788.5 MAP/3–2050

The Representatives of the Government of the United States to the Representatives of the Government of Iran



At the outset of the exploratory discussions with reference to the items of military equipment which might be supplied by the Government of the United States of America to the Government of Iran, pursuant to the Mutual Defense Assistance Act of 1949, which discussions were held in Washington, D.C., the representatives of the Government of the United States of America advised the representatives of the Government of Iran of certain premises upon which these exploratory conversations were had.

It was stated, first, that all of the details of the discussions must be treated as secret, and must not be disclosed to anyone except appropriate members of the respective governments without the permission of the other government concerned.

It was further stated that the conversations about to be entered upon must be considered exploratory only, and that no definitive engagement with respect to the identity of the matériel to be included under any proposed Mutual Defense Assistance Program for Iran could be arrived at. It was pointed out that one of the prerequisites to pursuing any such program would be the entry into force of an appropriate agreement between the Government of Iran and the Government of the United States of America, pursuant to the Mutual Defense Assistance Act of 1949. The exploratory conversations with respect to items of equipment which might be furnished pursuant to such an agreement should not be considered either as the basis for the consummation of such an agreement or as a final determination of items which actually would be furnished under such an agreement once it became effective.

However, the Government of the United States of America will give every consideration to meeting the definitive requests of the Government of Iran evolved as the result of the exploratory conversations embarked upon.

  1. Handed to Brig. Gen. Mahmoud Amini, member of the Iranian delegation, by Mr. Wolf, Chairman of the U.S. delegation, at the opening session of exploratory discussions on the equipment list of the military defense assistance program for Iran. For the minutes of the opening session of these discussions in Washington on March 24, see ISA/MDAP Files: Lot 52–26: MDAP—Iran.