357.AC/1–1050: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in France
103. Subj is proposed Fr contribution to UN Relief and Works Agency for Pal refugees.
Emb is aware that of total program cost of $54,900,000 Dept and ESM based estimated contributions as fols: US, $27,450,000; UK, $13,000,000; Fr, $6,000,000; Arab countries, $6,000,000; leaving approx $2,500,000 to be sought from various other small contributors.
It is Dept’s understanding that new Fr budget contains only 600,000,000 francs for NE and that Fr contribution to refugee programs will have to come out of this sum.
Even if this approx $1,800,000 equivalent were used entirely for contribution to new agency, Dept considers this amount entirely inadequate. Great majority of $54,900,000 must obviously come from three major powers (US, UK and Fr) which have reps on new Advisory Comn in Agency. This Comn will have long-range responsibilities in area in which Dept understands Fr are eager to share. If Fr do not contribute substantial sum, commensurate with their declared interest in the area, whole program of relief and works stands in danger of failure, which none concerned dare risk. US contribution may be jeopardized if Dept cannot tell Cong that Brit and Fr appreciate gravity of needs as evidenced by substantial contributions despite their own problems of recovery.
Pls seek early occasion to discuss amt of Fr contribution with appropriate officials, drawing attn to above, and report results.1
- Embassy Paris discussed this message with Jean Binoche, the Deputy Director of Political Affairs for Africa, the Levant, and the Arab countries in the French Foreign Office. The latter stated that the figure of 600,000,000 francs reflected the original French participation as agreed to by Mr. Clapp and Eirik Labonne, the French Deputy Chairman of the Economic Survey Mission. He also expressed the hope that his Government would approve adequate supplementary credits (telegram 163, January 12, from Paris, 357.AC/1–1250). The Department of State replied on January 16, expressing its gratification at the French attitude but advised of information from Mr. Clapp that there had been no agreement between him and M. Labonne on the 600,000,000 figure (telegram 201). (Telegrams 163 and 201 are both filed under 357.AC/1–1250.)↩