67. Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs (Barrett) to the Under Secretary of State (Webb)1


  • Plans for New PSB

On Tuesday, May 8, a meeting was called by General Smith in CIA to discuss plans for the new PSB. This meeting was attended by Mr. Dulles, Admiral Stevens, General Magruder, Mr. Wisner and myself. Minutes of the meeting are being prepared by CIA and a copy will be sent to your office in case you would like to look at them.2

No firm recommendations were made as to the substantive problems which the Board should attack. General Smith expressed the opinion, however, that the PSB should have as one of its functions taking high policy from NSC and other sources and translating this into psychological warfare objectives. Admiral Stevens felt that the Board should concern itself largely with use of psychological warfare in the cold war and General Smith believes it might constitute a “general staff” for the cold war.

At the end of the meeting General Smith requested that each agency concerned designate two men to draft recommendations for the consideration of the Board members. This working group is to address itself to the following questions:

What kind of a staff will the Board need?
How should this staff proceed?
What mechanisms are presently available which could be used for the conduct of the Board’s business.
What should be the initial program of the Board?

Allen Dulles and I registered mild objections to the above. We felt that the Board should consume as little time as possible on formal consideration of mechanisms, organizational problems, etc.—and certainly should not get involved in a lot of formal papers on this subject. Both of us expressed the belief that we would like to see the Board get going immediately on certain substantive problems—like our over-all strategy with regard to Iran, or overloading the Soviet administrative [Page 141] system. The General seemed to agree in part, but, I gather, felt that some minimum organizational planning would be necessary.

I have asked Mr. Phillips Davison, Executive Secretary of the Psychological Operations Coordinating Board, to represent the Department on this working group. He would be accompanied by Mr. Crutcher from Mr. Humelsine’s office when organizational problems are being considered, and by Mr. Phillips from this office when policy matters are under discussion.

The first meeting of this working group has been called for next Wednesday.

  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1950–54, 100.4–PSB/5–1451. Secret. Sent through S/S, and initialed by Webb.
  2. The minutes have not been found.