385, 1391–1392, 1413–1414
- Jessup fact-finding mission to the Far East, 11n , 68, 698n , 1109
- Korean war, 553–554, 940–941
- MacArthur message to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention, 451–462
- MacArthur visit to Taiwan, 405–406, 410, 412, 415, 417–419
- Malaya, U.S. economic and technical assistance, 130–131
- Manchurian cities, charges concerning U.S. bombing of, 462
- New Guinea, Western, dispute between the Netherlands and Indonesia regarding disposition of, 1087, 1100, 1103–1106
- North Atlantic Council, 1065n
- Pacific pact, proposed, 45, 63–65, 81–82, 121, 148–149, 213, 215, 218, 220, 224, 1354
- Philippines, U.S. policy toward the, 172, 1399, 1401–1417, 1419–1423, 1425–1427, 1429n , 1430n , 1433, 1440–1446, 1450, 1452, 1456–1458, 1464–1468, 1472–1474, 1480–1483, 1495, 1503–1504, 1507–1508, 1510n , 1512, 1514n , 1523–1528
- Photo reconnaissance of certain portions of the China mainland coast, 395n , 404–405, 407n
- Southeast Asia: Proposed conference on illegal arms traffic, 86–87, 92, 100, 102; U.S. military aid, 120; U.S. technical assistance, 3–4, 24–25, 28, 79
- Southeast Asia Aid Policy Committee, 886n
- Southeast Asian Association, proposed, 1, 3n
- Southeast Asian Conference at Baguio, 26–27, 35, 85–86, 101
- Soviet political and military objectives, 128
- Statement at San Francisco on U.S. policy in the Pacific, 63–64, 67
- Statement before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, 45
- Strategic materials, U.S. stockpiling program for, 133–134
- Taiwan: Defense of, 330, 371, 380–381, 423; political situation, 323, 335, 356–357, 376, 378, 384, 509; U.S. policy, 76, 257–264, 347–349, 366–371, 373–374, 385, 387–388, 390–391, 396–398, 401–404, 406, 411, 413, 431–439, 441–443, 446, 449, 466, 468–469, 472–476, 478–485, 488–490, 491n , 492–493, 497, 500, 501n , 505, 507–508, 513, 516–517, 519n , 521, 528, 532–534, 536, 541–542, 544, 550, 552, 554–555, 556n , 559, 572–573, 576, 579, 585–589, 599, 601–602, 603n , 604
- Thailand, U.S. military assistance for, 40–43, 115–117, 134–135, 152, 415–416
- Tibet, U.S. policy toward, 272, 275–276, 283, 285, 314–315, 317, 330–331, 358, 361, 364–365, 376, 386–387, 424, 426, 430, 440, 449, 493, 531, 540, 545, 548, 550, 551n , 577–578, 583–584, 602–603, 611–612, 618
- U.S. Air Force jet planes on Taiwan, 410
- U.S. military survey mission to Southeast Asia, 113–115, 115n , 157, 186, 247, 252
- U.S. technical assistance mission to Southeast Asia, 64
- U.S. trade embargo against the People’s Republic of China and North Korea, 158–159, 621–622, 625–628, 632–640, 642–649, 651, 653–657, 662–663, 666–668, 675–678, 681–683, 687–688
- Visit to the United States by Australian Prime Minister Menzies, 197, 198n , 199, 202–206, 208–209, 210n
- Adams, Harold, 107
- Adams, John, 107
- Adams, Quincy, 91
- Afghanistan, 10, 51, 69, 78
- Africa, 282, 743
- Agriculture, U.S. Department of, 10, 142–143, 352n
- Air Force, U.S. Department of the, 351–352, 363, 604, 1318, 1531
- Albaugh, 341
- Alessandri, Gen. Marcel, 48, 705, 754, 797, 832, 841, 849–850, 866, 874, 877, 883, 892, 915
- Aleutian Islands, 396, 435, 451
- Alexander, George H., 174–176
- Alimin, Prawirodirjo, 988
- Allen, George V., 753n
- Allen, Ward P., 149–152
- Allied High Commission in the Federal Republic of Germany, 810
- Allison, John M., 20–21, 92, 121–123, 534–536, 542, 544, 556–559, 563–564, 566–567, 569, 574, 1137n , 1150n , 1154, 1167–1168, 1174–1175, 1182, 1185–1186, 1201–1205, 1207, 1212–1213, 1223, 1227n , 1229n , 1230–1231, 1235, 1237, 1241–1242, 1243n , 1244, 1247–1248, 1250–1251, 1262, 1264n , 1265, 1271n , 1273, 1282–1284, 1288–1292, 1303, 1306, 1307n , 1308, 1311–1313, 1321–1322, 1324, 1325n , 1329n , 1332, 1336, 1344, 1349n , 1352–1356, 1359, 1374, 1379–1382, 1494n
- Alphand, Hervé, 136, 859, 861, 870, 874
- Anak Agung Gde Agung, 980–982, 996, 1002, 1006, 1019
- Anderson, Maj. Gen. Jonathan, 1418n
- Andrews, Stanley, 14n , 24, 142–143
- Anglo-American political and military conversations, 119, 153, 384–385
- Antarctica, 196, 1328
- Argentina, 1039, 1184
- Armstrong, W. Park, 347, 1509
- Armstrong, Willis C., 131, 174–175, 651
- Army, U.S. Department of the, 34, 316, 351–352, 374n , 619–620, 622, 685–686, 1135, 1152, 1198, 1206–1207, 1223n , 1224, 1248, 1250, 1252, 1254, 1313n , 1317–1318, 1339, 1344, 1374n , 1383, 1393–1394, 1396–1397, 1421–1423
- Asanuma, Inejiro, 1234
- Asia: Balance of power, 18n , 19, 27–28, 73–74, 349–350; China, People’s Republic of, influence of, 1517; Communist threat, 6, 29–30, 137–139, 143–144, 157–158, 282, 605, 607, 717, 750, 798, 880, 965, 1064, 1109–1110, 1142, 1404; land reform, 142–146; regional association, proposed, 19–21, 30, 35, 74, 122, 147, 150, 231, 977, 1124, 1126, 1412–1413, 1432; Soviet influence, 192, 1098, 1109, 1141, 1226; U.S. information and educational exchange program, 21–24, 35; U.S. military assistance program, 4–9; U.S. policy, 4, 19, 27n , 29–35, 103, 136–138, 162–164, 181, 275, 282, 415–416, 435, 442, 451–453, 498, 560, 562, 565–567, 607, 621, 626, 632, 637–638, 692, 832, 863–864, 889, 976–977, 1109, 1126, 1134, 1140, 1142, 1215, 1229n , 1357, 1361, 1364, 1384, 1387, 1401, 1403, 1405, 1412, 1442
- Asian states, 14–15, 20
- Assaat, 1065
- Atienza, Hermenegildo, 1417–1418
- Attlee, Clement R., 164, 588, 599–600, 604n , 941, 1097n , 1356
- Auriol, Vincent, 691n , 695, 716–720, 760–761, 776, 817–819, 821–822, 828, 859, 869, 916, 920, 936
- Austin, Warren R.: China, Republic of, political situation in the, 315–316; Chinese representation question, 508–509, 519; Indonesian membership in the United Nations, 1066; Indonesian question, 1092n ; Manchurian cities, charges concerning U.S. bombing of, 463n ; Pacific pact, proposed, 148; Taiwan, U.S. policy toward, 450–451, 454, 461–462, 466, 469–473, 479, 485, 508–509, 528–529, 558–560, 564–566, 569, 571–573, 576
- Australia (see also Country positions
Japanese peace treaty):
- Antarctic, claims to the, 196
- Arms traffic problem in Southeast Asia, 86
- Burma, relations with, 12
- China, People’s Republic of, policy toward, 66, 192–193, 221–222, 258, 558
- Colombo plan, 65–66, 201, 203, 220–221, 227
- Commonwealth role, 188, 195, 197, 200–201, 218, 227
- Communist movement, 195–196, 217
- Immigration program, 196–197, 199n , 200n , 203–206, 208–209, 217, 227
- Indochina, policy toward, 691, 693
- Indonesia, relations with, 190–191, 203n , 1095
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development loan, 194, 203–204, 206–207, 209–211, 227
- Japan, policy toward, 47, 66, 192, 200, 203, 211, 220, 222, 780
- Korean war, support for the United States and the United Nations in the, 200, 202, 204n , 205, 208n , 209, 211, 215, 217–219, 223, 225–226, 1055
- Manus Island, proposal for U.S. military bases on, 66, 81–82, 200n , 202, 211–212, 219n , 221–222
- Military mission to the United States, proposed, 225–228
- Nauru, administering power for, 191
- New Guinea, Eastern, administering power for, 191
- New Guinea, Western (Netherlands), policy regarding disposition of, 191, 202–203, 219n , 221, 223, 981, 986, 990, 1017–1018, 1059–1062, 1068, 1074, 1095, 1101–1102, 1104
- New Zealand, relations with, 195
- Pacific pact, proposed, 20, 26, 45, 47, 54, 63–67, 147–152, 163, 195, 199n , 200n , 202, 207–208, 213, 215–219, 223–224, 226–227, 1308, 1321, 1350, 1354, 1356–1357, 1360–1362, 1363n , 1366, 1369
- Papua, proposed administrative union with New Guinea, 191, 986, 1101
- Southeast Asian association, attitude toward, 2, 169, 195, 1413
- Southeast Asian conference at Baguio, attitude toward, 20–21, 26–27, 35n , 36–37, 54, 64, 66, 82–83, 101, 753
- Soviet Union, policy toward, 190, 192, 195
- Supreme Commander, Allied Powers, Japan, attitude toward, 192
- Taiwan, policy toward, 219n , 221
- Tariff preferences, 193
- Taxation, double, agreement with the United States, negotiations concerning, 66, 81, 194, 211
- Trade policies, 193–194
- Treaty of friendship with the United States, negotiations concerning, 66, 81, 82n , 194, 204, 211
- U.N. role, 190, 220, 492, 1372
- U.N. Trusteeship Council, member of, 191
- U.S. economic and technical assistance, 194, 197, 199n , 200n , 203–211
- U.S. policy toward, 189–197, 200–201, 453, 1330
- Vietnam, recognition of, 101
- Visit to the United States by Prime Minister Menzies, July 27–Aug. 7, 1950, 197–211, 215, 220
- Wool allocations, negotiations concerning, 222–224
- Austria, 1198, 1284
- Austrian peace treaty, draft, 1249, 1334
- Aziz, Col. Abdul, 1009–1011, 1021
- Babcock, Col. Stanton, 1291, 1306–1309, 1321–1325, 1332–1336, 1350, 1352, 1356, 1359, 1373n
- Bacon, Ruth, 92
- Baeyens, Jacques, 409, 815
- Bajpai, Sir Girja Shankar, 74, 368–369, 371–372, 415, 426, 430–431, 433, 439–441, 446–449, 469, 476–480, 482–483, 495, 506–507, 531, 545–550, 578, 584, 602–603, 611, 613–615, 778–780
- Baldwin, Hanson, 608
- Bancroft, Harding F., 504
- Bao Dai, 10, 30, 47–48, 60, 69, 88–89, 93, 101, 109, 185, 242, 690, 691n , 692–694, 696–704, 706–708, 711, 713–718, 719n , 720, 724–727, 731, 735n , 739, 743, 747–751, 753–755, 757–758, 760, 762–764, 766, 768–769, 771, 777–779, 783, 793–797, 804–806, 808–809, 813, 819–830, 833, 837, 839, 841, 853, 859–862, 865–867, 869, 873–874, 877, 883–886, 898–899, 901–905, 910–914, 916–917, 919–921, 926, 930–931, 936–939, 944, 949, 954–955, 960, 970, 1011, 1406–1407, 1415, 1536
- Barclay, R. E., 146, 1116n
- Barnett, Robert W., 92, 524, 526–528, 622–624, 660–661, 669
- Barrett, Col. David D., 443, 1437
- Barrett, Edward W., 68, 681
- Barrington, J., 1325n
- Battle, Lucius D., 146, 330n , 453–460, 534, 668, 794n , 1017, 1115n , 1172n , 1293n , 1354
- Beam, Jacob D., 966–967, 1093–1095
- Bebler, Aleš, 505–506
- Beel, L. J. M., 1004
- Belgium, 34, 492, 558, 575, 620–621, 626–627, 633, 642, 645, 648, 656n , 810, 1101
- Bell, Daniel W., 172, 178–179, 1467–1472, 1473n , 1474–1483, 1490–1492, 1494–1495, 1497n , 1503–1507, 1508n , 1509, 1513, 1523, 1525–1527
- Bell, John O., 55, 57, 107, 112, 501–503, 508, 547
- Bender, Elmer C., 299–302, 322, 329, 353
- Benelux countries, 966
- Benham, Mr., 12
- Berendsen, Sir Carl, 20, 576, 1322
- Berlin question, 369, 1158, 1196
- Bernstein, Edward M., 1481, 1490n , 1497n , 1504
- Bessac, Frank, 358
- Bevin, Ernest: China, People’s Republic of, British policy toward, 184, 421; Colombo plan, 146; Far East, British position in, 73; Foreign Ministers’ meetings, 218n , 1020n ; Indochina, British policy toward, 47, 691, 719, 757, 874, 876, 880n , 881; Indonesia, British policy toward, 1076n ; Japan, British policy toward, 1348–1349; Japanese peace treaty, 220, 1116, 1121, 1132, 1156–1157, 1174–1175, 1180–1181, 1186, 1189, 1191–1193, 1198–1200, 1293, 1303, 1307n , 1392; Taiwan, British policy toward, 396–399, 431n , 468, 474–475, 500, 505; trade embargo against People’s Republic of China and North Korea, 643, 679
- Bhutan, 364n
- Bidault, Georges, 695, 719, 721, 743–744, 757, 759–761, 793, 852n , 862–863
- Bijaya, 332
- Billington, Douglas J., 214
- Bishop, Max W., 636–638, 666
- Bissell, Richard M., 123, 801–802, 809–812
- Black, Eugene, 207, 210, 211n
- Blair, Lt. Col. J. E., 107, 115
- Blaisdell, Thomas, 641, 663, 666
- Blakeslee, George H., 1247n
- Blancké, W. W., 881–882, 909, 914
- Blanco, Carlos, 506
- Blum, Robert, 123n , 763, 790n , 800–801, 809, 811, 813–816, 818, 820, 823–824, 827n, 837, 875, 906, 930, 942
- Bo Set Kya (U Aung Than), 232, 254
- Bogomolov, Alexander Y., 704
- Bohlen, Charles E., 10, 296, 407–409, 420–423, 722–723, 733–735, 739–740, 741n , 742, 749n , 798–801, 815n , 856, 875, 1126n , 1157
- Bolton, Frances P., 1490n , 1491
- Bonbright, James C. H., 296, 813–815
- Bond, Niles W., 92
- Bonin Islands, disposition of, 1268, 1287, 1292, 1296, 1298, 1328, 1334, 1346–1348, 1364, 1367, 1373, 1382, 1384, 1391
- Bonnet, Henri, 477n , 695–696, 718, 730–735, 740–743, 792, 839–840, 919, 924
- Bonsai, Philip W., 900n
- Boon, Hendrik Nicolaas, 987, 1000, 1007, 1087n
- Boun Oum, 728
- Bradley, Gen. Omar N., 5–8, 119, 148, 153, 385, 391–394, 410n , 491–492, 680–681, 836, 906, 945–948, 1111, 1115, 1133, 1175, 1177–1178, 1180–1181, 1186, 1199, 1228, 1231, 1254–1255, 1264, 1278–1282, 1322, 1485–1489, 1503
- Bray, William H., 107
- Brazil, 492, 1184
- Brebisson, Colonel, 832
- Brewster, Owen, 864
- Briggs, Lt. Gen. Sir Harold, 135, 156
- Brind, Adm. Sir Patrick, 16
- Brink, Brig. Gen. Francis G., 891–892, 905–906, 914, 924n , 930, 941–942, 943n , 945
- British Commonwealth. see Commonwealth, British.
- British Defence Coordinating Committee, Far East, 13, 187–188
- Brown, Allen S., 198
- Brown, Ben H., 1490
- Brown, Richard, 92
- Brown, Stephen C., 622–625
- Bruce, David K. E., 294, 308, 645–646, 648, 650, 704–705, 719–723, 733, 739–744, 754, 759, 761–762, 771n , 772–773, 790n , 793–794, 806n , 812, 815–817, 819–823, 827, 851–854, 856–857, 859–861, 867–868, 875–876, 900–902, 917–919, 930–932, 936–937, 941–944
- Bruce, James, 735–738, 787
- Budget, U.S. Bureau of the, 32, 52, 76–77, 83–84, 352n , 790–791, 1409, 1431, 1440, 1468
- Burhan, 310
- Burma:
- American missionary properties, protection of, 237
- Anti-Chinese sentiment, 72
- Anti-Communist sentiment, 72, 976
- Arms traffic problem, 86
- Army, 956
- Asian regional association, Attitude toward, 20, 74, 150, 231, 977, 1413
- Australian financial assistance, 12
- British economic and military assistance, 89, 110, 135, 154, 232–235, 241, 243–244, 247–248
- China, People’s Republic of: attitude toward, 74, 230–231, 240, 258; pressures from, 42, 49–50, 72, 79–80, 110, 134, 187, 229–230, 234–235, 240, 243–244, 254, 353, 397, 409, 432, 436, 754, 977
- China, Republic of, attitude toward, 231, 258
- Chinese Nationalist troops in northern Burma, proposed disarming of, 110, 134, 230, 244–247, 249–251
- Commonwealth, British, role in the, 233, 241
- Commonwealth financial and military assistance, 12, 49, 61, 70, 232–235, 240–244, 248, 751
- Communist activities and pressures, 140, 158, 187–188, 230, 233–238, 240–244, 246, 254–255, 711, 745, 747, 750, 878, 957, 963, 1080
- Economic situation, 60–61, 70, 72, 229, 233, 238–239
- General agreement on tariffs and trade, contracting party of the, 240
- India, relations with, 12, 174, 188, 241, 254–255, 442, 779
- Indochina, attitude toward, 242, 255, 694, 697, 699, 731, 889
- Japanese peace treaty, attitude toward, 1185, 1325n , 1350
- Japanese security arrangements, exclusion from, 1148
- Karen revolt, 12, 49, 57, 70, 229–230, 236, 246, 977
- Pakistan, relations with, 12, 74, 241–242
- Pakistan-Sri Lanka-India-Burma union, proposed, 231
- Philippines, policy toward the, 231
- Political situation, 12, 19, 29, 56–57, 69–71, 89, 110, 135, 181, 229–231, 233–237, 242–243, 246, 254, 259, 757, 977
- Pro-American sentiment, 72
- Rubber production, 175
- Seagrave arrest and detention, 253
- Southeast Asian Association, attitude toward, 2, 231
- Soviet Union, policy toward, 129, 242
- Sri Lanka, relations with, 74, 241
- U.N. role, 242, 254
- U.S. economic and technical assistance, 25, 28, 61, 65, 79, 81, 84, 90, 106, 111, 140, 178–179, 181, 232–234, 236, 239, 243, 751
- U.S. information and exchange of persons program, 234, 238, 243
- U.S. military assistance, proposed, 7–10, 41–42, 55–57, 71, 76, 78, 98, 113, 120, 135, 140, 164, 169, 234–236, 247–248, 252, 255, 782–783
- U.S. policy, 153–154, 233–244
- Burns, Maj. Gen. James H., 74n , 117, 119, 346–347, 370n , 379, 382, 405, 462–463, 733, 752, 769n , 785, 886n , 902, 985, 987n , 1058, 1074, 1104, 1105n , 1175, 1181–1182, 1185–1188, 1191, 1205n , 1273
- Burns, R., 651
- Burrows, B. A. B., 450–451
- Burton, John W., 26, 45, 53–54, 63–64, 82
- Butterworth, W. Walton:
- Asian regional organization, proposed, 82, 1406n
- China, Republic of, U.S. military assistance for the, 262n
- Conference of U.S. chiefs of mission in the Far East, 18n , 19
- Far East, Communism in the, 72
- Indochina, U.S. policy toward, 74, 690–691, 698–700, 738–739, 750, 766–769
- Indonesia, U.S. policy toward, 967
- International Postal Union, People’s Republic of China obligations under the, 75
- Japan, U.S. policy toward, 1223n
- Japanese peace treaty, 1112n , 1114, 1117, 1126n , 1129–1130, 1133–1135, 1138, 1150, 1156, 1157n , 1161, 1165–1167, 1171–1172, 1173n , 1174–1175, 1180–1181, 1186, 1191–1194, 1198n , 1205 1239–1240, 1414
- Jessup fact-finding mission in the Far East, 68
- Pacific pact, proposed, 63–64
- Philippines, U.S. policy toward the, 1399, 1418, 1422n , 1423–1425, 1428n
- Southeast Asia: Anglo-American cooperation, 51, 73; U.S. technical assistance program, 4, 75
- Southeast Asian Association, proposed, 1–3
- Taiwan, defense of, 330
- Buurman van Vreeden, General, 969, 1006
- Buwono IX, Hamengku, 996n , 998–999, 1002–1003, 1006, 1009–1010, 1021–1022, 1028, 1035n , 1045, 1055, 1057, 1065, 1074, 1079, 1093–1094
- Byrnes, James F., 564
- Byroade, Henry A., 1319–1320
- Cabili, Tomas, 1447
- Cairo Conference, 1943, 259n
- Cairo Declaration. see under Treaties, conventions, agreements, etc.
- California Texas Oil Company, 622–623, 640, 643, 654–655, 660–661, 684, 766
- Canada, 34, 150, 216, 220, 258, 534, 558, 621, 627, 633, 645–646, 648, 650, 656n , 659, 691, 693, 1143, 1149, 1173n , 1307n , 1360, 1362
- Carey, James B., 75
- Carnahan, A.S.J., 1490n
- Caroline Islands, 1282, 1287, 1292, 1294
- Carpentier, Gen. Marcel, 705–706, 754, 766, 797–798, 800, 806, 822, 839, 841, 846–847, 850, 866, 874, 877, 883, 891–892, 906, 907n , 915, 917, 923, 942
- Case, Everett, 68, 73
- Casey, Richard G., 198
- Castanada, Maj. Gen. Mariano N., 1418
- Casto, George K., 174, 176
- Cathay Oil Company, 657
- Catledge, Turner, 253
- Central Intelligence Agency, U.S., 84, 155n , 330, 529–531, 685, 958–963, 966–967
- Ceylon. see Sri Lanka.
- Champlin, Capt. J. S., 107
- Chang Chun, 360
- Chang Tung-sun, 327
- Chapin, Selden, 992–994, 1000, 1007–1008, 1059–1064, 1087–1089
- Chapin, Vinton, 1433–1434, 1445, 1507n , 1521n , 1523–1525, 1527n , 1528
- Chase, Augustus Sabin, 269, 290, 293, 296–302, 304n , 318–321
- Chatham, Thurmond, 214, 1490n
- Chauvel, Jean, 506, 576
- Checchi, Vincent, 1521n , 1525
- Chen, James, 323, 335
- Chen Cheng, Gen., 29, 307–308, 360, 373, 483, 514, 600
- Chen Chi-tang, 360
- Chennault, Maj. Gen. Claire Lee, 269
- Chen Tai-chu, 357n , 375, 381, 385, 388, 416, 418n
- Chen Yen, 270
- Chen Yi, Gen., 266–267, 269–270, 289–294, 297–302, 305–306, 319–320, 354
- Cherrière, General, 714, 727, 772–773
- Chiang Ching-kuo, 356, 485–486
- Chiang Kai-shek, Generalissimo:
- Blockade of mainland ports, 465
- China, People’s Republic of; Attitude toward Chiang Kai-shek, 281–283; Chiang Kai-shek’s position regarding, 291, 298, 303–304, 320, 329, 446–448, 465
- Chinese Nationalist troops in Burma, 244
- Evacuation from Taiwan, plans regarding, 343; 348n
- Korean war, offer of Chinese Nationalist troops for the, 370, 409
- MacArthur’s attitude toward, 427–429
- Meeting with Philippine President Quirino, 1949, 1, 231, 1403, 1406
- Military situation on Taiwan, 76, 265, 343, 360, 373, 380, 418, 430, 485, 487
- Overseas Chinese, withdrawal of support from, 71, 537
- Political situation on Taiwan, 70, 74, 279–280, 293, 323, 325, 337, 360, 378, 485–486, 526, 536, 599, 864
- Presidency, resumption of the office of the, 315–316
- Return to mainland policy, 432, 446–448, 465, 468, 474, 486, 488, 582–583, 599
- Taiwan: Status of, 421; U.S. policy toward, 34, 348, 408, 435, 483, 524
- U.S. support for, 268, 1054, 1479
- Visit by General MacArthur, 405, 411–412, 415, 419, 465
- World War III, expectation of, 486
- Chiang Kai-shek, Madame, 280–281, 283, 343, 373
- Chiang Wei-kuo, 487n
- Chifley, Joseph B., 66
- Chile, 151, 580
- China. see China, People’s Republic of; China, Republic of; and Taiwan.
- China, People’s Republic of (see also
Chinese subheadings under individual countries and subjects):
- American businessmen, treatment of, 353, 355, 597–598, 1054
- American missionaries, treatment of, 353, 355–356, 665
- Anglo-American-French consultations concerning, 419–423
- Assets in the United States, freezing of, 619, 666, 669–670, 672, 674–675, 677–683
- Australian policy toward, 66, 221–222, 258, 558
- Belgian policy toward, 34
- British policy toward, 13, 34, 50, 184–185, 421, 432, 582, 614–615, 620, 625, 644
- Chinese Changchun Railway, proposed return to Chinese control of, 311
- Chinese Communist Party, 289, 302–305, 354, 530, 605, 1434–1436
- Chinese laborers for the Soviet Union, 309–311
- Dairen, proposed return by the Soviet Union to China, 50, 129, 291, 294, 309, 311
- Democratic League, 354
- Economic Cooperation Administration assets in China, negotiations regarding disposition of, 289, 296, 300, 302, 322, 356
- Economic situation, 70, 167
- Far Eastern Commission, proposed membership on, 1201, 1246n
- French policy toward, 34, 731, 851–855, 857–858, 867
- Guerrilla activities, 598–599, 606–611
- Indochina, influence in. see Indochina: China, People’s Republic of
- Indochinese attitude toward, 72
- Inner Mongolia, situation in, 259, 291, 294, 303–304, 309
- International Postal Union, obligations under, 75
- Japan: Attitude toward, 962; trade with, 619n , 1194
- Japanese Communist Party, attitude toward, 1203
- Japanese peace conference, proposed participation in, 1200–1201, 1211, 1239–1241, 1272, 1351
- Japanese peace treaty. see China, People’s Republic of under Japanese peace treaty: Country positions.
- Kuomintang Revolutionary Committee, 354
- Manchuria, Soviet position in, 13, 17, 23, 129, 259, 267, 291, 294, 303–304, 309, 750, 756–757
- Mongolian People’s Republic, recognition of, 311
- Netherlands policy toward, 34
- Overseas Chinese attitude toward, 71, 537–538
- Pacific pact, question of inclusion in proposed, 150
- Pakistan policy toward, 50, 74, 182, 187, 558
- Peasant support, 144
- People’s Liberation Army, 265–267, 301–302
- Philippine policy toward, 101, 558, 1465–1466, 1486–1487
- Philippines, policy toward the, 1055, 1436
- Population, 69
- Port Arthur, proposed return by the Soviet Union to China of, 50, 129, 291, 294, 309, 311
- Recognition: Australian attitude, 192–193, 258; British recognition, 15, 71, 192–193, 258, 266, 281–283, 286, 288, 447–448, 558, 615, 701; Burma, 258; Canada, 258; France, 731, 740, 742–743; India, 101, 258, 447–448, 558, 615; Netherlands, 1005; New Zealand, 258; Pakistan, 558; U.S. nonrecognition, 30, 33, 71, 258, 264, 268, 286n , 287, 289, 306, 314n , 322, 329, 348, 398, 428, 433, 444, 465, 489, 538, 542–543, 558, 599, 607, 615, 808, 1054, 1152, 1415, 1465
- Sinkiang, Soviet interest in, 259, 267, 276, 291, 294, 303, 309–310, 312
- Situation in, 13, 22, 27, 76, 91, 169, 173, 264–270, 289–294, 297, 300–305, 318–321, 352–356
- Smith-Bender case, 299–302, 322, 329, 353
- Soviet advisers, 91, 266, 297, 309, 353, 355
- Soviet Union, relations with the, 162, 182, 184–185, 266, 268–270, 287, 289–291, 294–298, 303–306, 308–311, 319–320, 328, 333, 335, 349, 353–354, 356, 375, 419–421, 428, 441–442, 449, 480, 483, 530, 549, 581–582, 605, 665, 712, 750, 773, 1054, 1097, 1141, 1167
- Taiwan, policy toward. see China, People’s Republic of under Taiwan.
- Tibet, policy toward. see China, People’s Republic of under Tibet.
- Trade policies, 354
- Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance with the Soviet Union, Feb. 14, 1950, 50, 240, 266n , 288n , 311–312, 320, 368, 389, 1141, 1179, 1214, 1280
- U.N. representation. see Chinese representation question under United Nations.
- United States, attitude toward, 394, 415, 499, 738
- U.S. government offices, closure of, 33, 269n , 271, 273, 275n , 276n , 278, 286n , 287, 290, 300, 306, 318, 321n , 322, 327, 329n , 353, 355
- U.S. government property in Peiping, seizure of, 270–278, 286–289, 297, 306, 321–322
- U.S. policy toward, 39, 479, 553–554, 581, 614, 854–856, 1067, 1214
- U.S. trade embargo, 34, 400, 523n , 619–620, 622–661, 663–668, 670–689, 1233
- Vietnam, arms supplies for, 92–93
- Visit to Moscow by Mao Tse-tung, 266, 288–289, 291, 294–299, 302, 309, 321n
- China, Republic of (see also
- Blockade of mainland ports, 399–400, 419, 465, 522–524, 541–542, 784
- Burmese policy toward, 231
- Cessation of air and sea operations against the mainland, 367–368, 371, 373–374, 375n , 385, 387, 390–392, 399–404, 406, 408, 411–412, 416–417, 419, 423, 429–431, 435, 461, 480, 482, 513–514, 524, 541–542, 559, 1239n
- Chinese Air Force raids on the mainland, 306–308, 312–314, 320–321, 429–431, 435
- Chinese Nationalist troops in Burma, 110, 134, 230, 244–247, 249–250
- Chinmen (Kinmen, Quemoy) Island, defense of, 340, 359, 371, 375, 379, 381, 388, 390, 408, 411n , 412, 416–417, 430, 592, 606
- Currency stabilization fund, proposed, 510
- Far Eastern Commission, role in, 417, 1246n
- Japanese peace conference, proposed role in, 1211, 1351
- Japanese peace treaty. see China, Republic of under Japanese peace treaty: Country positions.
- Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction, 17, 28, 60, 62, 70, 75, 111, 126, 261, 338, 340, 759
- Korean war, offer of troops for, 370, 409, 411, 418
- Kuomintang, 266–267, 297–298, 301–303, 314n , 315, 320–321, 324–325, 335n , 336n , 357, 447–448, 499, 537, 539, 599, 609, 1054
- Legislative Yuan, 488
- Matsu Island, defense of, 371, 379, 592
- Military situation, 333–340, 342–343, 359, 366, 371, 381
- Offshore islands, defense of, 374, 379–380, 387–388, 390, 402, 432, 435, 590–592, 606–607
- Pacific pact, question of inclusion in, 150, 1361, 1412–1413
- Political situation, 19n , 315–316
- Resistance movements on mainland, support for, 606–609
- Return to mainland theme, 432, 446–448, 465, 468, 474, 486, 488, 525–526, 543, 582, 592, 596, 601n
- Southeast Asian Association, proposed, 1–2
- Southeast Asian Conference at Baguio, noninclusion in, 101
- Tibet question, 551
- U.S. economic assistance, 177, 179–181, 256, 261, 264, 277–278, 293, 313, 418, 436–437, 487, 524–528
- U.S. military assistance, 256, 261–262, 264–265, 277, 282, 313, 314n , 316–317, 333–335, 351–352, 363–364, 379–380, 382–383, 387, 391, 393, 394n , 411, 414, 417, 429, 432, 434, 436, 445–446, 480, 487, 501–503, 508, 543, 547–548, 552, 579, 590–596, 600–601, 617–618, 782
- U.S. policy toward, 7n , 33, 265, 268–269, 298, 337, 434, 437, 499, 538, 865, 1387
- China Aid Act of 1948, 316, 363, 445, 768
- China aid funds, utilization of, 84, 93, 106, 111, 239, 363, 696n , 751, 785–786, 801–802
- China Area Aid Act, 1950, 181
- Chinese Council on U.S. Aid, 126
- Chinese National Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, 126
- Chinese representation, question of. see under United Nations.
- Chiperfield, Robert B., 1490
- Chipman, Norris B., 296
- Chiu Nientai, 323
- Chou Chih-jou, Gen., 307–308, 606
- Chou En-lai, 184, 271n , 274–278, 286n , 287–288, 295, 297, 306, 309, 321n , 322, 368n , 372, 374, 431, 450, 462, 473, 499, 550n
- Chou Ming-hsun (M. H. Chou), 289–293, 296–302, 305
- Christelow, A., 174
- Chu Kao-yung, 265
- Churchill, Winston, 344
- Chu Teh, Gen., 295, 297, 309, 369
- Civil Aeronautics Board (U.S.), 1534–1535
- Clark, Maj. Gen. Mark, 798
- Clay, Eugene H., 1490–1492, 1494n
- Clay, Lucius D., 1165
- Cleveland, Harlan, 108, 110–112, 117–119, 123–127, 159, 183–184, 768, 811, 886n
- Clubb, O. Edmund, 268n , 270, 271n , 273–278, 286–289, 306, 321n , 322n , 327–329, 387n , 485, 510–513, 524–527, 537–540, 574, 585–586, 590, 597–598, 602–603
- Cochran, H. Merle, 18n , 90, 123n , 157, 662n , 693, 966–982, 985n , 987–992, 994–997, 998n , 999–1011, 1016, 1019–1025, 1027–1040, 1044–1057, 1066–1073, 1075, 1078–1080, 1082–1084, 1086–1092, 1096–1100, 1105–1108
- Coe, Robert D., 1007–1009
- Cohen, Benjamin V., 565
- Collins, Gen. J. Lawton, 1111, 1135n , 1175, 1178–1180
- Comintern, 758, 991
- Commander in Chief, Far East (MacArthur) (see also MacArthur), 169, 366, 392–393, 395, 407, 414, 434, 437–438, 491, 497, 502, 844, 915, 1135, 1214, 1246, 1313n , 1314, 1318n , 1383n , 1386, 1397, 1496
- Commander in Chief, Pacific, 169, 844
- Commerce, U.S. Department of, 34, 133–134, 158–159, 619n , 621–622, 636–637, 659, 665–666, 669, 671–673, 675–678, 683–684, 686–687, 1360
- Commerce International (China), 413n , 594
- Commodity Credit Corporation, 1004, 1470, 1473
- Commonwealth, British (see also under Japanese peace treaty: Country positions), 4, 18n , 19, 28–29, 35, 73, 122, 148, 150, 161–162, 192, 195, 197, 200–201, 218, 220, 227, 231–235, 241, 248, 389, 528, 533, 558, 562, 616, 627, 690–693, 699, 701, 703–704, 721, 751, 853
- Commonwealth conference at Canberra, 50–51, 64–65
- Commonwealth conference at Colombo, Jan. 9–14, 1950, 12, 21, 36, 46, 47n , 49–50, 53, 54n , 63, 73, 82, 146, 150, 190–191, 203, 691, 693, 699, 701, 703, 712, 1114, 1116, 1132, 1156, 1191, 1198, 1307
- Commonwealth Consultative Committee, 53–54, 63, 64n , 82, 161, 190n , 203
- Communist Information Bureau, 195, 303, 758, 799, 1155, 1203–1204, 1486
- Conference of U.S. chiefs of mission in the Far East, Bangkok, Feb. 13–15, 1950, 4n , 18–22, 27–31, 55, 69, 73–75, 282, 698, 739, 765, 802, 1414n , 1418n
- Congress, United States:
- Abaca production in Central America, proposed legislation concerning promotion of, 1466
- Address by Australian Prime Minister Menzies, 207, 208n
- Address by Madame Chiang Kai-shek, 343
- Burma, U.S. relations with, 253
- China aid legislation, 326, 696n , 751
- Economic Cooperation Administration, legislation concerning, 32, 34, 106, 111, 127, 138–139, 232, 235, 802, 811, 976, 1523
- Elections, 1480
- Foreign Economic Assistance Act of 1950, 93n
- House Foreign Affairs Committee, 214–215, 1366, 1431n , 1452n , 1455–1456, 1464, 1490–1492
- House of Representatives, 802, 1430, 1438–1439
- Indochina, U.S. policy toward, 803, 864
- Indonesia, U.S. policy toward, 969, 1040
- Japanese peace treaty, 1125, 1145, 1272, 1295, 1351, 1357–1358, 1365
- Korean war, 383, 402, 668, 679, 836
- Philippines, U.S. relations with the, 1400–1401, 1409–1410, 1416–1417, 1419–1420, 1424, 1430–1431, 1438–1439, 1443, 1452n , 1455–1457, 1470, 1473, 1479, 1490–1492, 1504, 1506, 1512, 1522–1523, 1526
- Senate, 572, 802, 1056, 1145, 1163–1165, 1439
- Senate Armed Services Committee, 1272, 1295
- Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 214–215, 1272, 1295, 1366, 1452n , 1455–1456, 1490n
- Senate Special Committee to Investigate the National Defense Program, 212 Southeast Asia, U.S. policy toward, 19, 29, 45, 57
- Taiwan, U.S. policy toward, 474, 573, 712
- U.S. information and educational exchange program, 22, 30, 104
- U.S. Military Assistance Program, 115, 712, 793,
- U.S. relay transmitter on Okinawa, 1138
- Vandenberg resolution, 149
- Wherry amendment regarding trade with the Soviet bloc, 662
- Conklin, General, 481
- Connally, Tom, 214, 216–217, 264, 1295n , 1430n , 1438, 1464n , 1470n , 1490n
- Connelly, Matthew J., 454
- Connors, W. Bradley, 67–68, 112
- Conolly, Admiral, 817
- Cooke, Adm. Charles M., 373–374, 412
- Cooper, John Sherman, 562, 565, 570, 572, 1160
- Coordinating Committee of the Paris Consultative Group of Nations working to control export of strategic goods to Communist countries, 645–648, 650, 652, 655–656, 658–659, 664
- Corner, F. H., 20–21, 1322
- Cottrell, Nicholas, 1221–1222
- Council of Foreign Ministers, 561, 1121, 1214
- Courtenay, William, 1305
- Couve de Murvilie, Maurice, 722–723, 734–735, 740, 742
- Cowen, Myron M., 18n , 86n , 346n , 1399–1405, 1408, 1409n , 1411, 1415–1419, 1422–1428, 1430, 1432, 1440n , 1443–1460, 1465, 1467, 1474n , 1480, 1494–1496, 1503–1508, 1523
- Craig, Glenn H., 115, 393, 414
- Crawford, Boyd, 214
- Crawford, Fred L., 1401
- Cromley, Ray, 1402
- Crossman, Richard H. S., 389
- Cuaderno, Miguel, 1453–1454, 1480, 1493, 1494n
- Cuba, 344, 469, 476, 488, 496, 506, 522, 667n ,
- Cullen, Maj. Paul, 1318n
- Cunningham, H. Francis, 830
- Czechoslovakia, 242, 515, 1057
- Dairen. see under China, People’s Republic of.
- Dalai Lama, 611, 618
- Dam Viet, 883
- Daridan, Jean, 730, 880n , 1323–1324
- Darmasetiawan, 1070–1071
- Darsono, 991
- Data Onn bin Ja’afar, 15–18
- Davies, John P., 305–306, 540n
- Davis, Rear Adm. A. C., 395, 987
- Davis, Owen, 26n , 27n , 36, 63–64
- De Beus, 1095
- Defense, U.S. Department of:
- Arms traffic in Southeast Asia, 100
- Australian military mission, proposed, 225–226, 228
- Burma, U.S. military assistance for, 10, 55–57, 78, 235–336, 255
- China, People’s Republic of: Military capabilities of, 330; U.S. trade embargo, 626, 628–630, 632–633, 635–637, 655, 671–672
- China, Republic of: Defense of offshore islands, 379; U.S. military assistance, 317, 326, 339, 346, 351, 352n , 363–364, 382, 445, 501, 508, 548, 552–553, 579, 590–591, 604, 606, 617
- Indochina, U.S. military assistance for, 40, 56, 74, 77, 733, 747, 751–752, 782–783, 786–787, 792, 835, 839, 857, 886n , 888, 898, 907, 909, 924n , 957–958
- Indonesia, U.S. military assistance for, 9, 77, 964, 980, 1031, 1093
- Japan: Occupation costs, 1395; proposed treaty on security, 1336, 1366–1367
- Japanese peace treaty, 1113, 1115, 1127–1129, 1157, 1160, 1163, 1175, 1177–1178, 1181, 1185–1188, 1191–1192, 1205, 1211, 1214, 1216, 1227, 1237, 1240, 1255n , 1257, 1259, 1265, 1273–1274, 1276, 1284, 1289, 1291–1292, 1294–1296, 1303–1304, 1347, 1358, 1360, 1364, 1414
- Joint State–Defense military assistance mission to Southeast Asia, 393
- Korea, Republic of, U.S. military assistance for, 41, 77
- Korean war, 205, 462
- New Guinea, Western, disposition of 987, 1058, 1104
- Philippines, U.S. relations with the, 1417, 1421, 1461n , 1462
- Photo reconnaissance over mainland China, 395n , 407
- Ryukyu Islands, U.S. civil administration of, 313n
- Taiwan, U.S. policy toward, 347, 380–381, 402, 414, 419, 459, 522–523, 524n , 555, 559, 573–575, 587, 590–591, 602–603
- Thailand, U.S. military assistance for, 9, 31, 40, 78, 115–116
- U.S. Mutual Defense Assistance Program, 5, 52–53, 56, 75, 83–84, 98–99, 114–115
- De Lattre de Tassigny, Gen. Jean, 185, 941–944, 954–955
- De Long, Earl, 107
- Dening, Sir Maberly Esler, 19n , 46–51, 74, 184–186, 365, 408–409, 420–421, 423, 499, 615–616, 1198–1200, 1306–1307, 1344n
- Denmark, 620, 645–646, 648, 650
- Depon, Surkhang, 494
- DeRaymond, M., 729–730
- Derry, Charles H., 424
- Dickinson, Edward T., 98, 108, 113, 763
- Diehl, W. W., 1134n , 1223–1227
- Dixon, Sir Pierson, 516
- Djuanda, 90, 967–969, 971, 973–974, 975n , 978, 990, 995n , 999n , 1005–1006, 1019, 1023–1025, 1027, 1032, 1039, 1052, 1057, 1065, 1080, 1099
- Dodge, Joseph M., 91, 1194–1198, 1223n , 1264n , 1415, 1431, 1503–1504
- Doherty, Edward W., 92, 1223n , 1266
- Do Hung, 832
- Doidge, 1322–1323
- Donovan, Howard, 272
- Doolittle, Hooker A., 18n , 1053, 1073–1078, 1082n , 1083
- Dorr, Goldthwaite, 1128n , 1150, 1152–1153, 1163, 1176, 1273
- Douglas, Lewis W., 159–160, 247–248, 365–366, 369, 388–390, 396, 398–399, 430–431, 640–644, 649, 1076n , 1348–1349
- Dow, Edward A., 980–981, 997n , 1022, 1035, 1053n
- Doyle, Robert, 1091
- Drees, Willem, 1000, 1044, 1076–1077, 1090, 1102
- Duff, Col. Russell G., 65, 838n , 1006
- DuGuardier, Roger Robert, 48, 727, 814–815, 917, 940–941
- Dulles, John Foster:
- Japanese peace treaty, negotiations concerning, 208n , 220, 223, 1137n , 1160–1166, 1172, 1182, 1198n , 1207–1212, 1213n , 1222–1223, 1227n , 1228–1244, 1246–1248, 1256–1262, 1264–1265, 1267, 1272–1273, 1276, 1278, 1282n , 1284, 1290–1291, 1293n , 1295n , 1303–1304, 1306–1309, 1311–1313, 1319n , 1321–1326, 1329n , 1332–1336, 1344, 1347, 1349–1352, 1354, 1356, 1358–1360, 1364, 1372–1373, 1379–1382
- Soviet policy in the Far East, 128–130
- Taiwan, U.S. policy toward, 343–344, 534–536, 542–543, 559, 574, 576, 581, 589
- U.S. policy in the Far East, 162–164
- Dulles, Mrs. John Foster, 1352
- Durdin, Tillman, 253, 907n , 1465
- Eades, Mabel, 91
- Early, Stephen T., 457–460, 629
- Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, 21, 30, 66, 1531, 1533, 1538
- Economic Cooperation Administration (see also U.S. economic and technical assistance subheadings under individual subjects and countries), 58, 61, 77, 80, 83–84, 93–94, 99, 106, 110–116, 118–119, 123–124, 126–127, 130, 159, 176–181, 239, 261, 277, 289, 293, 296, 300, 302, 322, 338, 340–341, 345, 356, 429–430, 436–437, 444, 472, 481, 510n , 524–528, 600, 635, 690, 739, 751, 759, 768, 783, 785, 790n , 791, 801, 809, 811, 813, 823, 841, 864, 871, 902, 922–923, 932–933, 935, 968, 974, 976, 1013, 1015–1016, 1024, 1030n , 1031, 1402, 1470, 1473, 1511–1513, 1522–1523, 1524n , 1525–1526, 1533–1534, 1537
- Economic Cooperation Administration Act, 118
- Ecuador. see Ecuadoran position under United Nations: Security Council.
- Egypt, 225, 469, 476, 488, 496n 506, 516, 519, 522
- Eichelberger, Lt. Gen. Robert L., 1305
- Elizalde, Joaquin, 100, 1411–1412, 1415, 1417n , 1419, 1422–1424, 1427n , 1430, 1446, 1448, 1451, 1453, 1464–1466, 1494n
- Ellender, Allen J., 1401
- El Salvador, 577–578
- Ely, Richard R., 107, 1411, 1419n , 1428n , 1438n , 1464–1466
- Emery, George T., 115
- Emmerson, John K., 1360–1363
- Entezam, Nasrollah, 576, 681
- Eritrea, 535
- Erskine, Maj. Gen. Graves B., 107, 114–115, 155, 168, 169n , 393, 414, 837n , 839–846, 850, 857, 866, 870, 872–873, 900, 907n , 924n , 926, 1069, 1071, 1078–1080, 1493n , 1495–1496
- Ethiopia, 535
- Europe, 282, 349
- European Recovery Program (Marshall Plan), 58, 124, 126, 626, 751, 795, 810
- Evans, Barbara, 666–667
- Evatt, Herbert V., 66, 190, 201
- Export Control Act of 1949, 665
- Export-Import Bank of Washington, 25, 28, 59, 70, 90, 178, 194, 203–204, 206–207, 210, 239, 510n , 968–969, 971, 973–975, 978, 1004, 1013, 1023–1025, 1030, 1032, 1073
- Fadden, Arthur W., 198, 212n
- Far East: Anglo-American discussions concerning, 588, 604n , 905–906; British policy, 281, 396, 399, 615, 1307; China, People’s Republic of, role of, 577; Communist problem, 6–7, 18n , 22–23, 448, 712, 744, 1283, 1529, 1538–1539; Japan, trade policies toward, 1225; Jessup fact-finding mission, Dec. 15, 1949–Mar. 15, 1950, 17–18, 31, 46–51, 68–76, 82, 187, 229–232, 278–283, 698n , 702n , 705–707, 709, 711, 725, 739, 748, 754–757, 759–762, 769, 807, 815n , 816, 975–978, 990, 1109–1116, 1414; 1417; situation in, 6, 184, 379, 391–392, 396, 445, 553, 557, 560–561, 568, 574, 601, 632, 664, 672, 683, 743, 835, 842, 862, 872, 1064, 1114, 1124–1125, 1127, 1177, 1197, 1251, 1279, 1281, 1351, 1387, 1391, 1482, 1484; Soviet policy, 491, 497, 781, 1155, 1232, 1283, 1486, 1516; U.S. economic and technical assistance, 10, 177, 179–181; U.S. information program, 18n , 607; U.S. military assistance, 52–53, 83, 235n , 893, 1146; U.S. policy, 35, 282, 347, 396, 398, 427, 434, 442, 451–453, 479, 483, 559–560, 569, 571, 605, 607–608, 615, 679, 781, 784, 810, 832, 855–856, 888, 1042, 1093, 1158, 1161, 1181, 1232, 1258, 1263–1264, 1279, 1280, 1307, 1352, 1354, 1357, 1362, 1431, 1432n , 1484, 1486–1487, 1489, 1516; U.S. private technical assistance, proposals for, 37–40; U.S. stockpiling program purchases, 32; U.S. trade embargo against People’s Republic of China and North Korea, 619, 626, 628, 633–635, 638, 644, 648, 663
- Far Eastern Commission, 192, 200, 222, 417, 556, 779, 1120–1121, 1123, 1130, 1136–1137, 1145, 1165, 1174, 1176, 1182–1184, 1190, 1201, 1211, 1214, 1220, 1241, 1244–1248, 1256, 1275, 1288, 1295, 1306, 1309, 1311, 1327, 1331–1334, 1349, 1353–1355, 1357–1358, 1366, 1389
- Fawzi, 506
- Fearey, Robert A., 1150n , 1170n , 1207, 1212, 1229n , 1230n , 1241n , 1243n , 1265–1267, 1271n , 1323–1324, 1327–1331, 1346–1348, 1363n , 1367n
- Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S., 269
- Federal Reserve Board, 665
- Ferguson, Homer, 262, 1401
- Fields, Roland C., 115
- Figueras, José, 1527
- Finland, 620
- Fisher, Adrian S., 1117, 1129–1131, 1150n , 1247n , 1267n
- Fockema Andreae, 993–995, 1001, 1007–1008, 1010, 1019–1020, 1022, 1068
- Folsom, Robert S., 727–730, 758–759
- Food and Agriculture Organization, 1349n , 1531, 1533, 1538
- Forbes, John T., 107, 115
- Foreign Assistance Correlation Committee, 735n
- Foreign Economic Assistance Act of 1950, 93n
- Foreign Liquidation Commissioner, Office of the, 363
- Foreign Military Assistance Coordinating Committee, 33, 57, 78, 98–99, 107–114, 117–118, 134, 164, 186, 840, 844, 870–871, 1397, 1495
- Foreign Ministers’ Conference at London (United States, United Kingdom, France), May 11–13, 1950, 73, 86, 94–96, 234n , 331, 339–340, 365, 632–634, 749, 784, 789–790, 792n , 798–800, 802, 804–808, 815n , 833, 837, 1017, 1020n , 1163, 1175, 1181, 1186–1192, 1197–1198, 1444n
- Foreign Ministers’ Conference at New York (United States, United Kingdom, France), Sept. 12–14, 18–19, 1950, 135–136, 141, 218n , 220n , 471n , 477–478, 491n , 493, 500–501, 505, 511, 513–514, 662, 856, 867–868, 870, 873–877, 880–881, 895–897, 924, 958, 1241, 1249, 1293, 1303, 1319–1320
- Forman, Douglas N., 361
- Formosa. see Taiwan.
- Fosdick, Raymond Bland, 68, 73, 75
- Foster, Andrew B., 45, 53–54, 198n , 1101
- Foster, William C., 176, 177n , 178, 180, 210n , 893, 1504n , 1509, 1511–1513, 1521–1523, 1524n , 1525
- Fox, Maj. Gen. Alonzo P., 429, 548, 579, 590–591, 617, 1073
- Fox, Matthew, 967–969, 979, 1065–1066
- France (see also France and French subheadings under individual subjects and countries), 14, 19, 150, 224, 620–621, 627, 633, 642, 645–646, 648, 656n , 844, 889, 893, 906, 915, 1372
- Frankel, Capt. Samuel B., 293, 300, 302
- Franks, Sir Oliver, 119, 153, 316, 385, 431–433, 464–468, 473–475, 563, 647, 649–650, 653, 836, 906, 1116n , 1156–1157, 1174, 1191, 1193, 1199
- Free China Committee, proposed, 537–540
- Freeman, Fulton, 363–364, 640, 642–643
- French colonies in India, 71, 755, 911–912
- French Madagascar, 760
- French Morocco, 756
- French North Africa, 760
- French Tunisia, 756
- French Union (see also under Indochina), 158, 690
- Fulbright act, 239
- Fulbright, J. William, 214, 217, 239
- Fu Tso-yi, Gen. 336
- Gabbert, Lt. Col. John T.L.D., 308
- Gaitskell, Hugh, 160
- Galbraith, Willard, 55, 107, 115
- Gani, A. K., 967
- Gascoigne, Sir Alvary, 1132, 1235, 1392–1393
- Gay, Merrill C., 106
- George, Walter, 1295n
- German peace treaty, draft, 1334, 1388
- Germany, East, 1390
- Germany, Federal Republic of (West Germany), 628–631, 634–635, 645, 648, 810, 928–929, 1128, 1153, 1161, 1176, 1257, 1319–1320, 1329n , 1348–1349, 1354, 1387, 1389
- Germany, U.S. policy toward, 189, 423
- Giau, 860
- Gibson, William M., 11, 18n , 68, 92, 229, 278, 702–703, 759–761, 766–767, 975
- Gieben, Abraham H.C., 999, 1019–1020
- Gilmore, Eugene A., 361
- Gladstone, William, 144
- Godley, G. McMurytrie, 880n , 897
- Goetzen, Lubertus, 989, 999–1000
- Gordon, Thomas S., 1490n
- Goul, Art, 357
- Government and Relief in Occupied Areas (GARIOA), 1136, 1138, 1291–1292, 1314, 1316–1318, 1343, 1350, 1394–1397
- Graves, Hubert A., 256, 364n , 387n , 464, 467, 640, 642–643, 651–652, 654, 1174–1175, 1306
- Gray, Cecil W., 655–656
- Greece, 52, 152, 490, 558, 705, 710, 739, 741, 778, 803–804, 927, 929, 1148, 1437, 1488, 1491
- Green, Marshall, 1221–1222, 1244–1246, 1262–1264
- Greenland, 1337n
- Griffinn Robert Allen, 11, 24–25, 28, 52, 64–65, 79–82, 84, 87–93, 105–10, 6, 110–111, 118–119, 123–125, 127, 130, 173, 176, 177n , 179, 234, 239, 738–739, 749, 751, 762–764, 771, 777, 785, 789, 794–798, 801–802, 806, 808–809, 811–812, 816, 837–838, 886n , 933, 990–991, 1004–1005, 1011–1016, 1027, 1030n , 1099, 1521n , 1523
- Gross, Ernest A., 315–316, 450n , 469n , 504–506, 508–509, 566, 583
- Gruenther, Lt. Gen. Alfred M., 798
- Guam, 451, 1177
- Gullion, Edmund A., 18n , 700–702, 721, 725–728, 739, 749n , 762–767, 771n , 773–778, 790–791, 796, 800–809, 812, 815, 817–818, 820–822, 829–831, 838n , 875, 906, 930, 942
- Gupta, 778
- Gyalpo, Tseghag, 361
- Hackler, Windsor G., 87n , 92, 313n , 1276
- Halim, Abdul, 1065
- Halstead, Capt. M. H., 107, 115
- Hamid II, Sultan, 982, 1002, 1006–1007
- Hamilton, Maxwell M., 1137n , 1150n , 1207, 1212, 1229n , 1230n , 1237–1240, 1241n , 1247–1249, 1267n , 1273, 1344
- Hamlin, John N., 521
- Han Ming, 265, 292
- Harding, Gen. Sir John, 17, 187, 905
- Hare, Raymond A., 68, 244–245
- Harriman, W. Averell, 208–209, 218, 427–430, 454–457, 459–460, 533–534, 681–682, 1261, 1273, 1289, 1304, 1524n
- Harris, George, 92
- Harvey, Sir Oliver, 704, 722, 920
- Hatta, Mohammad, 693, 966–967, 969–974, 976n , 982, 988, 990–993, 995–996, 999, 1001–1010, 1019–1020, 1023–1025, 1027–1029, 1030n , 1031–1032, 1034–1039, 1040n , 1044, 1046, 1048–1053, 1055, 1057, 1064, 1071, 1078–1079, 1098, 1108
- Hawaii, 451
- Hayes, Samuel, 24, 65, 87
- Heath, Donald R., 821–822, 837–839, 844–851, 853–854, 864–867, 870–875, 882–884, 890–896, 899–900, 902–909, 914–917, 921–923, 930, 938–942, 944n , 954–955
- Helb, H, A., 985n , 1018, 1033
- Henderson, Loy W., 18n , 27–28, 35–36, 49, 73, 137, 272–273, 283–285, 317–318, 331–333, 358–359, 361–362, 368–369, 371–373, 376–378, 394, 396n , 399, 424–427, 433, 439–441, 446–449, 476–477, 482–484, 493–495, 531–532, 540–541, 545–551, 578, 584, 603, 611–616, 692–693, 778–780, 913, 1076n
- Henderson, Lt. Col. R. H., 107, 115
- Henkin, Louis, 574
- Hickenlooper, Bourke B., 214, 217
- Hickerson, John D., 128, 148–152, 220, 469n , 574, 576, 577n , 897, 1043–1044
- Hidayat, Colonel, 968
- Hirohito, Emperor of Japan, 1236–1237
- Hirschfeld, H. M., 969–973, 989, 991, 993, 999–1001, 1007, 1009–1010, 1020, 1022, 1034, 1036, 1061, 1068, 1088
- Hirschtritt, Ralph, 91
- Hisgen, Colonel, 1022
- Hobbs, Maj. Gen. Leland S., 1528
- Ho Chi Minh, 42–44, 48, 88, 93, 97, 109, 132, 156–157, 181–182, 242, 288, 545, 549–550, 691–694, 697–699, 701, 704, 707–708, 710–711, 713–714, 717, 721–724, 726–727, 731, 734, 736, 739–740, 743, 745–747, 750–751, 753, 755, 757–758, 761, 763, 766–768, 770, 779, 790, 797, 803, 805–806, 808, 824, 829, 840, 845, 850, 855, 858, 911, 925, 937, 956, 960, 962–963, 1029–1030
- Hodgson, William R., 1235, 1262
- Hoey, Robert E., 107, 898, 955–958
- Hoffman, Paul G., 438, 671, 673, 786, 790n , 811, 893
- Holmes, Julius C., 46, 48, 643, 1393n
- Hong Kong, 50, 72, 171, 256, 316, 353, 364, 397–398, 432, 436, 484, 561, 599, 620, 623–625, 643–644, 649–654, 659–661, 665, 673, 676–677, 680, 683n , 684–689, 732, 840, 1149, 1181
- Hopkins, William J., 454
- Hoover, Herbert, 569
- Horinouchi, Kensuke, 1232–1233
- Ho Shai-lai, Gen., 370, 385
- Ho Shih-li, 373
- Howard, John B., 1117n , 1138–1140, 1150, 1157–1166, 1171–1173, 1175–1182, 1207, 1212, 1241, 1257–1259, 1273
- Howe, Fisher, 347–349
- Howell, J. Carney, 92
- Hoyer Millar, Sir Derick, 256–257, 477n
- Hsieh Hsin-tung (S. T. Hsieh), 290
- Hsueh Yueh, 360–361
- Huang Chieh, 1436
- Huang, Peter, 257, 258n
- Humelsine, Carlisle H., 9, 68, 1510
- Hunt, Ralph H., 688–689
- Hu, Shih, 315
- Huu. see Tran Van Huu.
- Huston, Cloyce K., 1166–1167
- Hyde, James N., 506
- Ikeda Hayato, 1194–1198, 1264n
- India:
- Anti-Communist sentiment, 72, 976
- Armed forces, 72
- Arms traffic problem in Southeast Asia, 87
- Asian regional association, attitude toward, 20, 26, 35, 47, 54, 66, 122, 150, 169, 213, 216, 1142, 1144, 1413
- Burma, relations with, 12, 74, 188, 241, 254–255, 442, 779
- China, People’s Republic of: Policy toward, 35, 50, 74, 182, 185, 187, 244, 254, 368–369, 431, 441n , 449, 477, 483, 531, 549, 551, 578, 612–616, 1054; recognition of, 101, 258, 447–448, 558, 615
- Colombo plan, 160
- Commonwealth role, 195
- Communist movement, 138, 144, 839, 950, 977
- Economic situation, 51, 70, 167
- French colonies in India, attitude toward, 71, 755, 911–912
- Hyderabad question, 546
- Indochina, policy toward. see Indian policy under Indochina.
- Indonesia, policy toward, 1076, 1088n
- Japan, policy toward, 47, 1184
- Japanese peace treaty, attitude toward. see India under Japanese peace treaty: Country positions.
- Korean war, policy toward, 373, 375, 507, 603, 615
- Pakistan, relations with, 27, 74, 976
- Pakistan–Sri Lanka–India–Burma union, proposed, 231
- Political situation, 13, 29, 69, 71–72, 757, 977, 1196
- Role in Asia, 18n , 19, 27–28, 30, 35, 73–74
- Southeast Asian Association, attitude toward, 2
- Southeast Asian Conference at Baguio, policy toward, 101, 195n
- Soviet Union, attitude toward, 129, 578, 1042
- Sri Lanka, relations with, 27
- Taiwan, policy toward. see Indian policy under Taiwan.
- Thailand, relations with, 1536
- Third force concept, 1057
- Tibet, policy regarding. see Indian policy under Tibet.
- Trade policies, 1225
- U.N. role. see Indian position under United Nations: General Assembly and under United Nations: Security Council.
- United States, policy toward, 614, 750, 1042
- U.S. economic and technical assistance, 10, 28, 75, 78, 181
- U.S. military assistance, 318
- Indochina (see also Indochina question
United Nations):
- Agreement for mutual defense assistance by the United States, France, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, Dec. 23, 1950, 954
- Agreements of Mar. 8, 1949, 10, 88, 691, 693, 695–696, 699–701, 703–704, 706–708, 711, 713, 716–721, 731, 739, 741, 746, 755–756, 760–761, 764, 768–771, 774–777, 795–796, 805–807, 811, 815n , 820, 822, 824, 837–838, 843, 858–859, 866, 869, 872, 874–875, 879, 885, 889, 904, 907n , 908, 912, 915, 918, 932, 936–937, 939, 942, 1407
- Anglo-American-French consultations regarding defense of, 419, 732, 734–735, 741–743, 749–750, 765, 784, 888–889
- Anti-Communist sentiment, 72
- Arms traffic problem, 95–97
- Australian policy toward, 101, 691, 693
- British policy toward, 11–12, 34–35, 47–48, 71, 136, 185, 723, 874, 876, 918–920
- British recognition of Associated States, 43, 47, 690–692, 694, 699, 701, 703, 718–719, 721–722, 724, 726, 731, 746, 796, 836
- Burmese attitude toward, 242, 255, 694, 697, 699, 731, 889
- Cambodia, 10, 31, 34, 43, 48, 62, 86, 153, 158, 177, 185, 255, 627, 694, 696, 700, 704–705, 711–714, 716, 719–720, 722, 724, 728–731, 733, 735, 737, 741, 746–747, 762n , 769–770, 775, 783–785, 788, 794, 796, 803, 807, 809, 812, 817–819, 826, 828, 841, 845, 859, 866, 869, 883, 890, 902, 911, 922, 930, 954, 956, 959, 1406–1407, 1530, 1536
- China, People’s Republic of: Attitude toward, 72; influence of, 11, 42–43, 72, 74, 79–80, 132, 134, 136, 141–142, 158, 163, 185, 187, 230, 353, 397, 403, 409, 422, 432–433, 436, 545, 549–550, 626–627, 665, 690–691, 698, 706, 712, 714–715, 717, 722–723, 726–727, 734, 736, 740, 747, 750–751, 754–755, 763, 772–773, 779, 797, 799, 801, 803, 805, 829, 836, 839–840, 842, 845, 849, 851–852, 854–855, 857–858, 862, 869, 871–872, 874, 877–878, 880–881, 883, 885, 894, 896–897, 901, 906, 908–909, 914–915, 925–926, 934, 936–937, 940–941, 943n , 947, 950–951, 953, 956–957, 959–963
- Chinese Nationalist troops, disarmament and internment of, 698, 700
- Communist movement (see also Viet Minh, infra), 48, 95, 102, 109, 129, 141, 157–158, 244, 712, 714–715, 724, 738, 745–746, 762, 768–770, 773, 775, 779, 785, 802–803, 805, 822, 829, 842–843, 863, 866, 878–879, 911–912, 950, 956, 1011, 1030, 1080, 1196, 1387, 1407, 1529–1530
- Convention of Dec. 8, 1950, between France and Vietnam, 956
- Conventions of Dec. 30, 1949, 889
- Democratic Republic of Vietnam:
- Establishment of, 698–699
- Recognition by: China, People’s Republic of, 43, 288, 698n , 710, 713–714, 717, 731, 746, 750, 855, 963; Soviet Union, 43, 704, 710–711, 713–714, 717, 722–723, 731, 734, 746, 750, 896, 953, 963; Yugoslavia, 753n , 963
- Economic Cooperation Administration Mission, 95–96
- Economic situation, 59–61, 70, 72
- Export-Import Bank loan, 178
- French role and policy, 44, 47–48, 57, 59–60, 71–72, 88, 93–94, 96, 109, 132, 136, 153, 155–156, 158, 166, 180, 185, 680, 691–695, 697–699, 702–703, 705–707, 709, 711, 713–718, 721–727, 729–736, 738–744, 746, 748–751, 753, 755–757, 760–765, 767–779, 783, 790, 793–801, 803–807, 809–812, 814–816, 818–831, [Page 1557] 833, 837–851, 853–885, 887, 889–892, 894–897, 899–912, 914–923, 926–932, 934, 936–944, 946–957, 959–961, 1030, 1180, 1192, 1407
- French Union, membership of Associated States in the, 690–691, 693–695, 699–701, 704, 713, 716–717, 720, 728–729, 732–733, 736–737, 743–744, 746, 760–762, 768, 770, 792–795, 803, 805, 807, 821–822, 825–826, 828, 833, 837, 851, 853–854, 861–862, 869, 871, 889, 898–899, 903, 911–912, 914, 916, 918, 920, 922–923, 936–940, 942, 947–948, 952–953, 956
- Indian policy toward, 48, 692, 694, 697, 699, 701, 731, 741, 755, 776, 778–779, 910–913, 918
- Indonesian policy toward, 693–694, 697, 699, 755, 970, 1011, 1029–1030
- Interstate Conference at Pau, France, 820–821, 826–829, 831–832, 841, 859, 867, 869, 877, 908, 916, 918–920, 922, 930, 940, 942, 954, 960
- Japanese peace conference, proposed participation in, 1211, 1241
- Japanese security arrangements, exclusion from, 1148–1149
- Korean war, impact of the, 831–832, 839, 847, 940–941
- Laos, 10, 31, 34, 43, 48, 86, 153–154, 158, 177, 185, 249, 255, 627, 694, 696, 700, 704–705, 711–714, 716, 719–720, 722, 724, 727–728, 731, 733, 735, 737, 741, 746–747, 762n , 769–770, 775, 783–785, 788, 794, 796, 803, 807, 809, 812, 817–819, 826, 828, 841, 845, 859, 866, 869, 883, 890, 894, 900, 902, 911, 922, 930, 954, 956, 959, 1406–1407, 1530, 1536
- Military situation, 153–156, 158, 163, 170, 180–183, 185, 713, 717, 724–727, 731–732, 736, 740, 746–747, 763–764, 768, 774, 795, 797, 799–801, 804–805, 820, 824, 831, 844–846, 850–851, 868, 878, 881–882, 890, 894–895, 897–901, 906–908, 914–915, 921, 943, 946, 949, 959–961
- Pacific pact, question of inclusion in, 150
- Pakistan policy toward, 48, 699
- Philippine policy toward, 694, 697, 699, 731, 889, 1416
- Political situation, 13, 19, 29, 56, 59, 69–71, 88, 90, 109, 181, 259, 713–715, 741, 783, 788, 824–825, 827n , 830, 868, 894, 909, 914, 946–947, 949
- Rubber production, 175
- Southeast Asian Association, attitude toward, 2, 3n , 977
- Soviet policy, 712, 734, 736, 738, 803, 880, 896
- Sri Lanka policy toward, 691
- Status of, 139
- Thai policy toward, 694, 697, 699, 724–725, 731, 739, 747–748, 755, 889
- Thai recognition of Associated States, 48, 747–748, 770, 776, 1530, 1536
- U.S. economic assistance, 35, 59, 77, 83–84, 94–96, 111, 125, 136, 158, 177, 179–181, 705, 707–709, 715–716, 727, 733–734, 736–737, 739, 749–751, 761–764, 769, 771–772, 783, 785–786, 789–791, 796, 799–804, 808–815, 817–821, 825, 831, 833, 841, 849, 865, 874, 892, 895, 902, 913, 919–921, 923, 935, 938, 1140
- U.S. economic missions, 758–759, 811–812, 814, 818–820
- U.S. military assistance, 7, 9–10, 48, 55–57, 71, 76–78, 83–84, 94–96, 98–99, 106, 113–114, 116, 120, 136, 152–153, 158, 164, 183, 347, 409, 447, 508, 696, 702, 705–709, 711–715, 726–727, 732, 734–743, 748–751, 757, 832–838, 840–849, 856, 859–861, 865, 867, 870–874, 876–884, 886–893, 895, 898–899, 901–902, 906, 908–915, 917, 919–922, 924–928, 931–932, 935–936, 938, 940–941, 943–944, 946–947, 950–954, 956, 1140, 1146
- U.S. military assistance advisory group, 783–784, 788, 808, 817, 831n , 834, 837, 841, 851, 870–871, 883, 888, 890–891, 895, 900, 917, 924, 935–936, 956, 958
- U.S. policy, 30, 55n , 69, 71, 74, 76, 109, 154, 158, 625–626, 690–692, 698–700, 723, 735–736, 744–747, 749, 752, 766–772, 786–787, 789–790, 813, 815–816, 819–822, 827–829, 832–833, 842, 844, 857–862, 868–870, 873–876, 880–881, 886–893, 898–899, 909–910, 913–914, 917–921, 924–930, 934–935, 938–940, 945, 953, 955–958, 1030, 1159
- U.S. recognition of Associated States, 10n , 30–31, 34–35, 43, 690–696, 699, 704–705, 714, 716–722, 725–731, 739, 746, 749–750, 764, 771, 778, 805, 807, 1406–1407, 1415
- U.S. technical assistance, 28, 35, 62, 65, 78, 81, 88–89, 106, 119, 690, 702, 708, 736, 751, 768, 796, 833, 933–934
- U.S. trade embargo against People’s Republic of China and North Korea, 158, 644–645, 662–663, 954
- Vatican recognition of Associated States, 776, 904
- Viet Minh (see also Communist movement, supra), 88, 95–96, 102, 129, 135–136, 140, 153, 155, 158, 170, 185, 409, 550, 698, 706–707, 713, 716, 725–728, 730, 755, 759–760, 762–766, 775–777, 790, 797, 799, 801, 804–805, 808, 819, 825, 829–831, 839, 841–843, 845–847, 849–851, 853–855, 857, 865–866, 869, 871–872, 874–875, 877–878, 881–882, 894–896, 899, 906, 908–909, 914–915, 919, 926, 931, 934, 939–940, 943, 949–951, 953, 959–963, 1529, 1531
- Vietnam: Situation in, 10, 30–31, 34–35, 43, 60, 86, 92, 101, 136, 156, 158, 163, 177, 179–180, 183, 229, 255, 288, 627, 691–696, 699, 708–709, 711–713, 717–718, 728, 731, 733, 735, 737, 739, 741, 745–746, 748, 754, 756, 760–761, 762n , 769–776, 783–785, 788, 794–796, 800, 802–803, 807–809, 811–812, 816–821, 823–824, 826, 827n , 828, 830, 832, 838–839, 841, 845–847, 853–854, 858–859, 862, 865–866, 868–869, 877, 883, 885, 890, 898–899, 901, 903–904, 907–908, 911, 913–914, 916–918, 930–931, 936–939, 944, 954–956, 959, 1406–1407, 1415; U.S. recognition, 690–696, 699–706, 714, 716, 718–722, 724–726, 753, 778, 795–796, 816, 833, 837
- Indonesia, Republic of the United States of (see
U.N. Commission for Indonesia):
- American-Indonesian Corporation, contract of, 967–969, 979
- Anti-Chinese sentiment, 72
- Anti-Communist sentiment, 72, 965–966
- Arms traffic problem, 86
- Asian regional association, attitude toward, 20, 35, 977, 1011, 1360, 1413
- Australia, relations with, 190–191, 203n , 1095, 1101
- British policy toward, 1076n
- China, People’s Republic of: Diplomatic mission, 967, 975, 1005–1006, 1056–1057, 1097; relations with, 970, 975, 994, 1006, 1011–1012, 1054, 1056, 1066–1067, 1079, 1091, 1097
- Communist threat, 964–966, 977–978, 984, 988, 991–995, 1011–1012, 1020, 1028, 1032, 1041–1043, 1052, 1055–1056, 1067, 1079–1081, 1085, 1088, 1091, 1093–1094, 1097–1098, 1103, 1462, 1516
- Conferences of Union Ministers, 987–988, 997n , 999–1000, 1021, 1023, 1058, 1072, 1099–1100, 1101n , 1102–1103, 1106
- Darul Islam (DI) movement, 969, 989, 1003, 1094
- Economic Cooperation Administration mission, 968, 974
- Economic cooperation agreement with the United States, Oct. 16, 1950, 1084
- Economic situation, 59–60, 70, 167, 1266
- Export-Import Bank loan, 70, 90, 968–969, 971, 973–975, 978, 1004, 1013, 1023, 1030, 1032, 1073
- Far Eastern Commission, proposed membership on, 1201
- Indian policy toward, 1076, 1088n
- Indochina, policy toward, 693–694, 697, 699, 755, 970, 1011, 1029–1030
- Indonesian National Army (TNI), 969–972, 982, 984, 988, 992, 996–998, 1001–1003, 1006, 1069
- Indonesian Service Corporation, 1066, 1073
- Japanese peace conference, proposed participation in, 1211, 1241
- Japanese peace treaty, attitude toward, 1219, 1321, 1382
- Japanese security arrangements, exclusion from, 1148–1149
- Korea, Republic of, policy toward, 970
- Korean war, neutral position regarding, 202, 863, 1039–1040, 1055–1057, 1090–1091, 1094, 1097
- Murder of American correspondents, 1090–1091
- Netherlands-Indonesian Commission on New Guinea, 1058
- Netherlands military forces, 980, 999, 1003, 1009, 1022, 1068, 1095
- Netherlands role, 59, 71, 89–90, 694, 697, 755, 768, 770, 775, 940, 951, 953, 966, 969–972, 974–975, 977, 983–985, 987, 989, 991–994, 996, 998–1005, 1008–1013, 1015, 1017–1018, 1033–1036, 1041–1045, 1060, 1074–1077, 1082, 1083n , 1084–1090, 1094–1095, 1099–1103, 1106–1107
- New Guinea, Western (Netherlands), claim to, 191, 202, 219n , 221, 981, 985–987, 989–990, 999, 1017–1018, 1036–1037, 1042–1043, 1053, 1058–1064, 1068, 1087–1089, 1091, 1095–1096, 1099–1108
- Pacific pact, proposed inclusion in, 150, 1360, 1362, 1366
- Partai Nasional Indonesia (Indonesian National Party), 1019, 1099
- Petroleum resources, 1046, 1093
- Philippines, relations with, 1091
- Political situation, 13, 69–70, 89–90, 109, 133, 135, 140, 156–158, 162, 170, 181, 259, 701, 739, 750, 755–756, 767, 775, 781, 845, 949, 963, 981–984, 992–994, 1001–1002, 1011–1012, 1019–1020, 1032–1036, 1042, 1064–1065, 1069
- Pro-American sentiment, 72
- Republic of Indonesia, 981–983, 989, 992, 995–998, 1001–1003, 1010, 1019, 1075, 1087
- Round Table Conference at The Hague, Aug. 23–Nov. 2, 1949, 966, 970n , 972, 975, 982–986, 989–990, 992, 997n , 998–1000, 1003–1005, 1007n , 1008, 1010, 1012–1013, 1017n , 1020–1021, 1024, 1031, 1034, 1041, 1044–1045, 1050, 1052, 1058, 1060–1062, 1068, 1075, 1077, 1082n , 1083, 1084n , 1085, 1096, 1100–1101, 1103–1104, 1107–1108
- Royal Netherlands Indies Army (KNIL), 969–972, 992, 996–997, 999, 1003, 1006–1007, 1009–1011, 1019–1020, 1022, 1024, 1032, 1068, 1074, 1087, 1095
- Rubber production, 175
- Southeast Asian Association, attitude toward, 2, 173, 977
- Southeast Asian Conference at Baguio, policy toward, 101, 195n
- Soviet Union: Attitude toward, 1042, 1052; diplomatic mission, 967, 975; policy, 970, 975, 991, 994, 1012, 1043; recognition, 710
- Supreme Commander, Allied Powers, Japan, trade mission from, 974
- Thai recognition, 725
- Third force concept, 1057
- U.N. membership, 622, 1066, 1072–1073, 1077, 1082, 1097
- U.N. military observers, 980, 1022, 1084
- United States, attitude toward, 1042–1043
- U.S. economic and technical assistance, 28, 38, 59, 78–79, 84, 90, 106, 111, 125, 178–181, 973–974, 976–978, 1004, 1011–1016, 1023–1025, 1027, 1041–1042, 1055–1057, 1072, 1092, 1140
- U.S. military assistance, 7, 9–10, 31, 41, 77, 83, 95, 98, 109, 113, 141, 164, 169, 782–783, 791–792, 964–968, 976, 1025–1029, 1033, 1037–1039, 1042, 1046–1053, 1055–1057, 1067, 1069–1073, 1078–1080, 1090–1091, 1098, 1140
- U.S. military assistance, agreement with the United States regarding Aug. 15, 1950, 1051–1053
- U.S. military assistance advisory mission, proposed, 1030–1032
- U.S. policy, 29, 166, 453, 781, 885, 902, 965, 979, 995–998, 1000–1005, 1037, 1041–1045, 1081–1087, 1089–1090, 1092, 1095–1099
- U.S. relations with, 864–1108
- U.S. trade embargo against People’s Republic of China and North Korea, 627, 644–645, 651–652, 1027, 1038–1039, 1050, 1052–1053
- Visit by Indian Prime Minister Nehru, 1054, 1057
- Westerling affair, 71, 969–973, 977, 982, 989–991, 994–995, 997–998, 1001–1004, 1006, 1012, 1021, 1023, 1033, 1099, 1106
- Zero Corporation, 1073n
- Intelligence Advisory Committee, 154–155
- Inter-American Conference for the Maintenance of Continental Peace and Security, Rio de Janeiro (Rio Treaty), Aug. 15–Sept. 2, 1947, 151n
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 28, 60, 70, 73, 75, 194, 203–204, 206–207, 209–211, 227, 239, 1399, 1402, 1446, 1469–1470, 1534
- International Court of Justice, 1063, 1130, 1270, 1293, 1297, 1301–1302, 1330
- International Military Tribunal for the Far East, 1269, 1300
- International Monetary Fund, 60, 239, 682, 1411, 1446, 1469–1470, 1472, 1480, 1526, 1532–1533
- International Postal Union, 75
- International Rice Commission, 1531
- International Tin Committee, 176
- International Trade Organization, 1202, 1532
- International Wool Study Group, 222–224
- Iran, 29n , 52, 927, 1162
- Iraq, 569
- Ireland, 144
- Israel, 516, 519
- Italian colonies, disposition of former, 17, 561, 565, 567, 575, 1333
- Italy, 620, 645, 648
- Izu Islands, 1328
- Jackson, Cmdr. Robert G. A., 198
- Jackson, Wayne G., 219n , 651–654
- Jacob, Hendrik L., 970
- Jao Shou-shih, 270
- Japan (see also Japanese role under
Japanese peace treaty):
- Allied Council for Japan, 192, 1120, 1130, 1220, 1245, 1327, 1331
- Allied occupation and control, 1125–1127, 1130, 1134, 1137, 1148, 1151–1152, 1165, 1169n , 1191, 1210–1212, 1218–1221, 1281, 1294, 1306, 1338
- Anti-Communist sentiment, 72
- Asian regional association, attitude toward, 20, 122
- Australian occupation forces, 1126, 1147
- Australian policy, 47, 66, 192, 200, 203, 211, 220, 222, 780
- British policy, 780, 1218, 1348–1349
- China, People’s Republic of: Attitude of, 962; policy toward, 1218
- Commonwealth occupation forces, 192, 201
- Communist movement, 71, 281, 1141, 1148, 1154–1155, 1158, 1180, 1184, 1195, 1200, 1202–1204, 1208, 1217, 1220–1222, 1229, 1232–1235, 1253, 1279, 1289, 1348n , 1350, 1358, 1360–1361, 1387, 1389
- Demilitarization and disarmament program, 1120, 1125, 1166, 1169n , 1219, 1244–1246, 1256, 1305–1306, 1380, 1383, 1413
- Economic recovery, 1137–1138, 1149
- Economic situation, 70, 1211–1212, 1224, 1236, 1266
- General agreement on tariffs and trade, proposed admission to, 1348n
- Imports from Manchuria, Korea, and Taiwan, 1194
- Indian policy, 47, 1184
- Instrument of Surrender, 1945, 1120, 1129, 1131, 1190
- Korea, Republic of, attitude toward, 75
- Korean war, effect of, 1231, 1243, 1245–1246, 1263, 1265–1267, 1279, 1305, 1359
- Malayan policy, 47, 75, 1149
- Most-favored-nation treatment for, proposed, 32, 1348–1349
- Neutralization, proposed, 1110–1111, 1112n , 1125, 1133–1135, 1161–1162, 1168, 1219–1220, 1263, 1275, 1305n
- New Zealand policy, 47, 192
- Occupation costs, 1137, 1342–1343, 1365, 1393–1398
- Pacific pact, question of inclusion in, 150
- Pakistan policy, 47, 1184
- Philippine policy and trade, 47, 75, 1413–1414
- Police establishment 1136, 1204, 1235, 1245–1248, 1250–1257, 1305n , 1306, 1358, 1387–1389
- Political situation, 18n , 19n , 72, 169, 350, 779
- Pro-American sentiment, 72
- Purge program, 1136–1137
- Role in Asia, 18n, 19, 27–28, 73
- Security arrangements for, 139, 222, 1112n , 1118–1121, 1123–1124, 1130–1131, 1138–1149, 1159–1160, 1163–1172, 1180–1181, 1210, 1231–1233, 1250, 1263, 1271, 1279–1281, 1305, 1309, 1355, 1365, 1380, 1382–1383, 1385, 1388–1391, 1413
- Soviet policy, 162–163, 1110–1111, 1134–1135, 1155, 1167, 1171, 1200, 1220, 1365, 1387
- Soviet Union, policy toward, 1226, 1232
- Taiwan, trade relations with, 1194
- Thailand, trade relations with, 1184, 1533, 1537
- Trade relations, proposed development of, 46–47, 61, 1223–1226, 1236
- U.S. economic assistance, 1196–1197, 1208, 1210, 1212, 1219, 1223–1225, 1233, 1264, 1266
- U.S.-Japanese bilateral treaty on security, proposed, 1336–1342, 1344–1346, 1348n , 1364–1379, 1386, 1388, 1391–1392
- U.S. military assistance, 41–42, 83, 98, 1168, 1365
- U.S. military bases and installations, 73, 1124–1126, 1128n , 1129n , 1134, 1136, 1139, 1141, 1145, 1147, 1151–1152, 1154, 1157–1158, 1162–1163, 1166–1171, 1173n , 1176, 1178, 1180–1181, 1190, 1195–1196, 1200, 1202, 1206, 1212–1214, 1216–1217, 1220, 1222, 1227, 1229–1231, 1242–1243, 1255n , 1258, 1260–1265, 1270–1271, 1274, 1299, 1338–1340, 1347, 1370–1371, 1375–1377, 1381–1382, 1388, 1390
- U.S. occupation forces, 72, 189, 192, 281, 575, 1118–1128, 1147, 1151–1153, 1157–1158, 1169n , 1170, 1175, 1177–1178, 1180–1181, 1185, 1196, 1223, 1227n , 1229, 1231–1232, 1234–1236, 1255n , 1256, 1259, 1261, 1270–1271, 1273, 1277, 1281–1287, 1289, 1291–1292, 1299, 1309, 1321–1322, 1324–1325, 1328–1330, 1333–1334, 1337–1343, 1345, 1350, 1355, 1365, 1368–1372, 1374–1378, 1395, 1413–1414
- U.S. policy, 29, 189, 192, 201, 211, 222, 435, 453, 560, 781, 784, 1181–1185, 1196, 1207, 1218, 1258, 1348–1349, 1354–1356, 1385–1392, 1516
- U.S. security interests and requirements, 1112, 1118–1119, 1124–1125, 1133n , 1138–1149, 1156, 1158–1160, 1162–1166, 1168–1169, 1172–1173, 1175–1176, 1178, 1181, 1186, 1188–1193, 1199, 1212, 1214, 1216–1218, 1220–1223, 1227–1233, 1235, 1240–1243, 1244n , 1250, 1257–1261, [Page 1561] 1264n , 1268, 1271–1274, 1276–1288, 1292, 1294–1295, 1297, 1299, 1303–1304, 1309, 1328–1330, 1333, 1336–1342, 1344–1347, 1355, 1364–1365, 1367, 1373–1379, 1381–1383, 1385, 1387–1389, 1391, 1413–1414
- U.S. technical assistance, 39
- U.S. trade embargo aginst People’s Republic of China and North Korea, 619–621, 627, 630–631, 634, 661, 685–686, 1194, 1208–1210, 1212, 1342
- War crimes, trials, 1138, 1269
- Japanese peace conference, negotiations concerning: British policy, 1198; China, People’s Republic, questions regarding participation of, 1200–1201, 1211, 1239–1241, 1272, 1351; China, Republic of, role of, 1211, 1351; Indochinese role, 1211, 1241; Indonesian role, 1211, 1241; Japanese role, 1211, 1241, 1312; Korea, Republic of, role of, 1211, 1241; Philippine position, 1311; Soviet role, 1198–1201, 1214, 1216, 1238, 1279, 1350–1351; Sri Lanka role, 1211, 1241; U.S. policy, 1110, 1114, 1121, 1123, 1134, 1144–1146, 1152, 1154, 1175, 1177–1179, 1181, 1189, 1193, 1211, 1216–1217, 1222, 1237–1238, 1241, 1249, 1254, 1272, 1327–1328, 1351, 1380, 1384
- Japanese peace treaty, negotiations concerning:
- Country positions:
- Australia, 200n , 203, 220, 1143, 1148–1149, 1173n , 1176, 1185, 1201, 1219, 1235, 1255n , 1261–1262, 1307–1308, 1321, 1327–1331, 1344, 1350, 1361, 1363n , 1381–1382
- Burma, 1185, 1325n , 1350
- Canada, 1143, 1149, 1173n , 1307n
- China, People’s Republic of, 274, 1118–1119, 1121, 1124–1125, 1128–1132, 1135, 1142–1147, 1152, 1154, 1157–1159, 1171, 1176, 1179, 1187, 1190, 1193, 1199–1200, 1214–1215, 1222, 1280, 1296, 1298, 1327, 1331, 1353, 1360, 1373, 1379, 1381–1382, 1389
- China, Republic of, 1111–1112, 1118, 1145, 1268, 1321n , 1324–1325, 1327, 1331, 1350, 1353, 1372–1373
- Commonwealth, British, 46, 1114, 1116, 1121, 1132, 1149, 1174–1175, 1180, 1192–1193, 1198–1202, 1214, 1272, 1274, 1291n , 1307, 1344, 1393n
- France, 1149, 1159, 1173n , 1324
- India, 46, 73, 1144, 1180–1181, 1185, 1193, 1199–1202, 1258, 1272, 1307n , 1379–1383
- Indonesia, 1219, 1321, 1382
- Netherlands, 1149, 1173n , 1321–1322
- New Zealand, 1143, 1148, 1173n , 1201, 1219, 1307, 1322–1323, 1350, 1363n
- Pakistan, 1185, 1199–1201, 1307n
- Philippines, 1143, 1148–1149, 1173n , 1176, 1219, 1275, 1308–1311, 1350, 1361, 1363n , 1381–1382, 1413
- Soviet Union, 1111–1113, 1117–1119, 1121–1122, 1124–1132, 1135, 1141–1147, 1150–1154, 1156–1159, 1171, 1174–1181, 1186–1188, 1190, 1193, 1196, 1198–1200, 1214–1216, 1220–1223, 1233–1235, 1248, 1256n , 1268, 1280, 1296, 1298, 1303, 1305, 1310–1311, 1326–1327, 1329, 1331–1336, 1350–1354, 1379, 1382, 1383n , 1393, 1414
- Sri Lanka, 1200–1201, 1382
- United Kingdom, 421, 1114, 1116, 1130, 1149, 1159, 1173n , 1185, 1198, 1201, 1235, 1268, 1296, 1298, 1307, 1331, 1344, 1350, 1392–1393
- United States, 71, 73, 139, 147, 152, 163, 203, 208n , 222, 259, 367, 388, 392, 398, 422, 433, 444, 448, 461, 475–476, 484–485, 497, 535, 542, 564, 575, 586, 600, 1110–1131, 1135, 1138–1157, 1160–1168, 1171–1173, 1175–1183, 1185–1194, 1205–1223, 1228–1230, 1237–1241, 1243–1244, 1248–1250, 1254–1255, 1262, 1264–1265, 1267–1270, 1272–1309, 1311–1313, 1319–1320, 1322, 1325–1331, 1349–1352, 1356–1360, 1363–1367, 1374, 1383–1385
- Japanese role, 1194–1198, 1206, 1213, 1217, 1219–1220, 1228–1229, 1231–1238, 1259, 1264, 1266–1267, 1270–1272, 1274, 1279, 1289, 1295, 1311–1312, 1328–1329, 1334, 1345–1348, 1351, 1357–1360, 1365–1366, 1369, 1373, 1381, 1383n , 1383–1385, 1388
- Reparations question, 1350, 1373, 1379, 1383
- Territorial questions, 1120, 1135–1136, 1202, 1292, 1328, 1332, 1334, 1346–1348, 1353, 1367, 1379
- Country positions:
- Jarman, Pete, 18n , 26, 45, 53–54, 65–67, 82–83, 197–199, 211n
- Jarrett, Rear Adm. Harry B., 411, 413, 418, 528, 552, 579, 601
- Jarring, Gunnar, 332
- Jebb, Sir Gladwyn, 184, 471, 500, 505, 516
- Jefferson, Thomas, 144, 827n
- Jen Hsien-chun, 283, 293, 526
- Jessup, Philip C.:
- Anglo-American political-military conversations, 119, 153, 385, 836, 906
- Australia, U.S. policy toward, 208n , 219
- Conference of U.S. chiefs of mission in the Far East, 18–19, 29–30
- Congressional investigation, 988
- Consultant to the Secretary of State, 1160
- Fact-finding mission to the Far East, 11–18, 31, 46–51, 68–76, 82, 187, 229–232, 269, 278–283, 698, 702–703, 705–707, 709, 711, 725, 739, 748, 754–757, 759–762, 764, 769, 807, 815n , 816, 975–978, 990, 1109–1116, 1414, 1417
- Indochina, U.S. policy toward, 861–862, 876, 894, 900, 955
- Indonesian situation, 140
- Japanese peace treaty, 1126n , 1133–1134, 1149–1150, 1156, 1229n , 1230n , 1254–1255, 1260n , 1261n , 1274n , 1278, 1284, 1291
- MacArthur message to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention, 453
- Pacific pact, proposed, 148
- Southeast Asia: U.S. information and exchange program, 67; U.S. technical assistance program, 4
- Taiwan, U.S. policy toward, 347, 366n 431, 464–468, 477n , 561, 568, 582
- U.S. trade embargo against People’s Republic of China and North Korea, 636–637, 666, 668, 671–672, 675, 677–678, 681–682
- Johns Hopkins University, 38
- Johnson, Louis:
- China, Republic of: Cessation of air and sea operations against mainland, 399, 523; U.S. military assistance, 316, 325, 339, 351, 352n , 379–380, 382–383, 617
- Indochina: U.S. military assistance, 40n , 791, 893; U.S. policy, 780–787, 790n
- Indonesia: U.S. military assistance, 964, 993, 1008; U.S. policy, 1046
- Japan: U.S. military assistance, 41; U.S. military and naval bases, 1136; U.S. policy, 1135n
- Japanese peace treaty, 1111, 1112n , 1114–1115, 1153, 1171, 1172n , 1175, 1177–1182, 1188–1189, 1191–1192, 1199, 1206–1207, 1228, 1231, 1247n , 1259–1260, 1264–1265, 1273, 1276, 1278, 1283–1285, 1288, 1290–1296, 1303, 1358, 1364
- MacArthur message to Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention, 454–457, 459–460
- Manchurian cities, charges regarding U.S. bombing of, 462–463
- New Guinea, Western, U.S. policy regarding disposition of, 1074
- Pacific Pact, proposed, 148
- Philippines, U.S. relations with, 1402n , 1404, 1410–1411, 1417, 1484–1485, 1489
- Photo reconnaissance of certain portions of China mainland coast, 395, 404, 407
- Ryukyu Islands, directive for U.S. civil administration of the, 1318n
- Southeast Asia Aid Policy Committee, 886n
- Taiwan, U.S. policy regarding, 366, 367n , 370n , 391–392, 394n , 401–402, 404, 406, 413–414, 423–424, 491, 497
- Thailand, U.S. military assistance for, 40n , 115n
- U.S. Air Force bombers on Taiwan, 410
- U.S. military assistance program for Southeast Asia, 5, 83, 816
- U.S. military survey mission to Southeast Asia, 113
- U.S. trade embargo against People’s Republic of China and North Korea, 625, 628, 632–638, 654–656, 663
- Visit to the Far East, 1447
- Visit to the United States by Australian Prime Minister Menzies, 198n , 208–209
- Johnson, Nelson T., 1306
- Johnson, Richard E., 590–596, 685–687
- Johnson, U. Alexis, 92, 363, 1137n , 1254n , 1303–1305, 1342–1344, 1346, 1348, 1355n , 1393–1398
- Johnston International, 340
- Joint Chiefs of Staff:
- Aerial reconnaissance over Korean territory, authority for, 424
- Germany, Federal Republic of, U.S. military assistance for, 928
- Indochina, U.S. military assistance for, 31, 751, 769, 776, 780–782, 786–787, 802, 817, 871, 886n , 895, 924n , 927, 944n , 945–953, 957
- Indonesia, U.S. policy toward, 31, 1092–1093
- Japan: U.S. policy toward, 1136–1137, 1385–1392; U.S. security requirements in, 1133n , 1134, 1162
- Japanese peace treaty, 1111–1115, 1117–1118, 1125, 1127–1129, 1133, 1135, 1150–1152, 1156–1158, 1162–1163, 1171–1172, 1174–1179, 1181, 1188, 1214–1215, 1222, 1264–1265, 1275, 1278–1291, 1364, 1383n , 1387–1389, 1414
- MacArthur message to Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention, 454–455, 459
- Manus Island, proposed base, 202, 211–212, 221
- New Guinea, Western, U.S. policy regarding disposition of, 1074, 1103–1105
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 902
- Pacific pact, proposed, 147–148
- Philippines, U.S. policy toward the, 1461n , 1484–1489, 1514n , 1528
- Photo reconnaissance of certain portions of the China mainland coast, 395, 404n , 407
- Ryukyu Islands, directive for U.S. civil administration of the, 1313–1319
- Southeast Asia, U.S. military assistance for, 5–9, 31, 83, 780–784, 786–787, 816–817, 888
- Taiwan, U.S. policy toward, 257, 260, 366, 370, 379–380, 385, 391–394, 399–402, 404n , 406, 414, 423, 429, 439, 491–492, 497, 553, 560, 574, 579–580, 582, 587, 1112–1113, 1115
- Thailand, U.S. military assistance for, 31
- U.S. export control program, 654–656, 680–681, 682n
- Joint Strategic Survey Committee, 1385–1392
- Jones, Joseph M., 159
- Jordan, Capt. Beckwith, 115, 1071–1072
- Joy, Adm. Charles Turner, 293
- Judd, Walter H., 1490n , 1492
- Juin, Gen. Alphonse, 905–909, 917, 919
- Justice, U.S. Department of, 665
- Kangleon, Ruperto, 1418, 1494n
- Kapur, 374–375
- Karen revolt. see under Burma.
- Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan, 16, 48–49, 69, 76, 976
- Kavanaugh, Col. E. P., 683
- Keany, Mr., 622–625
- Kee, John, 1464, 1481, 1490n , 1492
- Kennan, George F., 68, 128, 305n , 380–381, 1229n , 1230n , 1238, 1248–1250, 1256, 1264n , 1267n , 1276–1278
- Kennedy, Donald D., 55–58
- Kennedy, Raymond, 1091
- Kermode, Derwent W., 991, 1035–1036
- Keskar, B. V., 910–913
- Key, David M., 18n , 123, 233, 244–247, 250–252, 253n , 254–255
- Khenchung, Tsechag, 493
- Kirk, Alan G., 268n , 374–375
- Kline, Howard, 24, 87
- Knight, Ridgeway, 107
- Knowland, William F., 258, 261–263
- Koo, V. K. Wellington, 245–246, 277, 370, 488, 509–513, 603–604, 1324–1325, 1372–1373
- Koontz, Elinor, 24
- Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of (North Korea):
- Korea, independence of, 1268, 1296, 1298, 1367
- Korea, Republic of (South Korea):
- Anti-Communist sentiment, 72
- Asian regional association, role in, 20, 169, 1412
- Communist movement, 71
- Economic situation, 70, 72
- Exports to Japan, 1194
- General agreement on tariffs and trade, proposed adherence to, 32
- Indonesian policy toward, 970
- Japan, attitude toward, 75
- Japanese peace conference, proposed role in, 1211, 1241
- Japanese peace treaty security arrangements, 1148, 1160
- Political situation, 69–71, 1196
- Pro-American sentiment, 72
- Southeast Asian Association, attitude toward, 2
- Southeast Asian Conference at Baguio, noninclusion in, 101
- Trade policies, 1225
- U.S. economic assistance, 32–33, 1140
- U.S. Military Advisory Group, 33
- U.S. military assistance, 33, 41–42, 77, 113, 1140; agreement with the United States regarding, Jan. 26, 1950, 33
- U.S. military rights, 1284
- U.S. policy, 29, 77, 1208, 1223
- U.S. technical assistance, 39
- Korea, Soviet policy toward, 129–130, 398
- Korea, status of, 139, 173
- Korean war (see also under
United Nations: General Assembly):
- American-Korean Stabilization Commission, 126
- Anglo-American consultations, 588, 836, 941, 1097, 1356
- Anglo-American-French consultations, 407
- Australian participation, 200, 202, 204n , 205, 208n , 209, 211, 215, 217–219, 223, 225–226, 1055
- British position, 524, 615, 641, 647, 652n , 657–658
- Cease-fire efforts, 603, 680–681, 1097
- China, People’s Republic of: Intervention, 162n , 182–183, 186, 367, 397, 403, 432, 436, 491, 498, 506, 532, 552–555, 585, 589, 598, 605, 607, 668, 674, 679, 682–683, 925, 940–941, 962, 1094, 1097–1098; policy, 367–369, 394, 408, 422, 428, 432–433, 439, 447, 479–480, 538, 545, 601, 643, 854, 1386
- Chinese Nationalist troops, offer of, 370, 409, 411, 418
- Foreign Ministers’ discussions, 136
- French position, 856, 902
- Indian position, 373, 375, 507, 603, 615
- Indochina, impact on, 831–832, 839, 847, 940–941
- Indonesian neutrality, 202, 863, 1039–1040, 1055–1057, 1090–1091, 1094, 1097
- Japan, impact on, 1231, 1243, 1245–1246, 1262, 1265–1267, 1279, 1305, 1359
- Manchurian cities, charges regarding U.S. bombing of, 462–463, 477
- Military situation, 506, 515, 532, 536, 576–577, 586, 588, 682, 874, 881, 1032, 1274, 1285, 1294, 1351–1352, 1359–1361, 1364, 1381, 1386–1389, 1391, 1487
- New Zealand policy toward, 1055
- North Korean attack on the Republic of Korea, June 25, 1950, 105–106, 113, 119, 122, 127, 130, 133, 135, 137, 157, 162, 164, 169, 171, 179, 200, 348n , 367, 374, 376, 443, 635n , 644, 666, 831, 833, 838, 867, 872–873, 1228n , 1229, 1231, 1237, 1240, 1243–1244, 1247, 1254, 1256, 1263, 1271n , 1386, 1529
- Philippine participation, 252, 1055
- Soviet policy, 1244, 1364, 1386
- Thai participation, 134–135, 140, 252, 1055, 1098, 1530, 1538
- U.N. actions and forces, 141, 219–220, 251, 397, 403, 408, 416, 435, 498, 505–507, 553, 573, 576, 585, 605, 618, 644, 668, 680, 831–832, 852, 898, 953, 1039–1040, 1080, 1246, 1251, 1263, 1357, 1530
- U.N. General Assembly resolution calling for cease-fire, Dec. 14, 1950, 182
- U.N. Security Council resolution of June 27, 1950, 105, 225, 392, 397, 416, 479, 639, 646, 652n , 657–658, 831n 1040n
- U.S. policy, 162–163, 183, 203, 221, 222n , 224, 372, 380, 385, 386n , 392–393, 395–397, 405, 416, 420–421, 434–435, 441, 444, 476, 480, 506–507, 543, 553–554, 562, 567, 570, 576, 615, 669, 672, 831–832, 836, 848, 852, 854, 863, 865, 897–898, 908, 916, 927, 951, 1039–1040, 1054–1055, 1067–1068, 1080, 1097–1098, 1264, 1280–1281, 1285, 1303, 1306, 1343, 1357, 1384, 1386, 1388, 1479–1480, 1488
- U.S. prisoners of war, 583
- U.S. reconnaissance operations, 463
- Koran, William A., 814
- Kou Vorabang, 954
- Kreps, Col. K. R., 1074
- Kuei (Kwei) Yung Ch’ing, Adm., 307–308, 373–374
- Kung, H. H., 291n
- Kuo Tze-hua, Gen., 297–298
- Kurile Islands, disposition of, 396, 435, 1112, 1120, 1196, 1208, 1240, 1268, 1277, 1281, 1283, 1292, 1294, 1296, 1298, 1326, 1332, 1334, 1346, 1350, 1353, 1380, 1382
- Labor, U.S. Department of, 352n
- Labouisse, Henry R., 174
- Lachag Taring, 361
- Lacy, William S. B., 20–21, 26–27, 36–37, 55–57, 68, 92, 94–96, 100, 107–109, 140–141, 183, 690, 700n , 758, 768, 784n , 839, 845, 864, 884, 896–898, 910–913, 966–967, 1428–1432, 1493, 1509–1511
- Ladejinski, W. I., 91
- Laduc, L. K., 1392n
- Lalor, Rear Adm. William G., 1392n
- Lamping, A. T., 1068, 1086–1087, 1091
- Landon, Kenneth P., 107–108, 140n , 774
- Langdon, William R., 11, 13n , 14, 17, 18n , 22, 73, 181–182, 186–188
- Lange, Halvarde, 506
- Laoh, H., 967
- Latin America, 150–151, 558, 653
- Latuharhary, 1002
- Laurel, José P., 1474n
- Lay, James S., 30, 401n , 404n , 406–407, 413–414, 663, 671, 673–675, 677–678, 680n , 683n , 744–745, 786, 787n , 945, 1135, 1137n , 1296n , 1461n , 1484, 1514n
- Ledoux, 814
- Lee, K. C., 17
- Leimena, Johannes, 1019, 1035n , 1036, 1045, 1053, 1065, 1073, 1075n , 1077, 1106
- Lemnitzer, Maj. Gen. Lyman L., 98, 107, 112, 346, 501, 508, 547, 787–789, 792n , 901, 924, 1275
- Lenin, V. I., 144, 991
- Le Roy, Colonel, 830
- Letourneau, Jean, 719, 806, 859, 899, 903–909, 915–917, 919, 921, 930–932, 934, 936–938, 942
- Levy-Hawes, Maurice, 92
- Liao, John, 356, 357n , 376n
- Liao, Joshua 356
- Liao, Margaret, 376n
- Liao, Thomas, 356, 357n
- Liaquat Ali Khan, 16, 49, 51, 74
- Lie, Trygve, 368n , 374, 450n , 461, 462n
- Lieftinck, P., 999–1000, 1008
- Li Fu-ch’un, 295
- Li Ken-nung, 43
- Li Li-san, 297
- Li Mi, Gen., 249
- Lin, 329
- Lincoln, Abraham, 144
- Linn, Robert H., 424–425
- Lin Piao, Gen., 289, 298
- Lin Ting-li, 323, 325
- Lippman, Walter, 1161, 1305
- Li Tsung-jen, Gen., 315–316
- Liu, Gen., 426
- Liu Po-cheng, Gen., 289–290, 297–298, 320, 404
- Liu Shao-chi, 295, 297, 310, 320
- Liu Ya-tzu, 320
- Lloyd, Selwyn, 430–431
- Lloyd, Marshal Sir Hugh, 187
- Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, 316
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, 560–565, 569, 572
- Logan, William J., 91
- Lopez, Eugenio, 1449, 1455
- Lopez, Fernando, 1401, 1418, 1444n , 1446–1447, 1449–1450, 1454–1456, 1494n , 1508, 1512
- Lovett, Robert A., 559, 579–580, 583, 587, 625, 1162
- Lovina, Primitivo, 1446, 1527n
- Lowe, Lt. Col. H. J., 107, 115
- Lu Wei-hsiang, Gen., 606
- Luxembourg, 216, 225, 810
- Macao, 50, 673, 676–677, 683–684, 686–689
- MacArthur, General of the Army Douglas (see also
Commander in Chief, Far East
Supreme Commander, Allied Powers, Japan):
- Aerial reconnaissance over Korean territory, 424
- British attitude toward, 1349
- Chiang Kai-shek, attitude toward, 427–429
- China, People’s Republic of: Attitude of, 290; attitude toward, 428–429, 432, 1109
- Dodge mission to Japan, 1431n , 1504n
- Far Eastern Commission, 417
- Indochina, U.S. policy toward, 806
- Japan: Proposals regarding police establishment, 1245, 1305; proposed neutralization of, 1110–1111, 1112n , 1125, 1134–1135, 1219–1220, 1255n ; proposed security agreement, 1336, 1337n , 1344–1346, 1367, 1374; U.S. security interests, 1112, 1134, 1167–1171, 1227–1230, 1242, 1245, 1258, 1271n , 1273n
- Japanese Communist Party activities, 1155, 1202–1203, 1221, 1222n
- Japanese land reform, 279
- Japanese peace conference, proposed, 1110, 1134, 1211, 1214–1217, 1384
- Japanese peace treaty, discussions concerning, 73, 1110–1115, 1133, 1135, 1151, 1157, 1165, 1177–1178, 1180, 1199, 1205–1207, 1209, 1213–1222, 1231, 1249, 1264–1265, 1273–1274, 1278, 1289, 1291, 1295, 1303–1304, 1311–1312, 1344–1346, 1349, 1351–1352, 1355, 1360, 1364n , 1365–1366, 1383–1385
- Jessup fact-finding mission to the Far East, 1109–1114
- Korean war, 427, 616, 832, 897, 1097, 1351, 1387
- Manchurian cities, charges regarding U.S. bombing of, 462
- Message to Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention, 451–461, 462n , 466, 534
- Photo reconnaissance of certain portions of the China mainland coast, 395n
- Philippine attitude toward, 1507
- Philippines, proposed Japanese trade with, 1413
- Purge program, 1136
- Recall of, proposed, 569
- Ryukyu Islands, directive for U.S. civil administration of the, 1313n
- Student exchange program, 1138
- Taiwan: U.S. military assistance for, 579, 591; U.S. policy toward, 260, 366–367, 370, 374, 385, 392–394, 401, 411, 423–424, 427–430, 439, 451–461, 533–534, 548, 1115
- U.S. military mission to Taiwan, 429, 552
- U.S. trade embargo against People’s Republic of China and adjoining areas, 619, 622
- Visit to Taiwan, 370, 405–406, 409–412, 416–419, 431, 444, 447, 465, 486
- Wake Island conference with President Truman, 152, 529n , 533–534, 896, 1322, 1394, 1503, 1506
- MacArthur, Mrs. Douglas, 1352
- MacDonald, Sir Malcolm, 11–18, 22, 51, 64–65, 70, 73–74, 89, 156, 173, 181, 185–187, 699, 703, 827n , 920–921, 930, 936, 1535
- MacKiernan, Douglas, 358, 362
- Mackintosh, A.D., 1322
- Madrigal, Vicente, 1400, 1403, 1405–1406, 1411n
- Magill, Robert N., 524–528, 651, 654, 660–662
- Magruder, Maj. Gen. Carter, 1135n , 1186–1188, 1191, 1205n , 1227n , 1250–1251, 1288–1291, 1293, 1336, 1344, 1345n , 1367, 1373–1374, 1386
- Magsaysay, Ramon, 1494n
- Makin, Norman J. O., 208n , 214, 219n , 222, 1261
- Makins, Sir Roger, 640–641
- Malaya: Anti-Chinese sentiment, 72, Anti-Communist, sentiment, 72; British position, 11, 15–16, 71–72, 135, 140, 156, 187–188, 398, 409, 680, 750, 840; Communist influence and activities, 15, 42–43, 71, 109–110, 132–133, 186–188, 781, 957, 963; economic situation, 14, 70, 1266; Japan, policy toward, 47, 75, 1149; political situation, 11, 14–15, 19n , 69, 71–72, 109–110, 156, 170, 259, 779; rubber production, 174–175; [Page 1566] Supreme Commander, Allied Powers, Japan, trade relations with, 14; U.S. economic and technical assistance, 28, 64–65, 79, 84, 89, 93, 130; U.S. military assistance, 7–9, 56, 111, 113, 130–131, 164, 783; U.S. policy, 153–154, 781, 902, 1093
- Malik, Yakov A., 396–397, 420–421, 450, 461, 471, 516, 519, 1055, 1111, 1325, 1332–1336, 1350, 1352–1354, 1373, 1380
- Malloy, Lt. Col. John T., 1001
- Malony, Maj. Gen. H. J. 153–155, 886n , 888n , 898
- Manchuria. see under China, People’s Republic of.
- Mansfield, Mike, 1490n
- Mansour, 1002, 1019
- Manus Island. see under Australia and Joint Chiefs of Staff.
- MaoTse-tung, 182, 184–185, 240, 266, 270, 286, 288–289, 291–292, 294–295, 297–299, 302, 309, 319, 321n , 328, 365, 375, 419–421, 428, 605, 698, 704, 740, 742–743, 750, 753, 799, 852, 867, 1054, 1091
- Marchand, Gen., 882
- Marcus Island, disposition of, 1135, 1282, 1287, 1292, 1294, 1298, 1328, 1392
- Mariana Islands, 451, 1282, 1287, 1292, 1294
- Marshall, George C.:
- Australian military mission to the United States, proposed, 225, 227
- China, Republic of, blockade measures by, 522, 524n
- Indochina, U.S. military assistance for, 893, 900, 906, 924; U.S. policy toward, 886, 945, 949
- Indonesia, U.S. policy toward, 1092–1093, 1104
- Japanese peace treaty, 1363–1364, 1383n , 1385–1386, 1390–1392
- North Atlantic pact, 1162
- Taiwan, U.S. policy toward, 554, 556n , 560, 573–574, 583, 587, 602
- U.S. trade embargo against People’s Republic of China and North Korea, 680
- World War II experience, 1165
- Marshall, Maj. Gen. Richard J., 1467, 1474–1480, 1483, 1497n
- Marshall Islands, 1282, 1287, 1292, 1294
- Marshall Plan. see European Recovery Program.
- Martin, E. M., 651
- Martin, Edward, 280, 282
- Martin, William McChesney, 666, 677–678, 1411, 1481
- Marx Karl, 144
- Mathews, Elbert G., 55–57, 92, 107, 110, 137n , 613
- Matsudaira, Marquis, 1236
- Matthews, Francis P., 456
- Matthews, H. Freeman, 128, 136–137, 147, 225n , 405, 453, 462, 464, 466–468, 473–475, 582, 636, 679n , 900–902, 1244n , 1284, 1293n , 1319
- Ma Yin-Chu, 369
- McAfee, William, 24, 65, 87, 92, 382
- McCloy, John J., 625–626, 630, 635, 682n , 1257
- McComb, Malcolm, 91
- McConaughy, Walter P., 90–92, 264–269, 289–293, 296–304, 318–321, 352–356, 604–605, 655, 675–676, 688–689
- McCune, Shannon, 117
- McDermott, Michael, 1160
- McDougall, G. E. M., 174–175
- McFall, Jack K., 214, 258, 1295n , 1430n , 1438–1440, 1464n , 1470n
- McGhee, George C., 10, 49, 136–139, 1511
- McKeever, Porter, 571
- McKelvey, Graham M., 1527
- McMahon, Maj. John P., 1001
- McNeil, Hector, 284
- McQuillin, Francis, 1497n
- McWilliams, William J., 1115n , 1133n , 1356n
- Mediterranean, 349–350
- Meeker, Leonard C., 1150n
- Meere, Francis Anthony, 198
- Melby, John, 100–102, 107, 114, 134, 140, 155–157, 164–173, 186, 252, 393, 837n , 839–849, 857, 859, 866, 870, 872–873, 900, 907n , 918, 924, 1055, 1067, 1069–1072, 1078–1080, 1083–1084, 1090, 1399, 1403n , 1418, 1423n , 1440n , 1456n , 1493–1496, 1523
- Menon, K.P.S., 272–273, 283–285, 358, 541
- Menzies, Robert G., 66, 121, 197–211, 215, 219–220, 226, 390, 1261–1262, 1308, 1361
- Merchant, Livingston T., 8–11, 37n , 58, 64, 76, 106n , 123n , 312, 313n , 314n , 347, 364n , 365, 450–451, 462–466, 474n , 581–583, 597, 598n , 602, 606, 609n , 628–632, 641–643, 663, 666, 668–670, 685, 687n , 730, 733, 735n , 738, 749–751, 792, 809, 815, 867–868, 897, 901–902, 1133, 1198, 1295n , 1393, 1403n , 1409n , 1419n , 1490n
- Merrill, Maj. Gen. Frank D., 861
- Mexico, 17, 216
- Michels, Cmdr. R.J., 115
- Middle and Near East, 143, 145, 150–151, 215, 223, 225, 282, 349–350, 1046, 1159, 1162
- Middle East pact, proposed, 122
- Midway Island, 451
- Mill, John Stuart, 144
- Miller, Robert, 342, 357
- Millet, Pierre, 880n , 896–897
- Millikin, Eugene D., 162
- Moch, Jules, 859, 876, 893, 899, 910, 921
- Moget, General, 1006
- Molotov, V. M., 440
- Mongolian People’s Republic (Outer Mongolia), 259, 311
- Monomutu, 973
- Monroe Doctrine, 350, 1112n , 1162, 1169n
- Moore, Ross, 24, 87
- Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers, 1945, 1120n , 1129, 1131, 1152, 1355n
- Most-favored-nation treatment, 32, 1269–1270, 1262, 1297, 1300, 1330, 1348–1349
- Moyer, Raymond B., 18n , 24, 28, 87, 123n , 341, 345, 443, 481n , 524–528, 601
- Muccio, John J., 18n , 77, 1205
- Murchison, David C., 1150, 1152–1153
- Murdaugh, Capt. Albert C., 18n , 55–57, 462, 1185–1186
- Murphy, John, 107
- Mutual Defense Assistance Act of 1949, 4–6, 8–11, 24–25, 31, 40–41, 44, 55–57, 68, 83–84, 95, 98–99, 103–104, 106, 113, 115, 118–119, 130–131, 235, 238, 414n , 446, 604, 617, 696, 712, 714–715, 751, 785–786, 791, 801, 835, 964, 1025, 1480n , 1481
- Mutual Defense Assistance Program, 4n , 7, 31, 33, 41, 52–53, 55–57, 76–79, 83, 86, 98–100, 108–116, 235n , 255, 696n , 835, 925, 1078–1079, 1098, 1146, 1163, 1275, 1365
- Nanpo Island, 1135, 1282, 1294, 1392
- Nason, John B., 58, 91
- Nathan, Robert, 979
- National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems, 178, 210, 1429, 1467–1468, 1505, 1525
- National Security Council:
- Asia, U.S. military assistance, 5–6, 103; U.S. policy, 27, 29n , 30–35, 121, 147, 149, 154, 621, 628–632, 638–639, 889, 1142, 1342
- China, U.S. policy, 33
- China, People’s Republic of, freezing of assets in the United States, 666
- China, Republic of, U.S. military assistance for, 501
- Indochina, U.S. policy toward, 55–56, 69, 625–626, 744–747, 749, 751–752, 780, 784–787, 802, 886–890, 898, 929, 945, 949, 955, 957–958, 1146
- Japan, U.S. military bases in, 1167, 1169n ; U.S. policy, 1135–1138, 1187–1189, 1190n , 1204, 1210, 1216, 1244n , 1251–1252, 1254, 1256–1257, 1313n , 1358
- Japanese peace treaty, 1112n , 1135, 1139, 1150, 1159, 1163, 1165, 1171, 1187, 1240, 1274, 1276, 1284, 1295, 1296n , 1386, 1392
- Korea, Republic of, U.S. policy toward, 77, 183
- Korean war, 888n , 1231n
- Philippines, U.S. policy toward the, 1461–1463, 1484, 1489, 1509n , 1510n , 1514–1520
- Photo reconnaissance of certain areas of China mainland coast, 395n , 406–407
- Southeast Asia, U.S. military assistance for, 40
- Taiwan, U.S. policy toward, 34, 257, 264–265, 268–269, 370n , 394n , 401n , 413–414, 434, 443, 501, 507, 574, 587–588, 602
- Trade embargo against People’s Republic of China and North Korea, 34, 619, 621, 628–632, 635–639, 660, 663–664, 668, 670–675, 677–679, 680n , 682, 683n
- U.S. Air Force jet bombers on Taiwan, 410
- National Security Resources Board, 407
- Natsir, Mohammad, 1056, 1064–1065, 1069, 1074, 1077–1080, 1084n , 1087–1088, 1098–1099, 1103–1106
- Nauru, 191
- Navy, U.S. Department of the, 351–352, 413n , 1318, 1339
- Nehru, Jawaharlal: Asian regional association, attitude toward, 20, 26, 35–36, 150, 216, 839, 977, 1413; Burmese attitude toward, 241; China, People’s Republic of, attitude toward, 185, 244–245, 386, 441n , 482, 531, 551, 615–616, 1067, 1080; Indian foreign policy, 13, 1080; Indochina, policy toward, 692, 755, 775, 779n , 780, 913, 918; Indonesian attitude toward, 976–977, 989; Indonesian situation, 1076; Japanese peace treaty, 46, 73, 1181, 1258; Kashmir dispute, 16, 49, 976; Korea, policy toward, 1080; New Guinea, Western, proposed good offices for dispute concerning, 1064; Pakistan–Sri Lanka–India–Burma union, proposed, 231; political situation in India, 977; Taiwan, policy toward, 449, 469; Tibet, policy toward, 285, 361–362, 441n , 495, 545–551; U.S. technical assistance, 75; visit to Indonesia, 1054, 1057; visit to the United States, 976
- Neilson, Lt. Col. Henry, 107, 115
- Nepal, 50, 72, 157, 314, 364n , 410, 541
- Neri, Felino, 1418–1419
- Netherlands (see also Netherlands role under Indonesia), 14, 29, 34, 59, 150, 178, 203, 221, 288, 620–621, 627, 633, 642, 645–646, 648, 650, 656n , 864, 1005, 1084–1086, 1149, 1173n , 1321–1322
- Netherlands-Indonesian union, 59, 981, 984, 986–987, 989, 996, 998, 1001, 1041, 1063, 1083, 1084n , 1088, 1090, 1099–1101, 1105–1108
- Newfoundland, 1371
- New Guinea, Eastern, 191
- New Guinea, Western:
- Australian interest. see New Guinea, Western under Australia.
- Dispute between the Netherlands and Indonesia concerning disposition of, 181, 191, 202–203, 219n , 221, 223, 981, 985–987, 989–990, 999, 1017–1018, 1036–1037, 1042–1043, 1053, 1059–1064, 1068, 1087–1089, 1091, 1095, 1099–1100, 1106–1108
- U.N. trusteeship, proposed, 1063, 1104
- U.S. policy, 985–987, 990, 1058–1059, 1074, 1096, 1100–1106, 1108
- Ne Win, 69, 232n , 235–236, 241, 247–248, 250–251, 252n
- New Zealand (see also under
Japanese peace treaty: Country positions):
- Arms traffic problem in Southeast Asia, 86
- Asian regional association, attitude toward, 20–21, 27, 82, 169, 753, 1413
- Australia, relations with, 195
- Burma, proposed financial assistance for, 12
- China, People’s Republic of, attitude toward, 258
- Commonwealth, British, role in, 188
- Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, participation in, 21
- Japan, policy toward, 47, 192
- Korean war, policy toward, 1055
- New Guinea, Western, policy toward, 1074
- Pacific pact, support for proposed, 20, 147–148, 150, 163, 215–216, 1322–1323, 1350, 1354, 1356–1357, 1360, 1362, 1363n , 1366, 1369
- U.S. policy toward, 453, 1330
- Wool allocations, negotiations concerning, 223–224
- Ng, Philip, 257, 258n
- Ngo Dinh Diem, 777, 829–830, 884–886, 910
- Ngo Dinh Thuc, 829–831, 885–886, 910
- Nguyen Huu Tri, 706–707, 847, 939, 954–955
- Nguyen Khac Ve, 832, 838, 853–854
- Nguyen Phan Long, 706–707, 773n , 776n , 777–778, 805, 826, 838, 883, 886
- Nguyen Viet Canh, 829–830
- Nieh Jung-chen, 295, 297, 306
- Nikijuluw, J. P., 1037
- Niloqti, J. Taringqop, 493
- Nitze, Paul H., 305n , 347, 679n , 925, 1246, 1267n
- Nolting, Frederick E., 55–57
- Norodom Sihanouk, 717, 720, 728–729, 731, 750, 768–769, 819, 911
- North Atlantic treaty countries, 52, 113, 131, 213, 215–216, 225, 508, 927
- North Atlantic treaty forces, 929
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization 154, 226, 844, 889, 893, 902, 915, 922
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization Council, 146n , 218n , 806, 1065n , 1444n
- North Borneo, 1093
- Norway, 469, 496, 506, 667n
- Noyes, Charles P., 518–520
- Nozaka, Sanzo, 1154, 1203–1204
- Officer, Sir Keith, 149, 151–152
- O’Gara, John E., 174–175, 668–670, 1524n
- Ogburn, Charlton, 68–76, 92, 352–356, 766–767, 862–864
- Ohly, John H., 52–53, 98–100, 107, 157, 547–548, 617–618, 792n , 924–930, 1275–1276, 1509–1510
- Ohta, Ichiro, 1263, 1270–1271
- Okazaki, Katsuo, 1234–1235
- Okinawa, disposition of, 70, 72, 148, 396, 435, 452–453, 560, 1112, 1135–1136, 1138, 1154, 1162, 1167, 1171, 1177, 1181, 1271n , 1334n , 1335, 1346–1348, 1350, 1364, 1391, 1413
- Organization for European Economic Cooperation, 126
- Organization of American States, 225
- Osborn, David L., 308, 376n
- O’Shaughnessy, Elim, 695, 700n , 718, 839
- O’Sullivan, James L., 767, 839–840, 1017–1018
- Overton, Douglas W., 1254n , 1305–1306
- Pace, Frank, 1175, 1179–1180, 1182, 1244n
- Pacific, 349–350, 434–435, 451–453, 480, 1142–1144, 1146–1147, 1149, 1307
- Pacific declaration, proposed, 1360–1363
- Pacific pact, proposed, 20, 26, 45, 47, 54, 63–67, 81–82, 121–123, 141, 147–152, 163, 195, 199n , 200n , 202, 207–208, 213, 215–219, 223–227, 1139n , 1144, 1159, 1162, 1193, 1255n , 1308, 1321–1323, 1350, 1354, 1356–1357, 1360–1361, 1363n , 1364, 1366, 1369, 1392, 1538
- Pakistan:
- Afghanistan, dispute with, 51
- Anti-Communist sentiment, 72, 976
- Armed forces, 72
- Arms traffic problem in Southeast Asia, 87
- Asian regional association, attitude toward, 20, 150, 1413
- Burma, relations with, 12, 74, 241–242
- China, People’s Republic of, policy toward, 50, 74, 182, 187, 558
- Communist movement, 138, 950
- Economic situation, 51, 70, 72
- India, relations with, 27, 74, 976
- Indochina, policy toward, 48, 699
- Japan, policy toward, 47, 1184
- Japanese peace treaty, policy toward, 1185, 1199–1201, 1307n
- Political situation, 13, 29, 72
- Pro-American sentiment, 72
- Southeast Asian Conference at Baguio, policy toward, 101, 195n
- Trade policies, 1225
- U.N. matters, 492, 558, 561
- U.S. policy, 750
- U.S. technical assistance, 10, 78
- Pakistan–Sri Lanka–India–Burma union, proposed, 231
- Palar, L.N., 991, 1006, 1072
- Panchen Lama, 425
- Pandit, Madame Vijaya Lakshmi, 1379–1382
- Pannikar, K. M., 185, 244, 365, 368, 371–372, 374–375, 394, 415, 431, 439–440, 443, 446–449, 467, 469, 476–480, 499, 506, 531, 546, 549, 597–598, 614–615, 778
- Panyushkin, Alexander S., 1200
- Papua, 191, 986, 1101
- Parace Vela Island, 1287, 1292, 1298, 1328
- Paracel Islands, 1328
- Parelman, Samuel T., 76–79, 92, 117–119
- Parodi, Alexandre, 407–410, 419–422, 704, 721, 727, 739–742, 754–757, 851–852, 855–856, 867
- Patel, Sardar Vallabhbhai, 69, 615
- Paul, Norman S., 108
- Pearson, Lester B., 16, 220
- Pedrosa, Pio, 1401–1402, 1411, 1425n , 1453
- Pelapessy, M. A., 1035–1036
- Peng Meng-chi, Gen., 323, 325
- Peng Te-huai, Gen., 298, 310
- Peng Wen-ying, 265
- People’s Republic of China. see China, People’s Republic of.
- Peralta, Macario, 1418
- Perkins, George W., 121, 200n , 202–205, 214n , 218–225, 647, 649, 695–696, 710, 718–719, 741n , 876, 925, 993n , 1117
- Perkins, Troy L., 450–451, 524, 597, 664–665
- Pescadore Islands, defense and status of, 371, 374n , 380, 385, 387, 390, 401, 423, 541, 556–557, 592, 594–595, 1268, 1277, 1292, 1296, 1298, 1326, 1332, 1334, 1380, 1382
- Petsche, Maurice, 893, 910, 931
- Pfeifer, Joseph L., 1490n
- Pham Ba Truc, 885
- Pham Huy Quat, 838
- Phan Van Giao, 706–707
- Philippine Independence Act, 1934, 1443n
- Philippine Rehabilitation Act of 1946, 1431n , 1438–1439
- Philippine Trade Act of 1946, 101, 1429, 1451, 1473n
- Philippines:
- Abaca program, 1466
- Anti-Communist sentiment, 72, 1461, 1463
- Armed forces, 1435–1437, 1463, 1487, 1495–1496, 1509–1510, 1517
- Arms traffic problem in Southeast Asia, 86, 92–93, 95, 98, 808
- Burmese policy toward, 231
- China, People’s Republic of: Policy toward, 101, 558, 1465–1466, 1486–1487; pressures from, 1055, 1436
- Colombo plan, question of inclusion in, 160n , 161
- Communist movement, 172, 781, 845, 949, 957, 963, 1418, 1433–1434, 1437, 1442, 1447, 1450, 1462–1463, 1484–1485, 1487–1489, 1500, 1510, 1515–1516, 1519
- Defense and security of, 1404–1405, 1410–1412, 1462, 1485–1489, 1495, 1515–1517, 1520
- Economic and financial situation, 58–59, 70, 167, 1403, 1407–1408, 1415, 1423, 1429, 1432, 1452, 1454, 1457, 1459–1460, 1462, 1467–1473, 1475–1483, 1490, 1493–1495, 1497–1504, 1506, 1509–1510, 1518–1522, 1528
- Hukbalahap (Huks) revolt, 1433–1436, 1438, 1441–1442, 1450, 1463, 1483, 1486–1487, 1496, 1500, 1510, 1517, 1519, 1528
- Indochina, policy toward, 694, 697, 699, 731, 889, 1416
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development loan, 1399, 1402, 1446, 1469–1470
- Japan: Policy toward, 47, 75; trade with, 1413–1414
- Japanese peace conference, policy toward, 1311
- Japanese peace treaty. see Philippines under Japanese peace treaty: Country positions.
- Joint United States–Military Advisory Group, 783, 1418, 1433, 1436–1437, 1488–1489, 1495–1496, 1517, 1528
- Korean war, participation in, 252, 1055
- Memorandum of agreement between ECA Administrator Foster and President Quirino, Nov. 14, 1950, 178, 180, 1513n , 1521–1525
- Pacific pact, proposed inclusion in, 147, 150, 216, 1356–1357, 1359–1362, 1363n , 1366, 1369
- Political situation, 13, 69–70, 72, 157–158, 162, 170, 350, 410, 775, 781, 1428–1429, 1433–1436, 1441–1451, 1454–1457, 1462–1463, 1474, 1484, 1486–1487, 1493, 1517–1518
- Pro-American sentiment, 72
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation loan, 1473, 1476
- Southeast Asian Association, 1–3, 977, 1412–1413, 1424–1425, 1432
- Southeast Asian Conference at Baguio, 20–21, 26–27, 36, 66, 100–102, 195, 1406, 1449, 1465
- Soviet policy toward, 1486, 1516
- Soviet Union, relations with, 1416
- Trade embargo against People’s Republic of China and North Korea, 622, 627, 644–645, 677, 1419
- U.N. role, 492
- U.S. economic and technical assistance, 37–38, 58, 62, 78, 141, 178–180, 932, 1140, 1399–1400, 1401n , 1402, 1404, 1407–1409, 1424, 1441, 1443, 1446, 1448, 1453, 1455, 1457, 1462–1463, 1470, 1472–1473, 1476, 1479–1480, 1482, 1490, 1493–1495, 1502, 1504–1505, 1508–1509, 1511–1513, 1515, 1519–1526
- U.S. Economic Survey Mission (Bell Mission), 172, 178–179, 1409, 1415, 1423–1427, 1431–1432, 1442, 1445–1446, 1448–1449, 1451–1460, 1465, 1467–1483, 1490–1492, 1494–1495, 1497–1509, 1511–1513, 1514n , 1519, 1521–1523, 1525–1527
- U.S. military assistance, 52, 164, 712, 782–783, 1140, 1417–1418, 1433, 1436–1437, 1443, 1463, 1485, 1487–1488, 1495–1496, 1515, 1518, 1520, 1528
- U.S. military bases, 72, 560, 1410–1411, 1413, 1418, 1437, 1487–1488, 1516–1517
- U.S. military forces, 106, 172, 831n , 1411, 1438, 1487–1489, 1495, 1509, 1515n , 1516–1517, 1520
- U.S. policy, 29, 140, 171–172, 186, 435, 442, 451–453, 750, 781, 848, 865, 873, 885, 902, 1177, 1330, 1356–1357, 1359–1360, 1399, 1401–1410, 1424–1432, 1440–1446, 1450–1451, 1461–1463, 1484–1489, 1509, 1514–1520
- Veterans benefits, U.S. payment of, 1399, 1402, 1405, 1407, 1416–1417, 1419–1424, 1427–1430, 1442
- Visits to the United States by President Quirino: Aug. 1949, 1419–1420, 1422–1424, 1427, 1429; Jan.–Feb. 1950, 1399–1416, 1423, 1431, 1452, 1456–1458
- War damages, U.S. payments for, 1399, 1400n , 1405, 1407, 1409–1410, 1416, 1424, 1430–1431, 1438–1440, 1464, 1470, 1473, 1481, 1492
- Pibulsonggram (Phibun Songgram) Field Marshal, 12, 102, 181, 724–725, 739, 747–748, 1530, 1535, 1538
- Pignon, Léon, 70, 88, 409, 422, 695, 700, 703, 705–706, 720, 726–727, 744, 754, 771, 776–777, 792, 796, 798–802, 812–815, 818–820, 822, 838–839, 841, 845, 847, 850–851, 874, 877, 882–883, 899, 903, 905n , 906, 907n , 916–917, 921, 923, 930, 941–942, 944n
- Pineau, Christian, 937
- Plaza Lasso, Galo, 521n
- Pletcher, Charles H., 341
- Pleven, René, 852, 855–856, 859–860, 864–867, 870, 874, 876–877, 879, 932n , 936–938, 944
- Point Four Program (see also U.S. technical assistance subheadings under individual countries), 142–143, 146, 192, 194, 232, 239, 243, 702, 708, 751, 768, 833, 932–933, 973, 990, 1042, 1140, 1146, 1513, 1533
- Poland, 1057
- Policy Planning Staff of the U.S. Department of State: Indochina, U.S. policy toward, 857–858; Japanese internal and external security, 1255–1257; U.N. Korean actions, 141
- Ponce, L. Neftalé, 521n , 550
- Poole, Richard A., 64–65
- Port Arthur. see under China, People’s Republic of.
- Portugal, 86, 225, 687–688
- Pote Sarasin, Nai, 693–694, 697, 724–725, 739, 747
- Potsdam Conference, 1945, 259n , 1110n , 1121n , 1131
- Pridham, K. R. C., 651, 660–661
- Pringgodigdo, Abdul Gafar, 976n , 999, 1099–1100, 1105
- Putuhena, 1019
- Quarles van Tifford, Leopold, 1033
- Quenco, Manuel, 1422n
- Quevedo, 504–505, 508–509, 516, 520–521
- Quezon, 1474
- Quirino, Antonio, 1416–1417, 1422, 1430, 1449n , 1454
- Quirino, Elpidio, 1–3, 36, 83, 101, 122–123, 172, 178, 180, 346, 1091, 1098, 1399–1416, 1417n , 1419n 1420, 1422–1432, 1440n , 1441–1460, 1464–1465, 1467, 1474–1481, 1493–1494, 1497n , 1503–1513, 1521–1523, 1524n , 1525–1527, 1538
- Radford, Adm. Arthur W., 260
- Radhakrihshnan, Saravapalli, 375
- Randolph, Mary, 24
- Rankin, Karl L., 18n , 249, 418, 434, 443–444, 472, 481–484, 488–489, 507, 513–514, 552–553, 579, 586–587, 599–601, 606–609
- Rau, Sir Benegal N., 483, 506, 578, 583–584, 612
- Recognition (see also under China, People’s Republic of): De facto, 690–691, 693–694, 696, 699–701, 703; de jure, 699–703
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 1473, 1476, 1502
- Reed, Charles S., 767
- Reger, Maj. H., 107
- Reid, Ralph W. E., 1194
- Republic of China. see China, Republic of.
- Rhee, Syngman, 1, 69, 71, 221, 281
- Ribicoff, Abraham A., 1490n , 1491–1492
- Richards, Maj. Gen. George J., 772
- Richardson, H. E., 358–359
- Richardson, Cmdr. D. C., 107
- Rimshi Dingja, 276
- Ringwalt, Arthur R., 1201–1202
- Roberts, Frank K., 317, 426–427, 430, 494–495
- Roberts, Col. Frank N., 1437
- Robertson, David A., 55–57, 107
- Rockefeller Foundation, 38
- Roem, Mohammad, 999, 1059, 1065, 1067–1074, 1075n , 1076–1080, 1083, 1085–1087, 1089–1091, 1094, 1096–1099, 1106–1107
- Roger, Maj. Hamilton, 115
- Romulo, Carlos P., 1–3, 20–21, 26–27, 98, 100–102, 223, 346n , 752–753, 775, 1308–1311, 1412–1413, 1432, 1440n , 1444, 1447–1449, 1453–1454, 1458n , 1459n , 1460, 1464–1467, 1474, 1479, 1494n , 1527, 1528n
- Roosevelt, Anna Eleanor (Mrs. Franklin D.), 564, 572
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., 564
- Rosario Island, 1287, 1292, 1298, 1328
- Roschin, N. V., 372n , 374, 467
- Ross, Charles, 455–456, 1160
- Ross, John C., 148n , 567, 572, 576, 1320–1321
- Rourke, Henry G., 198
- Roxas, Manuel, 1462
- Royall, Kenneth, 1196, 1420–1422
- Rusk, Dean:
- Australia, U.S. relations with, 205
- Burma, U.S. relations with, 244, 245n , 252
- China, People’s Republic of: Situation in, 327–329; U.N. representation, question of, 519–520; U.S. nonrecognition, 348; U.S. policy, 581–582, 305n , 314n , 322n , 327
- China, Republic of: U.S. economic assistance, 524; U.S. military assistance, 333–335, 346, 363, 364n , 379, 382, 552, 579
- Chinese representation in the United Nations, 348, 499
- Conference of U.S. chiefs of mission in the Far East, 18
- Free China Committee, proposed, 537, 540n
- Foreign Ministers’ meeting in London, 94
- Indian attitude toward the United States, 614
- Indochina: U.S. military assistance, 74n , 845, 901, 924; U.S. policy, 690, 733, 752, 769n , 827–829, 839–840, 861–862, 864, 875–880, 894, 910, 913, 924, 938
- Indonesia, U.S. relations with, 978, 998n , 1017–1018, 1058–1059, 1074–1075, 1096n
- Japan: Proposed bilateral security treaty, 1336, 1345n , 1367–1368, 1373; U.S. policy, 1135–1138, 1227n
- Japanese peace treaty, 1126n , 1131, 1135, 1139, 1150, 1156n , 1161, 1175, 1185–1188, 1190n , 1191, 1192n , 1205, 1216, 1229n , 1230n , 1241n , 1256n , 1257–1258, 1262n , 1264n , 1267n , 1284, 1311, 1320, 1325–1326, 1342, 1348n , 1350n , 1356
- Jessup fact-finding mission to the Far East, 68
- MacArthur message to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention, 453–454
- New Guinea, Western, U.S. policy regarding disposition of, 985–987, 1100–1105
- Pacific pact, proposed, 147–149
- Philippines, U.S. relations with, 1420, 1425n , 1428, 1430n , 1438n , 1440n , 1444–1446, 1448, 1450–1451, 1453, 1456n , 1473n , 1474n , 1480, 1490–1492, 1509–1511, 1524n
- Photo reconnaissance of certain areas of China mainland coast, 395n , 404–405
- Southeast Asia, U.S. policy regarding, 140, 784n
- Southeast Asia Aid Policy Committee, 117–119, 183–184, 817, 886n
- Southeast Asian regional conference, proposed, 86n , 100
- Soviet policy in the Far East, 128n
- Taiwan: Defense of, 330; political situation, 509–510; U.N. trusteeship, proposed, 348–349; U.S. policy, 256–257, 264n , 347, 351, 370, 431–438, 468, 472, 499, 510–513, 533–534, 559, 563, 565, 574, 576, 585
- U.S. funds, private, for technical assistance in the Far East, 37n
- U.S. Mutual Defense Assistance Program for the Far East, 8n , 9, 52, 56, 83–84
- U.S. technical assistance mission to Southeast Asia, 87, 90, 92, 106
- U.S. technical assistance program, 142
- U.S. trade embargo against People’s Republic of China and North Korea, 632, 637, 651, 664, 667–668, 678–680, 683–684
- Ryukyu Islands, disposition and status of, 396, 1112, 1120, 1135, 1162, 1169n , 1268, 1282, 1287, 1292, 1294, 1296, 1298, 1313–1319, 1328, 1334, 1346–1347, 1348n , 1350, 1359, 1364–1365, 1367, 1373, 1382, 1384, 1391–1392, 1516
- Saint Louis, George W., 289–292, 296, 298, 300–302
- Sakawati, 992
- Sakhalin Island, disposition of Southern, 1112, 1120, 1196, 1208, 1268, 1277, 1281, 1292, 1294, 1296, 1298, 1326, 1332, 1350, 1380, 1382
- Samoa, American, 85
- Sanders, William, 669
- Sandifer, Durward V., 518–519, 1095n
- Santa Cruz, Hernan, 576
- Sao Hkun Hkio, 230n , 247, 253, 255
- Saravamuttu, M., 17n
- Sarawak, 1093
- Sargeant, Howland H., 112
- Sastroamidjojo, Ali, 968
- Satterthwaite, Joseph C., 18n , 1116
- Satterthwaite, Livingston L., 224n , 1323n
- Savang, Prince, 727–728
- Sawyer, Charles, 210, 621, 625, 628–629, 632, 636, 638, 639n , 655, 657, 659–660, 663, 666–668, 671, 673
- Schaetzel, J. Robert, 668
- Schoenfeld, Arthur, 107
- Schokking, W. F., 993–995, 1007n
- Schuman, Robert:
- British policy in the Far East, 73
- Foreign Ministers’ meetings, 218n , 868, 1020n
- Indochina: French policy toward, 47, 718–719, 722, 735, 742–743, 754–757, 761, 764, 771n , 789, 793, 807, 812–813, 815–816, 819, 821–822, 827–828, 854, 856, 867, 874, 876, 880–881, 919–921, 1180; U.S. economic and military assistance, 94
- Japanese peace treaty, 220, 1175, 1180–1181, 1187, 1189, 1192, 1293, 1303
- Taiwan, policy toward, 500
- Scott, Joseph W., 983n , 985n , 1017–1018, 1089–1090, 1095n
- Scott, Maj. Gen. Stanley L., 107
- Scott, Robert H., 51, 1393n
- Scotten, Robert M., 18n
- Seagrave, Gordon, 253
- Sebald, William J., 18n , 366–367, 370, 405, 415, 418–419, 458, 682n , 1109, 1111–1112, 1114, 1132–1134, 1154–1156, 1167–1168, 1170–1171, 1202, 1205–1207, 1212, 1223, 1228–1229, 1262n , 1263, 1270–1271, 1273, 1303, 1305, 1311–1313, 1392–1393
- Seifutdin, 310
- Seitz, H. F., 622, 624–628
- Shakabpa, Tsepon, 330–333, 361, 377n , 378, 424–426, 440, 493–495, 540–541
- Shanghai Power Company, 306n , 308, 312, 314n
- Shann, K. C. O., 1320–1321
- Shell Oil Company, 635, 640, 642–643, 651, 652n , 654–655, 657, 661–662, 685, 766
- Shen Chang-huang, 373
- Sheppard, W. J., 1276
- Sherman, Adm. Forrest, 1111, 1175, 1177, 1181
- Shidehara, Baron, 1232
- Shih Chao-ying, 417
- Shirasu, Jiro, 1263
- Shohan, Charles J., 58–62, 131–133
- Shullaw, J. Harold, 20, 225n
- Siam. see Thailand.
- Simatupang, Col., 970, 1009–1010, 1080, 1083
- Simmons, John F., 102, 212–213, 215n , 226n
- Sinkiang. see under China, People’s Republic of.
- Sisavang Vong, 717, 720, 727, 731, 750, 768–769, 819, 911
- Sjafruddin Prawiranegara, 1019, 1057, 1065
- Sjahrir, Sutan, 968, 975, 1069
- Smathers, George A., 1490n
- Smith, Gen., 37–38
- Smith, H. Alexander, 258, 260, 262, 607, 1401
- Smith, Horace H., 214–217
- Smith, Lawrence H., 1490n , 1491
- Smith, Walter Bedell, 583, 682
- Smith, William C., 299–302, 322, 329, 353
- Snow, Conrad E., 1355n , 1358n
- Snyder, John W., 198n , 206, 208–209, 210n , 395n , 407, 413, 669, 671, 673–675, 677, 681–682, 744–745, 786, 893, 1409, 1411, 1429n , 1468, 1472n , 1481–1483, 1484n , 1493
- Soedarsano, 1040
- Soong family, 291n
- Souers, Sidney W., 636
- Soule, Brig. Gen. Robert H., 293, 300, 302–304
- Soumokil, 1033, 1035, 1094
- Southeast Asia:
- Anglo-American cooperation, proposed, 13–15, 19, 30, 51, 73
- Arms traffic, proposed conference on illegal, 86–87, 92–93, 96–98, 100, 136, 182
- British policy and role, 13, 29, 86, 93–94, 96, 135, 139, 159–161, 169, 181–182, 782
- China, People’s Republic of, attitude toward, 15, 50, 76, 135, 186–188, 333–334, 353, 364, 605, 625, 712, 798, 1141–1142
- Colombo plan, 47, 50–51, 64–66, 82, 146, 159–161, 182, 190, 201, 203, 220–221, 227, 231–232, 1535
- Commonwealth, British, role, 29, 139, 159, 186, 1535
- Communist movement, 6, 15, 69, 95, 104–105, 108–109, 140–142, 145, 167–168, 173, 186, 188, 201, 244, 282, 626, 713–715, 737–738, 745, 747, 749, 780, 784, 798, 803, 839, 844–845, 874, 879, 888, 957, 1148–1149, 1415, 1462, 1485, 1516
- Economic Cooperation Administration loans, 25
- Economic development, 14n
- Economic situation, 58–62
- Export-Import Bank loans, 25, 28
- French role, 29, 86, 94, 96, 136, 139, 798, 800n , 804, 816, 840
- Japan, trade relations with, 46–47, 61, 1223, 1225, 1227n
- Netherlands role, 29, 86
- Overseas Chinese communities, 537, 539
- Situation in, 626, 723, 744, 782, 949, 978n
- Southeast Asian Conference at Baguio, May 26–30, 1950, 20–21, 26–27, 30, 35–37, 54, 64, 66, 82–83, 85–86, 100–102, 122, 169, 195, 231, 753, 977, 1406, 1449, 1465, 1538
- Soviet policy, 710, 712, 781, 798, 1141–1142
- Strategic materials, U.S. procurement of, 131–134, 174–176
- U.S. economic assistance, 104–105, 110–111, 170–171, 173, 176–181, 784
- U.S. information and educational exchange program, 67–68, 78, 103–105, 173, 932n
- U.S. Joint State–Defense Survey Mission, 99, 108–116, 131, 140, 155–157, 164–173, 186, 247–248, 252, 393, 414, 837–838, 840–844, 849–851, 857, 860, 865–866, 870–873, 900, 907n , 918, 924, 935, 1031–1032, 1055, 1067, 1069–1072, 1078–1080, 1083, 1090, 1493n , 1495–1496
- U.S. military assistance, 53, 56–57, 95, 100, 104–105, 113–115, 120, 166, 168–173, 180, 183, 346–347, 548, 712, 751n , 782, 784, 816–817, 902n , 935, 1275
- U.S. policy, 4, 19, 29–30, 43–44, 69, 94–96, 108, 117, 140–141, 165–168, 173, 737, 750, 752, 780–782, 786, 789, 790n , 816–817, 863, 867, 889–890, 894, 957, 978, 1030, 1159, 1229n
- U.S. Special Technical and Economic Missions (STEMs), 110–111, 123–124, 176–181, 922, 933–934, 1032, 1057, 1072–1073, 1092
- U.S. technical assistance, 3–4, 10–11, 19, 24–25, 28, 32, 61–62, 66, 74–75, 78–81, 93–94, 118–119, 932–933
- U.S. Technical Assistance Mission (Griffin Mission), 10–11, 19, 24–25, 28, 32, 52, 64–65, 79–82, 84, 87–93, 105–106, 110–111, 118–119, 123–125, 127, 130, 173, 234, 239, 738–739, 749, 751, 762–764, 771, 777, 785, 789–790, 794–798, 801–802, 806, 808–809, 811, 816, 837–838, 933, 990–991, 1004–1005, 1011–1016, 1027, 1030n , 1099
- Southeast Asia Aid Committee, 783, 817
- Southeast Asia Aid Policy Committee, 153–154, 155n , 183–184, 886–890, 945–946, 955
- Southeast Asia Coordinating Committee, 106, 117–119
- Southeast Asian Association, proposed, 1–3, 14, 71, 169, 195, 231, 1413
- South Pacific Commission, 84–85, 191
- South Pacific Conference, Apr. 25–May 3, 1950, 85
- South Seas Conference, 1946, 191
- Sovereignty, 120, 196, 211n , 222, 291, 309, 329, 365, 449, 475, 477, 532, 535, 555, 575, 584n , 699, 701, 711, 746, 750, 770, 803, 807, 821, 827n , 853, 860, 879, 907n , 911, 944, 960, 972, 981n , 983–986, 998, 1000, 1003–1004, 1006, 1012–1013, 1020, 1037, 1041, 1055–1056, 1059–1060, 1063, 1067, 1069, 1087–1088, 1095–1096, 1100–1103, 1106, 1153, 1171, 1190, 1229, 1242, 1243n , 1267, 1277, 1281, 1292, 1296–1297, 1304, 1310, 1319–1320, 1328, 1334, 1345–1347, 1359, 1364, 1366, 1381, 1383–1384, 1391, 1403, 1426, 1461, 1463, 1478, 1518, 1520, 1530, 1538
- Soviet satellites, 43, 186, 192, 619–621, 629, 632–635, 638–639, 664, 738, 880, 1052, 1249, 1331, 1416
- Soviet Union (see also Soviet Union and Soviet subheadings under individual countries and subjects): Peace offensive, 142; political and military objectives, 118, 128–130, 138–139, 185–186, 189–190, 197, 350, 403, 434, 531, 586, 929, 1162, 1189, 1247, 1335–1336, 1359, 1387, 1416, 1538; U.S. export control program, 620–621, 629, 632–635, 638–639, 664, 671n
- Spain, 705, 1039, 1204
- Sparkman, John J., 561, 568–569, 571–572
- Spellman, Francis Cardinal, 831, 1464
- Spender, Percy C., 26, 35n , 45, 47, 50, 54, 63–67, 81–83, 141, 146–152, 190, 193, 198, 201, 207, 211–224, 226–227, 1059–1062, 1308, 1321, 1350, 1361–1362
- Spinks, Charles N., 1305
- Spofford, Charles M., 859
- Spoor, Lt. Gen. Simon, 971, 973, 1006
- Spratley Island, 1328
- Sprouse, Philip D., 68, 92, 312–314, 334n , 347, 622
- Sri Lanka: Arms traffic problem in Southeast Asia, 87; Asian regional association, 150, 195n ; British policy, 17; Burma, relations with, 74, 241; Commonwealth, British, member of, 17; economic situation, 50–51; Far Eastern Commission, proposed membership in, 1201; India, relations with, 27; Indochina, policy toward, 691; Japanese peace conference, proposed role in, 1211, 1241; Japanese peace treaty, position regarding, 1200–1201, 1382; rubber production, 175; situation in, 29, 69; U.S. policy, 29n
- Stalin, Iosif Vissarionovich, 128–129, 144, 186, 294–295, 297, 303, 309, 319, 753, 799
- Standard Oil Company, 306n , 766
- Standard Vacuum Oil Company, 622, 640, 643, 654–655, 657, 662
- Stanton, Edwin F., 9, 18–20, 27–30, 78–81, 92–93, 102–103, 123n , 152–153, 184–186, 693–694, 697, 724–725, 738–739, 747–748, 1530
- Steere, Loyd V., 358, 361, 424–426, 584
- Stein, Eric, 518–520, 574–576, 1017
- Sterndale-Bennett, 12
- Stevens, Eli, 107
- Stikker, Dirk U., 987, 992–995, 1000, 1003, 1005, 1008, 1017, 1060–1061, 1068, 1103
- Stoneman, William, 295–296
- Strand, August L., 1497n
- Strang, Sir William, 49, 1198
- Stratemeyer, Lt. Gen. George E., 463, 1112
- Strong, Robert C., 18n , 249–250, 257–258, 278, 280, 283, 293n , 307–308, 314n , 323–325, 334–342, 356–357, 373–375, 376n , 378, 381, 384–385, 387–388, 390–391, 410–413, 415–419, 443–444, 485–487, 597–599
- Struble, Vice Adm. Arthur D., 373–374, 381, 388, 401, 411, 418
- Stuart, Arthur W., 91
- Stuart, John Leighton, 260
- Stuart, Wallace W., 518–520
- Sturm, Paul J., 54
- Sukanto, Raden Said, 966–967, 1003, 1027–1028, 1079
- Sukarno (Soekarno), 75, 109, 966–968, 975–978, 979n , 988–991, 1002–1003, 1005–1006, 1009–1010, 1023, 1054–1057, 1061, 1066–1069, 1071, 1080, 1089–1091, 1096–1100, 1103, 1105–1108
- Sulzberger, Cyrus L., 88, 295–296, 308n , 823
- Sumitro Djojohadikusumo, 973, 1072
- Sunde, Arne, 506
- Sun Li-jen, Gen., 74, 76, 304, 335, 360, 485, 553
- Supreme Commander, Allied Powers, Japan (see also
- Australian attitude toward, 192
- British attitude toward, 1349
- Economic reforms, 281
- Indochina, U.S. military assistance for, 941
- Indonesia, trade mission to, 974
- Japanese Communist Party, activities of, 1202–1203, 1221–1222
- Japanese economic recovery, 1138
- Japanese government, control over and relations with, 1136, 1158, 1182–1184, 1190–1191, 1195, 1200, 1210, 1220, 1222, 1226, 1231, 1233, 1237, 1281, 1306, 1331, 1355n , 1358, 1383n , 1384–1385, 1390, 1395
- Japanese peace conference, proposed, 114, 1211
- Japanese peace treaty, discussions concerning, 1112–1113, 1115, 1119–1122, 1127–1128, 1130, 1157–1158, 1163–1166, 1173, 1176, 1188, 1207, 1209, 1214, 1277, 1281, 1307
- Japanese police establishment, 1136, 1235, 1245–1246, 1247n , 1250–1254, 1257
- Japanese trade agreements, 32
- Malaya, trade relations with, 14
- Military mission to Taiwan, 411, 552
- Mutual Defense Assistance Program in South and East Asia, 1275–1276
- Purge program, 1137
- Ryukyu Islands, U.S. civil administration for the, 1319
- Southeast Asia rice supplies, 135
- Tax mission to Taiwan, 527
- Thai trade mission, 1537
- U.S. trade embargo against People’s Republic of China and North Korea, 34, 619, 622, 625–626, 628, 630–631, 634, 661, 685–687
- Surkhang, Rimshi L. T., 540
- Su Yu, Gen., 290–291
- Swan, Trevor W., 198
- Swayne, Kingdon W., 341
- Sweden, 575, 633, 1039, 1131
- Switzerland, 633, 1039
- Symington, W. Stuart, 667
- Syria, 569
- Taft, Robert A., 162, 569
- Tahija, 996–997, 1002
- Taiwan (see also
China, Republic of
and Taiwan question under
United Nations: General Assembly and under
United Nations: Security Council):
- Anglo-American consultations, 588
- Australian policy, 219n , 221
- British policy, 316, 367, 388–390, 396–399, 408, 431–433, 450, 464–468, 474, 478, 501, 604, 615
- China, People’s Republic or, policy of, 264–268, 290, 291, 294, 298, 300, 319, 321, 330, 336–338, 340, 354, 368–369, 370n , 371–375, 380, 388–390, 395, 397, 401, 407–408, 422, 429, 432, 436, 439–448, 467–469, 477–478, 480, 498–499, 507, 529–532, 536, 544, 577, 586, 592–593, 595, 600, 854, 962, 1055, 1485, 1516–1517
- Communist movement, 278
- Defense of, 343–344, 349, 366–367, 370–371, 379–381, 390–395, 401–406, 415, 423, 501–503, 541, 590–592, 594–596, 601, 617–618
- Economic Cooperation Administration: Mission, 438, 444, 472, 525, 527–528; program, 34, 38–39, 106, 261, 338, 340–341, 345, 429–430, 436–437, 444, 481, 487, 524–528, 600
- Evacuation of Americans, plans for, 338–346, 351
- Evacuation of Chinese, plans for, 351
- Foreign Ministers’ discussions, 136
- Formosan Independence Movement, 257
- Formosan League for Re-emancipation, 356–357, 376, 378
- French policy, 407–408
- Independence, proposals for, 478, 570, 576
- Indian policy, 372, 389, 432–433, 441, 443, 469, 477, 531, 561, 1379–1380, 1382
- Japan, trade relations with, 1194
- Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction, program of, 126, 261, 338, 340
- MacArthur message to Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention, 451–462, 534
- Military situation, 137, 307, 330, 333–334, 347, 373, 485, 487, 1486
- Photo reconnaissance of certain areas of China mainland coast, 395
- Political situation, 74, 76, 101, 169, 257–258, 261, 278–280, 323–325, 335–336, 356–357, 376, 378, 384, 485, 509–510, 513
- Regional association, proposed role in, 169
- Soviet policy, 349, 374, 397–398, 467, 480, 530
- Status of and proposals for disposition of, 139, 162, 229, 259, 388, 392, 398, 421–422, 433, 436, 441, 448–449, 461, 465, 467n , 468, 471, 475–478, 480, 484, 491, 493, 500, 512, 514–515, 517, 525–526, 528, 532, 535–536, 554–558, 562, 564–570, 573–574, 576, 586–587, 600–601, 1120, 1208, 1239–1240, 1268, 1277, 1283, 1292, 1296, 1298, 1325–1326, 1332, 1334, 1350, 1357, 1361, 1367, 1372–1373, 1380, 1382
- Taiwan Democratic Association, 323–325, 335
- U.N. trusteeship, proposed, 348–349, 388, 478, 483, 560, 570, 576
- U.S. Air Force bases, establishment of, 410
- U.S. Air Force flights over Taiwan, 439n , 444
- U.S. Air Force jet bombers and fighters, transfer to Taiwan of, 410, 412, 439
- U.S. economic assistance, 340
- U.S. Military Advisory Group, 438, 444, 472, 528
- U.S. military assistance, 7–9
- U.S. military survey mission (Fox mission), 393–394, 411, 414, 429, 434, 439n , 446, 481, 502, 548, 552, 579, 590–596, 617
- U.S. policy, 29n , 34, 76, 163, 256–264, 267–269, 277, 280, 298, 313, 322, 326, 334–335, 347, 363, 366–367, 370, 375n , 376, 379–380, 383–385, 387–394, 396–402, 406–408, 411, 413–414, 419, 422, 427–429, 432–438, 441–448, 451–462, 464, 472–478, 478–481, 483–485, 487–489, 491–493, 497–500, 504, 507, 510–518, 523–525, 527, 541–542, 552, 556–563, 602–605, 615, 712, 868, 1054, 1177, 1196, 1223, 1324, 1357, 1359, 1361, 1387, 1413
- U.S. Seventh Fleet, role and mission of, 367, 371, 373, 385, 390, 392–393, 397, 399, 401–402, 404, 406, 408, 418, 435–436, 444, 461, 465, 470, 476, 480–482, 498, 507–508, 511, 523n , 524–525, 536, 541, 552, 555, 557, 562–564, 570, 590–596, 831n , 1239n , 1325
- U.S. technical assistance, 38–39
- Visit by General of the Army MacArthur, July 31–Aug. 1, 1950, 370, 405–406, 409–413, 416–419, 431, 444, 447, 486
- Talman, Cmdr. B.L.E., 107
- Tañada, Lorenzo M., 1474n
- Tan Malaka, 988
- Tan Shao-hwa, 1324n
- Tarring, Henry, 24, 87, 92
- Tate, Jack B., 348n , 564–565, 571
- Tedder, Lord, 119, 153, 385, 836, 906
- Teheran Conference, 1943, 259n
- Teitgen, Pierre-Henri, 759–760
- Tewksbury, Howard H., 521
- Texas Company, China, Ltd., 657
- Thailand:
- Anti-Chinese sentiment, 72
- Anti-Communist sentiment, 72, 109, 135, 153
- Arms traffic problem, 86–87, 92–93, 95–97, 102–103, 136, 808, 1536
- Asian regional association, attitude toward, 20, 74, 977, 1413, 1538
- Australian policy, 1535–1536
- British policy, 12–13, 135, 1535
- China, People’s Republic of: Policy toward, 558, 1529–1530; pressures from, 42–43, 79, 187, 754, 1055, 1537
- Chinese Nationalist troops in North Burma and Thailand, 249–251
- Communist threat, 42, 70, 79–80, 109, 153, 187–188, 244, 711, 725, 747, 749, 878, 963, 1080, 1529–1532, 1536–1539
- Economic situation, 60, 72, 80, 1529, 1532
- Exclusion from Japanese security arrangements, 1148
- France, relations with, 1536
- Fulbright agreement with the United States, July 1, 1950, 1432
- India, relations with, 1536
- Indochina, attitude toward, 48, 93, 97, 101, 694, 697, 699, 724–725, 731, 739, 747–748, 755, 770, 776, 889, 1530, 1536
- Indonesia, recognition of, 725
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development loan, 1534
- Japan: Assets in Thailand, 1379, 1383; trade relations with, 1184, 1533, 1537
- Korean war, participation in, 134–135, 140, 252, 1055, 1098, 1530, 1538
- Military assistance agreement with the United States, Oct. 17, 1950, 394, 415–416
- Pacific pact, question of inclusion in, 150–151
- Political situation, 12–13, 15, 19, 29, 56, 69–70, 79, 89, 109, 132–133, 156, 181, 259, 750, 779, 1529–1531
- Pro-American sentiment, 72
- Rubber production, 175
- Southeast Asian Association, proposed, 2
- Southeast Asian Conference at Baguio, participation in, 101, 195n , 1538
- Soviet Union, relations with, 1537–1538
- U.S. economic and technical assistance, 28, 78–81, 84, 89, 106, 111, 125, 178–179, 181, 1533–1534
- U.S. export control program, 158, 677, 1534
- U.S. military assistance, 7, 9, 31, 55–56, 78, 83, 97–98, 113, 115–117, 134–135, 152–153, 164, 183, 415–416, 447, 748, 782–783, 788, 817, 835, 1530–1531
- U.S. Military Assistance Group, 817
- U.S. policy, 80, 153–154, 394, 902, 1529
- U.S. relations with, 1529–1539
- Thakin Nu, 12, 69, 74, 229–232, 235, 244, 246, 250–251, 253–255
- Thielen, Lt. Col. Bernard, 107
- Thompson, Llewellyn E., 256, 710n , 1156, 1159
- Thome, Capt. N. G., 115
- Thorp, Willard L., 68, 75, 205–206, 209, 220, 679n , 681, 1227n , 1267
- Thupten Sanghe, Lachag Khenchung, 276
- Tibet (see also Tibetan question under
United Nations: General Assembly and under
United Nations: Security Council):
- British policy, 273, 284, 314, 318, 331, 361, 364n , 365–366, 386, 410, 425, 431, 495
- China, People’s Republic of: Invasion by, 157, 182, 185, 284–285, 362, 377n , 424, 427, 441n , 545–547, 549, 551, 577, 602, 611, 613, 618; policy toward, 49–50, 72, 272, 276, 284, 291, 294, 309, 314, 317, 331–333, 358, 361–362, 364n , 365, 410, 422, 426, 439–440, 449, 477, 494–495, 531–532, 583–584, 754, 916
- Indian policy, 72, 272–273, 276, 283–286, 314–315, 317–318, 331–332, 361–362, 364n , 365–366, 376–377, 386, 410, 425–427, 430–431, 440–442, 449, 477, 494–495, 503, 531–532, 541, 545–551, 583–584, 602–603, 611
- Soviet policy, 309
- Status of, 272–273, 276, 333, 361–362, 364n , 365, 426, 477, 494–495, 531, 577, 612–613
- U.S. policy, 7–9, 273n , 275–276, 285–286, 314–315, 330–332, 358, 362, 364–365, 376n , 377, 386–387, 424–425, 430n , 440–441, 494, 503, 540–541, 545–547, 551, 584, 602, 612–613, 618
- Tito, Josip Broz, 13, 268, 270, 292, 354, 710, 753, 758, 803, 1067
- Tokuda, Kyuichi, 1154
- Tomabechi, Geizo, 1234
- Tomlinson, Frank, 469, 642, 647, 649, 1306–1307, 1349n
- Tong, Hollington, 343–344
- Toyoda, Adm. Teijiro, 73
- Trading with the Enemy Act, 1917, 664, 679n
- Tran Van Huu, 706, 776–778, 805, 807, 820, 825–826, 830, 838, 883, 892, 904, 907, 919, 923, 954–955
- Treasury, U.S. Department of the, 210, 352n , 665–666, 668–670, 678–679, 681, 1360, 1411, 1414, 1432, 1468, 1472–1474, 1479, 1525–1526
- Treaties, conventions, agreements, etc. (see also under individual countries):
- Air transport agreement between the United States and Burma, 237
- Air transport agreement between the United States and Thailand, 1947, 1534
- Amity, treaty of, between Thailand and China, 1946, 1536
- Anglo-Japanese alliance, 1262n
- Australian-New Zealand agreement, 1944, 195
- Baie d’Along agreement between France and Vietnam, 1948, 828
- Cairo Declaration, 1943, 259, 264, 398, 436, 448, 465, 467n , 477–478, 528, 532, 535, 555–557, 562, 564–567, 570–572, 588, 1324, 1326, 1332–1333, 1382
- China, protocol between eleven foreign powers and, 1901, 271
- Educational exchange agreement between the United States and Burma, 237–238
- Extraterritorial rights, treaty between the United States and China relinquishing, 1943, 271
- General agreement on tariffs and trade, 1947, 32, 193, 238, 240, 1202, 1348n , 1473, 1532–1533
- Greenland, defense of, agreement between the United States and Denmark for the, 1941, 337n
- Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, 1947, 151, 350, 1164
- International Trade Organization Charter, 189, 193, 240
- Italian peace treaty, 1947, 1330–1331, 1333n
- Japanese mandated islands, former, trusteeship agreement between the United States and the U.N. Security Council regarding, 1947, 1268n , 1282, 1287, 1292, 1294, 1298, 1328
- Liberia, defense agreement between the United States and, 1942, 1340n , 1372
- Linggadjati agreement between the Netherlands and Indonesia, 1946, 982, 997
- Military assistance agreement between the United States and the Philippines, 1947, 1418; supplemental agreements, Feb, 24 and Mar. 11, 13, 1950, 1418–1419
- Naval and air bases: Arrangement between the United States and the United Kingdom relating to, 1940, 1371–1372; leased, agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom regarding, 1941, 1371
- Newfoundland, defense of, protocol between the United States and the United Kingdom concerning, 1941, 1371
- North Atlantic Treaty, 1949, 47, 122–123, 149–152, 195, 213, 215–216, 225, 349–350, 717, 893, 906, 927, 1148, 1162–1164, 1193, 1323
- Potsdam agreement, 1945, 259, 358, 535, 556, 1110, 1120–1123, 1127, 1128n , 1129, 1131, 1152, 1158, 1190, 1206, 1218, 1220–1221, 1230, 1257, 1326, 1333, 1355n , 1357
- Property, surplus, agreement between the United States and Burma, 237
- Publications, official, exchange agreement between the United States and Burma, 237
- Renville agreements between the Netherlands and Indonesia, 1948, 997
- Simla convention regarding Tibet, 1914, 272, 495, 613
- Sino-Soviet treaty of friendship and affiance, 1945, annulment of, 311
- Trade agreement between the United States and the Philippines, 1946, 1451n , 1473, 1501, 1522
- United Nations Charter, 1945, 191, 384, 398, 473, 479–480, 484, 493, 497, 500, 517, 535, 547n , 556, 562, 569, 597, 613, 890, 948, 1076, 1098n , 1105, 1122, 1126, 1143, 1146–1147, 1172–1173, 1190, 1210, 1238, 1242, 1257, 1260–1261, 1268–1269, 1286–1287, 1289, 1298, 1326, 1332, 1336–1337, 1341, 1355–1356, 1363, 1366–1367, 1369, 1374–1375, 1378
- Versailles treaty, 1919, 1249
- Yalta agreement, 1945, 1350, 1380
- Trevor Wilson, Arthur Geoffrey, 882
- Troyanovski, Aleksander, 1332, 1352
- Truman, Harry S.:
- Asia: U.S. military assistance, 5–7, 68, 83; U.S. policy, 621, 889n , 1412
- Burma, U.S. military assistance for, 55, 78, 235
- China, People’s Republic of: Seizure of U.S. government property, 270, 276n ; U.S. nonrecognition, 1415; U.S. trade embargo, 619
- China, Republic of: U.S. military assistance, 414n , 508; U.S. policy, 282, 430
- China aid funds, utilization of, 93, 712
- Conversations with:
- Australian Foreign Minister Spender, 212–213, 215, 218, 226
- Australian Prime Minister Menzies, July 28, 1950, 197, 198n , 199, 200n , 202n , 204–209
- British Prime Minister Attlee, 164, 588, 599–600, 604n , 941, 1097n , 1356
- Indonesian Foreign Minister Roem, Nov. 15, 1950, 1096
- Philippine President Quirino: Aug. 9, 1949, 1419n , 1420, 1422–1424, 1427, 1429–1430; Feb. 4, 1950, 1411–1416, 1423, 1431, 1452, 1456–1458
- Indochina: U.S. economic assistance, 77, 95, 768, 785–787, 791, 801–802; U.S. military assistance, 40–41, 55–56, 76, 83, 95, 98–99, 106, 696n , 741, 751, 783, 791–792, 831n , 832–833, 835–836, 856; U.S. policy, 744n , 745, 887–888; U.S. recognition of Associated States, 694, 700, 716–717, 719–720, 725, 727–729, 1415
- Indonesia, U.S. military assistance for, 77, 83, 95, 98, 864, 966n
- Japan: U.S. military assistance, 83; U.S. military bases, 1169
- Japanese peace conference, 1211
- Japanese peace treaty, negotiations concerning, 1113, 1115, 1131, 1133n , 1139, 1152, 1157, 1160, 1187, 1189n , 1190n , 1207n , 1243, 1248, 1255, 1273, 1278, 1282n , 1290, 1292–1293, 1295–1296, 1303, 1307n , 1308, 1347, 1348n , 1351n , 1358, 1363–1364, 1366, 1386, 1414
- Korean war, 105–106, 113n , 383, 476, 480–481, 831n , 832, 836, 1054, 1067, 1097n , 1485, 1503
- MacArthur message to Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention, 454–460, 466, 534
- Pacific pact, proposed, 1354
- Philippines, U.S. policy toward the, 172, 1399n , 1400, 1402–1404, 1409n , 1411–1412, 1415, 1419n , 1420–1421, 1424–1425, 1429–1431, 1438–1440, 1442, 1450, 1452–1454, 1456–1460, 1461n , 1465, 1467, 1479, 1482, 1484, 1490, 1497, 1503–1509, 1511–1512, 1514n , 1519, 1521–1523, 1534n , 1525–1526
- Photo reconnaissance of certain areas of China mainland coast, 395n , 407
- Southeast Asia: U.S. Information and Educational Exchange Program, 103; U.S. policy, 19, 29, 117, 782; U.S. technical assistance, 25, 79
- Southeast Asian Association, proposed, 3n , 1412
- Taiwan: U.S. defense of, 106, 380–381, 383–384, 394n , 402, 404, 423–424, 429, 432, 434–435, 446, 451, 461, 485, 523–524, 868; U.S. policy toward, 34, 263–264, 277, 280, 298, 313, 322, 326, 334–335, 363, 367, 375n , 379–380, 385, 387, 391–392, 396–397, 399–402, 408, 419, 422–423, 427, 432, 434, 444, 446, 451, 453–455, 460–462, 466, 474, 476, 478–480, 482–483, 485, 507, 511, 519, 523–525, 557, 562, 570, 583, 587, 831n , 833, 1054, 1239, 1413, 1485
- Thailand, U.S. military assistance for, 40–41, 55–56, 78, 83, 98, 115–116, 835
- Tibet, U.S. policy concerning, 275–276
- U.S. export control program, 621n , 628, 630, 632, 636–637, 660, 665, 671–672
- U.S. freezing of assets of People’s Republic of China in the United States, 666, 669, 672, 682
- U.S. military forces in the Philippines, strengthening of, 106
- Wake Island conference with General MacArthur, 152, 529n , 533–534, 896, 1307n , 1308, 1322, 1394, 1503, 1506
- Truman Doctrine, 804
- Tsai Pei-huo, 324–325
- Tsewang, Khemchung (Konchung) Lob-sang, 494, 540
- Tsiang, Tingfu F., 315–316, 470, 473, 488, 492–493, 542–544, 559, 566, 1066
- Tung Pi-wu, 297
- Turkey, 52, 152, 927, 1148, 1204
- Turner, Maj. Gen. Howard M., 412
- Tydings, Millard E., 1443–1444, 1447, 1455
- Tyler, William R., 295–296
- U Aung Than. see Bo Set Kya.
- U Ba Swe, 240
- U E Maung, 235, 241–242
- U Kyaw Nyein (Myint), 254
- Union of South Africa, 223–224, 691
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. see Soviet Union.
- United Kingdom (see also United Kingdom and British subheadings under individual countries and subjects): International Wool Study Group, 223–224; New Guinea, Western, policy toward disposition of, 986; Pacific pact, proposed inclusion in, 147, 150, 216; trade embargo against People’s Republic of China and North Korea, 620, 627, 630, 633–635, 640–661, 676, 680, 685, 688–689
- United Nations:
- Australian role, 190, 220
- Burmese role, 242, 254
- Chinese representation, question of, 139, 219n , 221–223, 256n , 266, 274, 313, 348, 368–369, 374–375, 386n , 419–420, 432, 437–438, 441n , 447–448, 479, 483, 499, 512, 538, 547n , 615, 1056–1057, 1066n , 1067, 1246n , 1357, 1465–1466
- Economic and Social Council, 220, 1466
- General Assembly:
- Australian position, 1372
- British position, 516, 528–529, 532–534, 558–559, 561–565, 568, 570–573, 583, 1372
- Burmese position, 242
- Canadian position, 534
- Chilean position, 580
- China, People’s Republic of, request for representation at Committee I hearings, 580–581
- China, Republic of, position of, 542, 559, 566, 570, 587–588
- Chinese representation, question of, 428, 433, 472, 477, 483, 504–505, 509, 517–519, 550, 580, 1466
- Committees: Committee I (Political and Security Affairs), 515, 519, 528, 534, 544, 550, 554–555, 560n , 572, 573n , 576, 580–581, 589; General Committee, 223, 513, 515–516, 583; Interim Committee, 589
- El Salvadoran position, 577–578
- French position, 558, 589n
- Indian position, 477, 558, 561, 577–578, 583–584, 603, 611–612
- Indonesian membership, 1072–1073, 1077, 1097
- Indonesian question, 710
- Iraqi position, 569
- Japanese peace treaty, 1268, 1277, 1297–1298
- Korean war, 182, 471, 475, 500, 505, 519, 581, 667, 1097, 1298
- Pakistani position, 558, 561
- Repatriation of Axis prisoners of war, resolution concerning, 220, 1372
- Resolution of Oct. 21, 1949 on Korea, 32
- Resolutions on Korea, 1948, 1268
- Soviet position, 516–518, 550, 558, 563, 580–581
- Syrian position, 569
- Taiwan question, 466–467, 471, 475–476, 478, 493, 498, 500, 501n , 510–519, 521, 528–529, 531–534, 542, 544, 550, 554–576, 579–581, 585–589, 599–602, 1324, 1326, 1332–1333, 1361
- Tibetan question, 577–578, 583–584, 602–603, 611–613, 618
- U.S. position, 510–515, 517–519, 532–536, 542, 544, 550, 554–580, 583–589, 599–601, 1372
- “Uniting for Peace” resolution, 536, 569, 948, 950, 953, 1366, 1381
- Vice President, 220
- Indochina question, 896–897, 901, 912, 934, 936–937, 948, 950–951, 953, 957
- Italian colonies, disposition of former, 17
- Secretary-General, 220, 416, 450, 463n , 485, 550, 580, 640, 980, 1326
- Security Council:
- Australian, Belgian, Brazilian, Pakistani, and Philippine role proposed, 492
- British position, 450–451, 469, 471, 477–478, 496, 500, 505–506, 667n
- Burmese complaint regarding Chinese Nationalist troops in northern Burma, proposed, 246, 249–251
- China, People’s Republic of:
- Charges of U.S. aggression against China, 368n , 372, 374, 403, 450–451, 468, 469n , 473, 477–478, 480, 484, 488–490, 492–493, 496–497, 499–500, 504, 508, 517, 521–522
- Manchurian cities, charges regarding U.S. bombing of, 462–463, 476–477, 488, 496, 499, 504, 509
- Representation question, 368–369, 420–421, 431, 437, 447, 451, 468, 470–473, 483, 488–489, 496, 499, 504–505, 508–509, 516, 518–522, 531, 551, 852, 855, 867, 1066–1067, 1467
- China, Republic of, position of, 469–470, 476, 488, 492–493, 496, 506–507, 515, 522, 1066
- Cuban position, 469, 476, 488, 496, 506, 522, 667n
- Czechoslovak position, 515
- Ecuadoran position, 469, 488, 496, 504–506, 508–509, 516, 520–522, 667n , 1466
- Egyptian complaint against Israel, 516, 519
- Egyptian position, 469, 476, 488, 496, 506, 522
- French position, 421, 469, 477–478, 496, 500, 505–506, 667n
- Greek case, 490
- Indian position, 431, 466, 469, 471, 483, 488, 496, 499, 506, 531, 551
- Indochina question, 953
- Indonesian membership, 662, 1066, 1072–1073, 1082
- Indonesian question, 612, 980–981, 998, 1000–1001, 1034, 1058, 1062–1064, 1077, 1082–1092
- Japanese mandated islands, former, trusteeship for, 1947, 1268, 1287n , 1298, 1328
- Kashmir dispute, 48–49, 71, 516
- Korea, Republic of, resolution calling for assistance to, June 27, 1950, 105, 225, 392, 397, 416, 479, 639, 646, 652n , 657–658, 831n , 1040n
- Korean question, 471, 500, 505, 509n , 522, 589, 667, 855, 1062, 1067, 1298
- Netherlands position, 1084–1086
- New Guinea, Western, disposition of, 1058, 1087
- North Korean representation, question of, 471
- Norwegian position, 469, 496, 506, 667n
- Soviet boycott, 368–369, 375, 1248
- Soviet position, 421, 450n , 451, 468–471, 476, 488, 490, 492–493, 496, 506, 509n , 511, 515–517, 520–522, 589, 667n , 953, 1063, 1083, 1084n , 1085–1086, 1089, 1328
- Soviet return, 396, 855
- Taiwan question, 422, 451, 461–462, 466, 468–473, 478, 480, 491–493, 496–498, 504–509, 511, 514–522, 525, 532–533, 573
- Tibetan question, 431, 578, 613
- U.S. position, 128, 130, 422, 466, 468–473, 476, 478, 480, 488–490, 492–493, 496–498, 500, 504–520, 522, 667n , 1066–1067, 1082–1086, 1089–1090, 1326
- Veto question, 492–493, 496, 506, 511, 522, 589, 600, 667, 953, 1063, 1066, 1083, 1248, 1286, 1326, 1328
- Yugoslav position, 469, 496, 505–506, 522
- Specialized agencies, 62
- Taiwan question, 396–398, 465, 491
- Technical assistance program, 61–62, 65
- Trusteeship Council, 191, 1017–1018, 1466
- Trusteeship system, 986
- U.N. Commission for Indonesia, 980–981, 985n , 986, 997n , 998, 1000, 1010, 1018–1022, 1033–1036, 1041, 1043–1045, 1053, 1063–1064, 1068, 1073–1078, 1082–1089, 1091–1092, 1095–1096, 1100–1101, 1108
- U.N. Commission on Human Rights, 91
- U.N. Commission on Korea, 32, 576
- U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 1349n
- U.N. Good Offices Commission in Indonesia, 694, 980, 988, 1035
- U.N. Peace Observation Commission, 934
- U.N. Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, 126
- U.S. export control program, 158–159, 400, 619, 621–689
- U.S. Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948, 104, 239
- U.S. Munitions Board, 132
- U.S. Seventh Fleet. see under Taiwan.
- U Win, 254
- Vallieres, Armand I., 345
- Vandenberg, Arthur H., 1162, 1351
- Vandenberg, Gen. Hoyt S., 462–463, 1111, 1175, 1177–1179, 1181
- Van den Brink, R. J. M., 989, 999–1000
- Van Engles, Gen., 971, 1001
- Van Kleffens, E. N., 983–985, 987, 995, 998n , 1000–1001, 1010, 1017–1018
- Van Langen, Gen., 970–971, 1001, 1006, 1009, 1019
- Van Maarseveen, J. H., 969–970, 972, 1000–1001, 1008, 1068
- Van Oss, Hendrik, 269, 318–321
- Van Royen (Roijen), J. H., 972–973, 1000, 1075, 1084n , 1089–1090, 1108, 1321–1322
- Van Waardenburg, 1062
- Vatican, 48, 757, 776
- Vernoux, Maj. Gen., 924
- Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention at Chicago, 451, 454, 456–458, 460, 462n
- Vigderman, Alfred G., 107, 113
- Voeun Sai, 954
- Volcano Islands, 1287, 1289, 1298, 1328, 1346–1347
- Voorhees, Tracy S., 1112n , 1128n , 1133n , 1134, 1150–1153, 1157–1158, 1163, 1171, 1172n , 1174–1176, 1180
- Vyshinsky, Andrei Yanuaryevich, 569, 1332n
- Wake Island conference between President Truman and General of the Army MacArthur, Oct. 15, 1950, 152, 529n , 533–534, 895–896, 1307n , 1308, 1322, 1394, 1503, 1506
- Wallner, Woodruff, 754, 809, 814, 815n , 863, 876, 881
- Walsh, Aloysius T., 174
- Wang Shou-chin, 363
- Wang Shun-chih, 327–329
- War with People’s Republic of China, possibility of, 1388, 1390
- War with the Soviet Union, possibility of, 486, 1046, 1055, 1092–1093, 1103, 1134, 1162, 1181, 1223, 1279, 1283, 1389
- Ward, Angus, 322, 329
- Waring, Frank A., 1411, 1430–1431
- Warren, Avra M., 137
- Webb, James E.:
- Asia: U.S. military assistance for, 8–9, 83; U.S. policy toward, 30–35
- Burma, U.S. relations with, 253
- China, Peoples Republic of, seizure of U.S. government property by, 270–272
- China, Republic of, blockade measures against mainland by, 522–524
- Colombo plan, 160n
- Commonwealth Consultative Committee, 63
- Evacuation of Americans from Taiwan, plans for, 342–346
- Indochina: U.S. economic assistance for, 817–818; U.S. policy toward, 813, 880–881, 884–886
- Indonesia, U.S. policy toward, 979, 1020, 1023, 1025–1027, 1046, 1065–1067, 1072–1073, 1075–1076, 1092–1093
- Japan, U.S. policy toward, 1137n , 1306
- Japanese peace treaty, 1133n , 1171, 1198n , 1207n , 1274n , 1276
- Jessup fact-finding mission to the Far East, 68
- Korean war, 506–507
- MacArthur message to Veterans of Foreign Wars Convention, 453, 460
- Pacific pact, 218
- Philippines, U.S. relations with the, 1430n , 1444–1445, 1450, 1452–1453, 1505, 1511, 1524n
- Southeast Asia: Arms traffic problem, 96–98; Communist movement, 141–142; U.S. military assistance for, 816–817; U.S. technical assistance for, 78, 93–94
- Southeast Asia Aid Policy Committee, 886n
- Taiwan, U.S. policy toward, 497–499, 514–518, 520
- Tibet, U.S. policy toward, 503
- U.S. Military Survey Mission to Southeast Asia, 155n
- U.S. trade embargo against People’s Republic of China and North Korea, 632, 657–659
- Wedemeyer, Lt. Gen. Albert C., 293
- Weil, 613
- Weintal, 614, 1465
- Weiss, Seymour, 91
- West, Robert W., 14
- West Germany. see Germany, Federal Republic of.
- Westerling, Paul, 71, 969–973, 977, 982, 989–991, 994–995, 997–998, 1001–1004, 1006, 1012, 1021, 1023, 1033, 1099, 1106
- Western Europe, 162, 927, 1387, 1391
- Wheeler, Fred K. H., 198
- Wherry, 662
- White, J. G., Incorporated, 39, 87, 180, 341
- Whitney, Courtney, 1503
- Whittington, Richard, 184
- Wilcox, Francis, 214
- Wiley, Alexander, 214, 217, 1295n , 1490n
- Willoughby, Gen., 1221
- Willoughby, J. R., 198
- Willoughby, Rodney E., 684–685
- Wilson, Gen. Thomas B., 174, 176
- World Federation of Trade Unions, 710
- World Health Organization, 1349n
- Wright, William D., 92, 107
- Wu, K. C., 278–280, 283, 293, 323–325, 335, 357, 376, 378, 429–430, 509–510, 525–526
- Wu, Mrs. K. C., 324–325
- Wu Hsiu-chuan, Gen., 184, 580
- Wusan Lien, 325
- Yalta Conference, 1945, 138
- Yang Chao-chia, 323, 357
- Yeh Chien-ying, Gen., 290
- Yeh Ching-ying, 298
- Yeh, George K. C., 249–250, 280, 307–308, 312n , 314n , 357, 385, 387–388, 390, 413, 417, 482–485, 488–489, 507, 513–515, 587
- Yen, C. K., 526
- Yoshida, Shigeru, 1166–1167, 1169n , 1180, 1194–1195, 1197, 1222, 1231–1234, 1251n , 1262–1263, 1270–1271, 1311–1312
- Yost, Charles W., 348n , 710–711
- Young, K. T., 55–57, 91, 117, 602–603, 888n , 898
- Younger, Kenneth G., 184, 563, 643–644
- Yu, James, 280
- Yugoslavia, 469, 496, 505–506, 522, 620, 656n , 753n , 963, 1256n
- Yuhan-mou, 360
- Yulo, José, 1399, 1411, 1425n , 1446, 1448–1449, 1493, 1512, 1513n , 1521n , 1523
- Yumi Chien, 324