Editorial Note
On November 20, 1950, following discussions in London between the Argentine and Chilean Embassies and the British Foreign Office of which the Department of State was kept informed, there was announced an extension of the Tripartite (United Kingdom–Argentina–Chile) Declarations of January 18 and November 18, 1949, restricting naval activities south of latitude 60°, to cover the 1950–1951 Antarctic season. In a statement issued to the press on November 22 (Department of State Bulletin, December 4, 1950, page 911) the Department of State expressed pleasure at learning of the renewed tripartite understanding and announced that the United States Government did not contemplate sending any vessels to the Antarctic during the 1950–1951 Antarctic season. For materials on the tripartite understandings of January 18 and November 18, 1949, and the United States response thereto, see Foreign Relations, 1949, volume I, pages 793 ff.