893.00/1–1149: Telegram

The Consul General at Peiping (Clubb) to the Secretary of State

25. Information received several quarters indicates conference delegates different parties excluding Kuomintang now in progress Shih-chiachuang. Previously mentioned Chang Tung-sun and three others, all of whom presumably Democratic League, are reported to now have left Peiping en route that point January 7.

Official US secretariat re matter opines general conference has as task unifying views of different groups in anticipation ultimate establish[ment] coalition government. He professed no information Li Chi-shen had arrived,57 stated further Chu An-ping58 (Shanghai 60, January 7 to Department59) was in town 10 days ago but present whereabouts unknown. (About week previously Hsu Ying, editor Peiping Ta Kung Pao, and other workers newspaper were held temporarily under unofficial house arrest on suspicion they knew whereabouts subject person.)

Same informant confirmed neither Fu nor Teng Pao-shan (vice commander NCBSH60 who was earlier reported be takeover candidate should Fu renounce local duties and proceed Nanking) has yet proceeded Nanking or intends do so. He indicated present policy Fu’s camp was to hold present position until changed situation Nanking might permit new departure North China, confirmed likewise fighting Peiping still only nature small clashes.

Informant was aware representatives Tientsin Peoples Political Council were making effort bring about truce Tientsin area but gave no indication either popular or official delegates had contact Communists [Page 34] Peiping to same end. Note Shihchiachuang conference by all indications has no reference to question local truce.

Sent Department 25, Nanking 24, Shanghai 29, Tientsin 13.

  1. See footnote 34, p. 12.
  2. Editor of the banned Observer Weekly.
  3. Not printed.
  4. North China Bandit-Suppression Headquarters.