195.91/9–949: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in China (Strong)55

TelCan 661. Pls inform FonOff informally soonest at request APL you are transmitting fol info: That APL states Gent Gordon, which company expects send Shanghai, will not make that call unless Nat Govt conditions in points No. 2 and 4 in FonOff’s Aug 24 note are eliminated. Restrictions involved are greater than APL as private carrier can afford assume. However APL is willing agree give assurances to Nat Govt and furnish affidavit which master of Gordon cld swear to before AmConsul Hong Kong stating full details cargo, passengers carried in and out Shanghai. APL states Gordon approaching Yokohama and in view decisions re bookings, etc, it will need to have reply before Mon., 12th.

You shld inform FonOff that we regard APL proposal as a reasonable one, particularly in view their change of schedule to offer shuttle trip; that we support proposal; and that if Shanghai call falls thru on account this point we wld expect later to say so.

Also inform FonOff Gordon plan now to make shuttle trip Hong Kong–Shanghai going in completely light except with permitted quantity cargo and mail but without passengers; outward from Shanghai ship will lift full load passengers, some for disembarkation Hong Kong, balance destined US.

  1. Repeated to the Counselor of Embassy at Nanking, the Consul at Shanghai, and the Consul General at Taipei as Nos. 1078, 1839, and 300, respectively.