774.562/2–950: Airgram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Egypt 1


A–152. [Re] Embdes 220, February 92 the Department is presently studying the question of exports of arms, ammunition, and implements of war to the Near East, taking into account the existing size of the various military establishments as well as reported procurement efforts of these states. The Department is also discussing this question with Defense with the view to determining which proposed exports [Page 849] are or are not legitimate requirements for self-defense or for internal security.

For your confidential information it may well be, however, that even prior to the achievement of State-Defense agreement as to permissible levels of armaments in the NE area, the Department may consider the approval in the near future of exports to the Near East of munitions items which can be considered to be “token” either as respects the type or the quantities of equipment involved. The AT–11’s for Egypt and Syria could possibly fall within this category. The Embassy should refrain, however, from expressing any definitive view with respect to the AT–11 question until further guidance is received from the Department.

Furthermore, action is being withheld on the Egyptian request for 160,000 rounds 75 mm. ammunition for Sherman tanks as well as the matter of an export license for heavy military equipment which the Egyptian Government may purchase from Marmon-Harrington pending conclusion of above mentioned State-Defense agreement. The same situation applies to the February 13 Israeli application for arms.

  1. This airgram was repeated to Damascus.
  2. Not printed; it informed the Department of the interest of the Egyptian air force in purchasing 3 Beachcraft AT–11’s and of the Syrian air force in purchasing an unspecified number of these planes. The aircraft were to be used for bombing training and were to be equipped with appropriate armament and ammunition (774.562/2–950).