393.1115/9–949: Telegram

The Chargé in China (Strong) to the Secretary of State

Cantel 1076. Missionaries Canton state they have discussed question leave China fully with home boards (telCan 621, August 2554) and have been given full authority make own decision whether leave or stay. Local groups have also made effort allow individuals complete freedom choice. Number missionaries have left for family, health, other reasons but those now Canton plan stay on, barring definite change situation, and hope for conditions allowing them continue work. Majority insist they made decision remain for practical reasons (although factor sentiment exists) and indicate they can change minds if practicalities demand.

There have been some expressions disappointment that small Consulate not kept open Canton, but most agree that Consulate would be useless if relations with Reds continue bad and that fact Consulate closed puts US in better bargaining position in case recognition discussed.

Lingnan University has reopened with enrollment 1200 equal that last year and double prewar. Large number students switching to physical sciences and medicine, indication belief these only lines work intellectuals can undertake Communist areas without fear ideological control.

Sent Department Cantel 1076; repeated Nanking 666, Shanghai 526.

  1. See footnote 41, p. 1318.