893.00/3–2349: Telegram
The Ambassador in China (Stuart) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 23—7:08 a. m.]
635. Acting President sent for me morning March 22 to submit following proposal for my Government’s comment. Li Tsung-jen [Page 195] contemplates journey to Moscow to discuss Chinese situation with Soviet leaders as further step in Nationalist Government’s program to reach peaceful solution of civil war. He considers such approach in nature of trial balloon; if Soviet response is negative, he will be convinced that Chinese Communists have no intention to negotiate peace and Nationalist Government can make its plans accordingly. If on other hand invitation to visit Moscow is forthcoming, Acting President will feel encouraged for prospects of peaceful settlement and will attempt persuade Soviet leaders to act as restraining influence on Chinese Communists in anticipated negotiations. Following trip to USSR he may consider it desirable to visit Washington and London as well. President Li added that before making any approach to Russians he would like to have US Government’s reaction.
In conversation that followed I pointed out that Soviets would undoubtedly disclaim any connection with or influence over CCP, that they would reiterate their passionate love of peace, their recent efforts in this direction, the negative response of the US, and their own record of non-interference in Chinese affairs as opposed to US position. On positive side I opined that appeal to Moscow would dramatize Russia’s connection with CCP; would probably embarrass CCP thereby and would be further evidence to Chinese people of Nationalist Government’s continuing serious efforts at peace.
Acting President covets US advice in this contemplated move because of our larger experience in dealing with USSR and Communists and because of close relations, similar international policies our two countries.
I told him I would convey his request for advice promptly and will await Department’s instruction.
Sent Department; repeated AmEmb Canton for eyes only Clark 185, Shanghai for eyes only Cabot 291.