474.418/5–250: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Egypt 1


373. Dept has recd note from Israeli Emb dated May 22 reiterating request for permission to acquire arms in this country originally made in Emb’s note Feb 13 which is under consideration. New note sets forth info concerning arms allegedly acquired by Egypt, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon during period Jan 1–Mar 31, 1950 as further justification Israeli need for additional armaments.

Note states 6 Vampire and between 20 and 25 Meteor jet planes delivered by UK to Egypt during above period. Additional 12 Vampires and 10 to 12 Meteors alleged ready for delivery. Note further states Egypt has recd 6 Fury fighter aircraft and up to 10 Halifax bombers.

Fol additions described as having recently been made to Egyptian navy: 2 Frigates each carrying 4-inch guns; a number of high-speed motor torpedo boats.

20 Fiat planes originally sold by Italy to Egypt stated now to have been transferred from Egypt to Syria.

Based on previous facts and analysis re developments in NE, Dept has reached conclusion trend in NE gradually away from war toward peace and no state making active preparation resume conflict. Dept has recd no info which wld indicate this position shld be changed but wld appreciate Emb’s comments on above info as well as on Egyptian mil position and intentions as of present date. Rpt reply to Emb London for Jessup.

Similar tels being sent Damascus, Beirut, and Baghdad.3

  1. This telegram was repeated to London for Mr. Jessup.
  2. Note No. 4715/50 from the Israeli Ambassador, not printed (474.418/5–250).
  3. All dated May 4, 1 p. m. No. 175 to Damascus cited the Israeli note of May 2 as stating that “Syria has signed contract for purchase in UK of 14 Meteor jet planes. Syria also allegedly receiving 20 Sherman tanks and more than 20 19-ton medium tanks from France under agreement signed originally by Zaim. 20 Fiat planes originally sold by Italy to Egypt allegedly now transferred by Egypt to Syria, and another 20 Fiats due to be delivered soon.” (474.418/5–250)

    No. 186 to Beirut cited the Israeli note as stating that “with support of UK Lebanese Govt has begun establish air force. Leb has bought 11 Fury fighter planes from UK and 6 Savoya bombers from Italy.” (783A.56/5–450)

    No. 165 to Baghdad cited the note of May 2 as stating that “Iraq has purchased 4 Fury fighter planes from UK and additional supply expected arrive soon. Iraq also stated recently to have obtained 24 tanks, including 4 Shermans, from US war surplus in Europe.” (785.56/5–450)

    A British Foreign Office spokesman, on May 2, denied Israeli allegations that the United Kingdom had sold aircraft to Syria and Lebanon and stated the Israeli figures on British sales of military equipment to Egypt, Jordan and Iraq were exaggerated or grossly exaggerated. A clipping containing these official views as printed in the Manchester Guardian was transmitted to the Department of State in London’s despatch 2226 of May 5 (484A.418/5–550). Embassy Baghdad, on May 7, reported information from its service attachés that reports of Iraqi purchases of 24 tanks were “completely false” (telegram 311, 785.56/5–750). Legations Beirut, on May 6, and Damascus the following day, broadly denied the Israeli allegations (telegrams 190, 783.56/5–650; and 255, 474.418/5–250, respectively).