893.00/7–649: Telegram
The Consul at Canton (Scott) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 6—6:47 a. m.]
217. Remytel 147, June 3.51 Millet52 returned July 5 from Amoy, not visiting Foochow due closer approach Communists now reported Shuikow 53 miles up river from Foochow and Lienkong 27 miles northwest Pagoda anchorage.
Uncertain if these organized columns from north or local Communist guerrillas but fall Foochow now widlely believed awaiting only Communist initiative.
Amoy building concrete pillboxes desultorily. Crack troops still there except gendarmes starting depart for Taiwan. Return of house said reserved Gimo recently offered to Customs Commissioner. Certain of troops now at Amoy noted last month at Foochow; garrison contains both good and poor troops. Li Liang-yung, Fukien Governor last year, now commands Amoy garrison and forts.
See my telegram 218, same date, for evacuation data.51