886.00 TA/11–3050: Circular telegram

The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Offices 1


213. During recent visit Azzam Pasha2 Sec Gen Arab League raised question possibility USG providing Pt 4 aid to assist economic social programs League. He indicated US experts wld be welcomed by League to carry out under League auspices broad surveys area economic requirements. Azzam visualizes surveys as comprehensive thorough efforts produce plans, programs some for execution by individual Arab Govts and others by private Arab investors. He thought surveys might also point solutions to tariff difficulties between Arab States and study legislation in individual countries detrimental social economic development.

Arrangements made for Azzam discuss his proposal with Pt 4 Administrator two occasions. Latter has given informal approval in principle project and indicated funds might be available. Dept suggested Azzam might wish consult League members re his idea with view possible further talks Wash prior departure US Azzam. Azzam currently studying report US, Brazil Joint Commission for Econ Development as possible prototype.

Although Azzam proposal extremely vague this stage Dept believes it might offer occasion help Arabs help themselves on cooperative basis and as such it seems worth exploring.

Dept desires telegraphically preliminary reaction addressee posts Azzam’s idea and indication fields in which studies by US technicians under Arab League aegis might be fruitful. Estimate desired also re degree enthusiasm cooperation local govt likely vouchsafe such League surveys and political pros and cons US Pt 4 connection with League this manner. Aid to League wld be in addition Pt 4 allotments individual Arab States: programs wld operate simultaneously.3

  1. At Arab capitals and Tel Aviv. The circular telegram was also sent to Beirut for Ambassador Blandford and to London and USUN, the latter two for information.
  2. For documentation on Azzam Pasha’s visit, see pp. 658 ff.
  3. The reaction of American diplomatic missions in the Near East toward the proposal to provide Point IV aid through the Arab League was a mixed one. Embassy Cairo, on December 4, advised that such aid would be most useful as a political gesture and might also stimulate the League’s Economic Section which had been “extremely weak” (telegram 568).

    Embassy Tel Aviv, on December 4, expressed its contrary belief that political considerations made a program of this sort “not desirable”. It also expressed its views that the League was dedicated to perpetuating the antagonism between the Israelis and the Arabs and to working against a peaceful settlement; that American funds would probably forestall the disintegration of the League; and that resuscitating the League in this way would contribute to instability in the area (telegram 324).

    To Embassy Jidda, the utilization of the Arab League as a vehicle for Point IV aid had a “natural appeal” (telegram 370). Legation Damascus, on the other hand, thought that current emphasis should be placed on constructive national plans, considering the limitations on available funds (telegram 288, December 13). Embassy Baghdad, on December 15, presented the views of Under Secretary of the Iraqi Foreign Office Rawi that better results would be achieved by allocating funds to individual governments (telegram 339).

    All telegrams cited in this footnote are filed under 886.00 TA.