125.7146/7–1949: Telegram

The Consul General at Peiping (Clubb) to the Secretary of State

1200. Following is translation communication Tung No. 11 this date addressed USIS by Peiping MCC89 signed by Yeh Chien-ying in capacity director delivered by messenger today:

“It is observed USIS is section organized by American State Department. Since People’s Government has no diplomatic or consular relations with USA, therefore USIS office should effective this date cease activities, including printing and distribution news copy, display and presentation books and periodicals, affixing of charts and pictures, showing of motion pictures, giving of musical concerts, together with all other external activities. It is expected there will be immediate observance without infraction.” USIS being closed to public immediately.

Sent Department 1200, Nanking 849, OffEmb Canton 225, Shanghai 809. To Tientsin by mail.

  1. Military Control Committee.