125.7146/7–2049: Telegram
The Minister-Counselor of Embassy in China (Clark) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 20—12:42 p. m.]
Cantel 786. Closure Peiping USIE90 and anticipated similar action Tientsin (probably already taken but unreported due delays communications) and Nanking leaves us with definite impression Communist action designed force our hand re recognition. May be first move in jockeying for position since we have failed succumb their blandishments. Had expected overtures long before now from at least some of powers. Fact US regarded as leader common front nonrecognition may be direct cause closure order attempt embarrass US Government and force our hand since Communists would consider it extreme loss face if they put in position having make overture to foreign imperialists beyond their oft-repeated statement willing establish diplomatic relations any country withdrawing recognition Nationalists.
For these reasons believe protests re closures unsuccessful and only course left US is to sit back and wait developments, meantime redoubling [Page 1096] efforts get American facts before Chinese public in Communist areas through stepped up VOA91 activities.
Sent Department Cantel 786; repeated Nanking 519.