893.00B/9–149: Telegram

The Consul at Shanghai (McConaughy) to the Secretary of State

3584. Re press reports of Mme. Sun Yat-sen’s recent arrival and impressive welcome Peiping. Same American source who told us re [Page 515] Mme. Sun’s decision bow to Communist pressure to get her to Peiping (Contel 2717, July 12) states that during many years he has known Mme. Sun and Mme. Chou En-lai he has never seen either one looking so badly as she did on eve of Mme. Sun’s departure north. Mme. Sun confided to source that her home was becoming so much used by comrades and their various meetings that she no longer felt [she] had home of her own.

Sent Department 3584, repeated Nanking 1882, Embassy Canton 1063, Peiping 293.
