800.00–TA/9–1250: Circular telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom 1


1347. Pres sig of $34,500,000 appropriation for Pt IV technical coop program for FY 51 enables you now inform Govt to which you [Page 867] are accredited you prepared receive proposals for bilateral technical coop projects for DOT’s in Af[rica] and give all possible assistance in preparing them for transmission to Dept in sufficient detail for appraisal.

Tentative working estimate of allocation for remainder FY 51 for DOT’s in Af follows: Brit Cols—$100,000; Fr Cols—$100,000; Belg Cols—$75,000; Port Cols—$75,000; Somalia—$50,000; and Tangier—$50,000. Division these sums as between DOT’s left discretion govts concerned subj Dept’s screening projects submitted on basis eligibility and relative merit. In discussions with govt you may translate this into terms of services to be supplied, counting annual cost one Amer expert at $15,000 and Af trainee to US at $4,000 and one Af trainee to Amer or natl colleges in NEA at $2,000. Indicate that modest amounts of machinery and equipment can be made available only in connection with demonstration or training projects. Local govt is expected to bear certain local costs that may be paid in local currency. Emphasize that real measure of significance of any project is its promise of encouraging econ development, stimulating investment and furthering other objectives of Pt IV statute rather than dollar allocation, and that if program succeeds future appropriations may be on larger scale.

Project proposals shld be forwarded with indication of your judgment as well as that of govt as to priorities. Dept inclined to emphasize trainee programs first year, including sending of local trainees cither to US or to appropriate colleges in NEA and Metropolitan country and supplying of Amer experts to assist local trainee programs, but is equally desirous plan technical projects of merit to justify expanded program future years.

Individual projects comprising proposed program shld be listed or at least grouped in accordance with priority, but program shld be comprehensive, even if clearly exceeding dimensions above indicated. This wld not preclude prompt consideration individual high priority TA projects urgently desired by govt and strongly supported by US Mission if such projects are closely related to country’s own development program. Dept suggests you welcome proposals totaling in cost as much as 200 percent of tentative figure because such info needed for advance planning requirements next FY and because possible delay in requests from some countries and delays in recruitment and appointment this FY will permit actual allocations for other countries larger than specified working estimates. Dept will, of course, approve projects only up to amount of funds clearly available at given time. Since more time will be needed to obtain Amer experts than to select local trainees, you might over-program more heavily in respect of experts than trainees. Trainee grants may be committed in full before close FY for subsequent disbursement [Page 868] through two more fiscal years. Pt IV law requires that all Amer experts have FBI clearance which usually takes about three months.

Foregoing represents basic instrs for initiating Pt IV program. In case of DOT’s, however, Dept realizes successful development TA programs in them requires complete understanding and coop of metropolitan country and Mission shld use best judgment in proceeding along lines indicated in order to avoid misunderstanding. Extensive development programs in process and planned for DOT’s by metropolitan country either in connection with or exclusive of ECA assistance presents substantial coordination problem. Pt IV law requires country requests be coordinated with all other development programs. Dept realizes tentative working estimate is small but total Pt IV appropriation is small and relates to nr of countries not receiving any other TA whereas DOT’s are receiving substantial ECA aid for TA and other purposes.

Further instrs re (1) relationship between UN technical assistance and US Pt IV programs, (2) relationship between ECA and US Pt IV programs, (3) formal bilateral agreement with local govt, (4) possible establishment of joint commission, (5) your previous project recommendations, those of Dept and other agencies, and (6) other matters will follow, but steps outlined here shld be taken immed.

Inform if additional copies of PL 535 (Pt IV enabling legis) are needed your Mission.

Arrangements under discussion with ECA to assure coordination US programs in DOT’s. Pt IV officers may if necessary be assigned to DOT’s to facilitate area coordination, and all Mission recommendations and Dept decisions concerning Pt IV policies and operations in Af DOT’s shld be repeated to other Missions, incl London, Paris, Brussels, Lisbon and Rome.

McGhee and Bourgerie2 arriving London Sep 15 and plan to discuss TA with you and appropriate officials Brit Govt before proceeding Paris for discussions incl Pt IV and then to Tangier for regional conference. Urinfo tentative working estimates Libya $175,000, Eritrea $50,000.

  1. Sent also to the Embassies at Paris (1278), Brussels (331), Lisbon (86), Borne (1042), and the Diplomatic Mission at Tangier (70).
  2. Elmer H. Bourgerie, Director, Office of African Affairs.