357.AC/4–350: Circular telegram

The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic and Consular Offices 1


In effort resolve present impasse re its work PCC has made formal proposal Arab and Israeli Delegations Geneva for new procedure consisting series Comites composed reps of parties combined with PCC reps with mediatory role and power make specific suggestions. Proposal combines Israeli desire for direct negots and Arab desire for mediation by PCC. Proposal does not go into details but Dept understands PCC wld like estab four bilateral Comites to consider broad range problems between Israel on one hand and respective Arab states on other. In addition one or more comites contemplated with Arab jointly represented on one hand, Israel on other, to consider certain specified subjs of common interest. Procedure wld be similar previous comites on blocked accounts and broken families.

Proposal is effort by PCC break stalemate in negots. It will be held confidential for present in order avoid hasty reactions and undue influence resulting from propaganda efforts by elements opposed settlement.

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Boisanger, French Rep PCC, plans visit ME between Apr 5 and Apr 17 to contact Govts on behalf these proposals. USRep Palmer intends fol later for similar purpose. One of main objectives these visits will be urge parties avoid hasty conclusions and endeavor have proposals considered in spirit good will and cooperation. Missions Cairo, Tel Aviv and Amman, Beirut and Damascus requested inform Govts USG hopes PCC proposals will receive friendly and dispassionate consideration as representing sincere effort by PCC find means advancing towards settlement Palestine problem, emphasizing particularly proposals being held temporarily confidential in order they may receive full and fair consideration and to avoid hasty and ill-considered action. Also express hope Boisanger will be met with full spirit of cooperation. Since Palmer’s plans uncertain do not mention at this time.

  1. At Cairo, Tel Aviv, Amman, Damascus, and Beirut for action; and at London, Geneva, Jerusalem, Jidda, and Baghdad for information.