492.00234/5–1150: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Thailand
393. Pursuant to statement of common US Fr and Brit objectives in SEA approved by three Fon Min London, Mins undertook have their respective govts make concerted attack SEA arms smuggling, particularly arms reaching IC from or via Thai. Fol paras from Fon Mins conference approved doc MIN/TRI/P/9 May 6:1
“(a) Arms smuggling.
10. It is recognized that there is a considerable amt of arms smuggling taking place in SEA and that these arms are being supplied to subversive movements throughout the area. Thailand is believed to be one of the focal points for this arms traffic, for example arms are known to be smuggled over the Thai-Cambodian border into Indo-China for use by the Vietminh forces.
11. It is therefore suggested that the Fr, US and UK Ambs in Bangkok shld be instructed to meet together to discuss ways and means of influencing the Thai Govt to exercise stricter control over the smuggling of arms into and out of Thailand.”
In accordance with Para 11 above request you join ur Fr and Brit colleagues as soon they are in receipt parallel instrs in discussion this problem and submission recommendations. Dept already has ur helpful comments (urtel 410 May 11) re Internatl Arms Conference and believes tripartite approach is more consonant ur alternative suggestions Para 3 ref tel.
Dept fully appreciates many obstacles to obtaining real results this effort but believes determined explicit representations must nevertheless [Page 97] be made to Thai Govt. For US to take no exception this traffic while supplying mil aid wld be acknowledgment that Thai Govt receiving US aid on its own terms and that US strategically reluctant withhold aid despite direct Thai subversion its primary purpose. If Thai Govt can with impunity justify to itself this subversive traffic as necessary for internal polit reasons it may on the same grounds justify any other subversion US aid subsequently found expedient.
Re initial difficulty cited urtel 410 that Thai Govt will deny involvement, tripartite representations need not charge such involvement. However statement to Thai Govt must make clear that (1) ample evidence in hands three govts existence such traffic under whatever undetermined auspices; and (2) clear responsibility Thai Govt earnestly attempt halt such traffic, notwithstanding acknowledgeable difficulties, in view its recognition legal govts IC area, and more particularly its acceptance US mil aid for purpose strengthening Thailand vis-à-vis Commie aggressors including explicitly Ho Chi-minh. Re (1) above Dept assembling evidence available US Govt Wash.
US Govt at this point not prepared enunciate firm position that suppression traffic is requirement for Thai Govt receipt US mil aid. However question will implicitly arise in connection presentation to Thai Govt of substance Para 5 draft unilateral note transmitted Emb with Depins 42 May 10.2 Dept believes that without making positive threat withhold aid, US Govt shld at that juncture inform Thai Govt that this provision has ref to IC traffic and US Govt presumes Thai Govt will exert maximum endeavors comply. Thai Govt shld be further informed US Govt wld accordingly be pleased before shipping initial mil aid receive statement from Thai Govt of (1) concrete steps which that govt prepared take in effort halt this traffic; and (2) circumstances under which US Govt officials in Thai responsible for administering US mil aid might enjoy subsequent privilege making firsthand observation Thai Govt control measures in action.
Emb may discuss such US action with Fr and Br colleagues. However, since Dept has not yet finally determined manner in which US Govt will attempt obtain Thai observance certain specific conditions pertaining receipt US aid, and present secret unilateral note is still tentative method, Emb shld make no ref to colleagues existence this note as such. However substance its Para 5 will in some form be presented Thai Govt prior conclusion any agreement covering US mil aid. In this connection Dept wld appreciate Emb comment re desirability transferring present Para 5 to bilateral agreement as new separate article.
[Page 98]Foregoing primarily refers possible role US Govt in tripartite approach. Emb however shld assure that discussions focus equal attn on possible action Fr and Brit govts might take in situation, and recommendations shld contain specific ref such action. Possible Fr action already referred Para 3b urtel 410 while possible Brit action in Singapore.
Re other comments urtel 410 US Govt has made initial representations Phil Govt with Romulo promising investigate. Enforcement control arms traffic this source most difficult. While any possible tightening US and Fr and Brit metropolitan export controls wld be helpful do not believe that diversions or illegal exports currently from these sources constitute significant factor total picture.
- The full text of the agreed minute is scheduled for publication in volume iii .↩
- Instruction No. 42, May 10, is not printed. Information on United States military assistance to Thailand is included in the Policy Statement on Thailand, October 15, p. 1529.↩