611.84/4–1750: Telegram
The Minister in Jordan (Drew) to the Secretary of State
72. During courtesy visit April 17 to new Prime Minister Said Pasha Mufti1 he informed me that Parliament has been convened for April 24 instead May 1 and I understand from other sources reason advancing date is to expedite finalization Union Arab Palestine with Jordan. Prime Minister explained that King in his speech from throne would propose union. Parliamentary committee then drafts report on speech which submits to Parliament for debate approval by Parliament and promulgation of law by King would presumably constitute final action on union (LegDesp 57 April 14).2
Prime Minister asked whether US intended recognize union. I answered view expression will of people both areas concerned April 11 elections I did not believe my government would express any opposition but I could not now state when or how our formal recognition of Union would be forthcoming.
Kirkbride tells me that in exchange views on subject with Foreign Office question has been raised by London whether formal recognition union by US and UK at this time might not weaken Jordan’s position vis-à-vis Arab League and consequently in any eventual peace negotiations with Israel. Kirkbride has told London on contrary he feels our formal recognition union would strengthen Jordan’s position both respects. I agree with him.
Prime Minister confirmed general opinion approximately 60 percent registered voters eastern Jordan and 65 percent in western participated April 11 elections. This widely and I believe accurately interpreted as constituting plebiscite union issue. Prime Minister expects union will receive near unanimous approval members Parliament.
[Page 860]While situation re resumption negotiations with Israel continues stalemate (Legtel 67 April 10), I believe hesitancy our part extending de jure recognition union would serve no useful purpose and on contrary prompt recognition by US and UK would be calculated serve our basic interest in political stability this part world and could conceivably make it easier for Abdullah get Israeli negotiations off present dead center. I assume this action would be consistent with decision Istanbul Chiefs of Mission Conference.
While others will have to evaluate nature and extent opposition to union which will be provoked neighboring countries I cannot conceive would be of such magnitude as to outweigh desirable consequences. I do not consider any argument union would conflict UN decisions to be realistic.
I understand decree finalizing union will not freeze existing boundaries with Israel but will be drafted such way as to include any additional territory eventually transferred from or exchanged with Israel by peaceful means. While I have not raised issue with Prime Minister or Cabinet officials I assume decree of incorporation will not exclude Arab Jerusalem from its effects. Further assume we and British in any action taken will wish reserve our position re Jerusalem.
I recommend that if decision on de jure recognition union is favorable it be extended promptly and wholeheartedly.
Sent Department 72, Department pass London 31, Paris 9, Jerusalem 29, pouched Tel Aviv and Arab capitals.