102.22/6–1649: Telegram

The Consul General at Shanghai (Cabot) to the Secretary of State

2299. Following petition approximately 400 ex-PortFac employees public works, fire department, em[ployees] club, BOQ transportation and MATS51 personally presented ConGen 15th by representatives “Committee Former Civilian Employees USN ComNavPortFac Shanghai”.

“We undersigned former employees US Navy PortFac Shanghai hereby respectfully solicit your kind assistance in forwarding our petition proper authorities for favorable consideration action.

“We have all served US Navy faithfully during periods employment, some ever since establishment as naval operating base autumn 1945. We feel US Navy by sudden departure these shores 22 April 1949 without notice local employees and without making provisions payment termination wages has actually abandoned their men and acted in manner entirely contrary traditional American justice. We wish therefore present our grievances based on following facts.

  • “(1) In afternoon 27 April 1949 we were paid salaries for period 16–30 April 1949 plus equivalent accrued annual leave due. Were not given any notice separation either verbally, written. These employees with more 1 year’s continuous service and who entitled 2 weeks’ notice accordance official circular ‘notice to new civilian employees’ dated 26 October 1948 also not informed termination or separation was in offing. Were simply informed verbally 28 April 1949 that US Navy was leaving and that we were to leave premises by 4 p. m. as trouble anticipated.
  • “(2) ‘Notice to new civilian employees’ dated 26 October 1948 specifically states employees terminating employment from US Navy will not be paid final wages until his/her badge has been turned in.

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    “We were not required turn in badges when received pay 27 April 1949 although efforts made by Lt. Bobrew and Shore Police guards to forcibly remove badges from civilian employees Who left Naval annex between 3 and 4 p. m., 28 April 1949. Despite this breach regulations and direct contravention terms our employment, majority civilian employees still in possession badges.

  • “(3) … Furthermore US Army and other US Government-sponsored organizations such UNRRA,52 ECA provided civilian employees substantial termination pay upon deactivation.
  • “(4) While comparison odious we feel it necessary mention that British Consulate paid released employees 6 months’ wages, not to mention similar generous gestures civilian organizations various nationalities upon release employees during these troublesome times.

“It is therefore our contention that inasmuch as (a) we received no official notice separation from ComNavPortFac through regular channel of civilian personnel office we are still on payroll of US Navy and entitled and justified claiming remuneration for period 1 May 1949 until such time as receive official notice separation Form CP 8; (b) possession of ComNavPortFac civilian badges accordance civilian personnel regulations is proof our services not terminated, consequently no final wages paid and (c) precedent set by US Army, … ECA, etc., in matter termination pay and it only justice that same consideration be given ComNavPortFac civilian employees especially in view present hard times by payment 3 months’ termination pay calculated from date separation by Form CP 8. This request fully justified by fact that all undersigned have willingly worked many hours overtime whenever workload required without monetary compensation simply because desire to give very best efforts to service of US Navy.

“It respectfully requested our petition be given primary consideration by your good self and that early reply addressed to the Committee of Former Civilian Employees of the US Navy, Lane 291, House 59 Yung Kia Road (ex Route des Sieyes) may be anticipated in near future.

“Thanking you in advance, we are, Yours most respectfully, Committee of Former Civilian Employees of US Naval Port Facilities, Shanghai, China.”

Sent Department 2299, repeated ComNavWesPac unnumbered, ComNavPortFac unnumbered.

  1. Military Air Transport Service.
  2. United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.