893.9111 RR/6–1649: Telegram

The Consul General at Shanghai (Cabot) to the Secretary of State

2290. Following news about foreigners appearing in local press: Chieh Fang Jih Pao June 14 reports incident in which American named Lin Airtang refused pay pedicab driver full fare and set dog on latter. Public Safety Station arrested American and reprimanded him. He admitted his fault, apologized to pedicab driver and paid latter medical expenses for injury by dog and living expenses during convalescence period. After settlement, pedicab driver stated, according to paper, “such reasonable penalty to foreigner would never have been possible in days of Kmt’s traitorous reactionary rule”.

Same paper June 14 reports May 26 incident in which Bredrup, Norwegian Manager of British-owned Union Brewery Ltd., refused request by workers for loan of truck for welcoming PLA and struck one of them on nose. Official of Criminal Section of Foreign Affairs Department of Police Headquarters told Bredrup that he could no longer handle things in imperialistic way of past and should cooperate with workers. Article concluded: “Yet Bredrup didn’t repent of his wrong at all.” Same paper June 15 reported continuation mediation Bredrup case in SMCC Labor Department, with atmosphere becoming tense as worker struck in nose brought his bloodstained garments to mediation place. Paper reported management had “stubbornly insisted” on discharging 50 workers as “ruse to enable Bredrup evade responsibility for beating up workers”.

Same paper June 14 reports 5 stateless Russian women beating up 15-year-old Chinese beggar were taken by soldier to Public Safety Headquarters for disposal. Pedestrians witnessing spectacle stated “Today we have chance give vent to our anger; formerly, we could [Page 1167] do practically nothing even if Chinese was beaten to death by foreigners”.

Same paper June 15 reports German resident tried remove from possession of Chinese dyeworks employee bolts of cloth which he claimed belonged to ECA, and had been commandeered before liberation by Nationalist troops and thrown in Whangpoo, German reportedly arrogant. After close examination of cloth at Public Safety Police Station, German realized cloth not same and tendered apology to dyeworks employee, promising not make same trouble again.

Sent Department 2290; repeated Nanking 1209, OffEmb Canton.
