393.1115/9–1949: Telegram

The Consul at Shanghai (McConaughy) to the Secretary of State

3759. Dept will have noted Downs’ message for Buckley, APL, commenting on Nationalists’ conditions re entry Gordon (ConGentel 3718, September 8, repeated Nanking 1942; Canton 1091). Consulate General considers Downs’ telegram comprehensive and fair-minded statement of case against supine acceptance extreme Nationalist demand on Gordon.

Consulate General believes strong representation should be made to Nationalist Govt pointing out entry of Gordon Shanghai should be permitted without interference along those lines indicated ourtel 3700, [Page 1333] September 7; repeated Nanking 1934; Canton 1086. In view Dept’s statement re illegality blockade, unless declared and effectively maintained, voluntary submission large American liner to search would be interpreted here as acceptance or at least toleration blockade. Suggest certification procedure recommended reftel should be satisfactory evidence ship’s crew, passengers and cargo are as represented, and there should be no reason for interference with entry and exit vessel.

Submission to humiliating procedure prescribed by Nationalists would seem warranted only if Dept considers no other way of assuring entry ship.

Sent Department 3760 [3759]; repeated Nanking 1963; OffEmb Canton 1100.
