320/10–1150: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations (Austin) to the Secretary of State


Delga 106. There is given below revised UK draft resolution on Formosa upon which Department’s views are requested. UK has distributed this draft resolution only to Commonwealth countries and US. UK delegation requests US views on sponsorship of resolution and states it has tentatively reached conclusion that some nation which has not recognized Communist China should be sponsor. UK also desires US views on how soon resolution should be tabled in Committee 1 as it is of opinion that mere fact of making resolution public at early date would have beneficial effect on Peiping regime. USUN officer expressed personal opinion that it would appear preferable to have sponsorship of several countries equally divided among those recognizing and those not recognizing Communist China. Following is text draft resolution:

“Noting (A) That the signatories to the Cairo declaration declared it to be one of their purposes that all the territories that Japan had stolen from the Chinese, including Formosa, should be restored to the Republic of China;

(B) That no legal change in the status of Formosa as Japanese territory has yet been effected, although at the end of hostilities with Japan, China was permitted to assume the administration of the island,

Recognizing that two parties, both Chinese, at present claim the [Page 529] right to administer Formosa, that there have been threats of an armed attack on Formosa from the Chinese mainland and that Formosa has been used as a base for attacks on the Chinese mainland, and that an attempt to settle the dispute by force or the continuance of attacks on the Chinese mainland from Formosa would heighten international tension at a time when the situation in the Pacific area is already tense as a result of events in Korea, and would be prejudicial to the interests of the people of Formosa,

Decides to establish a commission which, bearing in mind China’s claims, should study the problem and submit a report to the GA containing recommendations for the future of Formosa. The commission should consult with all governments, authorities and parties concerned,

Recommends (A) That, pending consideration of the Commission’s report by the GA, there should be no attempt to seek a solution of the issue by force,

(B) That Formosa should not be used as a base for attacks on the Chinese mainland;

Requests all parties (A) to act in conformity with (A) and (B) above;

(B) To render every possible assistance to the commission in the performance of its task.”

Department pass London, Paris, sent Department Delga 106, repeated London 5, Paris 5.
