125.3516/7–649: Telegram
The Consul at Dairen (Paddock) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 9—4:25 a. m.]
201. Nanking telegram 1431, July 4, regarding Consulate difficulties obviously drafted after thoughtful review of Dairen telegrams [Page 892] of past year. Unfortunately Consulate seems to have failed emphasize to Embassy basic change in Consulate problems. Until early spring Consulate difficulties primarily regarding couriers, supplies, replacements. Now chief question if Consulate physically able operate even when courier service resumed and replacement arrives.
Protection of Chinese staff most important problem; Consulate anxious it not be neglected midst administrative problems of servicing or closing post (hence this telegram for consideration of Department re last paragraph Nanking telegram). Consulate now unable assure staff slightest help if arrested. Deptel 64, May 16 [13], has little application here regarding getting their release from police.
Clerk Chao and radio operator Chao live Consulate residence and rarely leave. Yet police able enter any time to arrest them; this expected eventually. Meanwhile police terrorizing family of former and his son’s mind affected after one course of police treatment. Contels 131, April 30 and 192, June 28. Department’s attention again drawn to his service of nearly 27 years and outstanding record when Japanese police pressure applied.
Urgency of replacement for radio operator Chao far more important than for Americans. USIS39 promised he be replaced and leave Dairen by January 1 which was basis he willing come here. Since up to this spring conditions similar to those of last couple years, promise could have been kept if proper arrangements had been made in advance to get his replacement here. Interest of police in chauffeur Ma noted Contel 187, June 26.
Presumably Department also unable protect staff thru channels outside Dairen.
Plans to send additional personnel, as outlined Nanking telegram, need be expanded to assure office can be operated if Chinese staff resign or arrested. American radio operator should be sent in addition to American clerk. Plans also should include utmost effort arrange departure of two Chaos when present Americans leave.
Other possible difficulties envisaged regarding Consulate operation next couple months:
- (1)
- Exchange of dollars: Dealers already so frightened to buy Consulate dollars that getting local cy is constant problem;
- (2)
- Access to press: Last couple weeks Consulate unable buy gazette of PA–Dairen administration. Also delivery boy of Shih Hua Daily 2 days ago said he forbidden deliver paper to Consulate (delivery however not yet stopped). Such tactics also open to other two papers.
- (3)
- Purchase of food and other supplies: Fear of merchants to deal with Americans (8 characters omitted). Equally true in government-owned stores. See second paragraph Contel 139, May 7.40
- (4)
- Insults: All ranks classes trained to be rude to Consulate personnel or else do so for self protection. Messenger has ceased wear Consulate uniform. Department should note that anti-American propaganda definitely success here.
- (5)
- Servants: So far they not unduly troubled by police but always latent threat they become frightened and leave. Two already done so.
- (6)
- Social isolation: Half dozen foreigners who still willing come Consulate residence are desperately trying leave Dairen. When they succeed, isolation of Consulate complete. Most information in Contels regarding local events derived from them. On their departure Consulate reduced to press and street observations for news sources. As mentioned, press may also be eliminated.
- (7)
- Exit visas: Soviets now blandly claim police have sole jurisdiction over exit visas for foreigners. Consulate fears trouble regarding this when couriers arrive here.
- (8)
- Telegrams: See paragraph 1 of Nanking telegram.
- (9)
- Some manufactured publicity incident as at Mukden: US Government then would be on defensive when Consulate closed.
- (10)
- Official contacts: There is no official, Soviet or CCP, to whom Consulate has access. In time of trouble Consulate unable negotiate with or channel its opinion to persons of responsibility.
Importance keep post at this strategic point obvious and Consulate sincerely hopes Department able solve present difficulties. It realized other posts in Communist China probably having parallel troubles or soon will, although various Embtels seem indicate exposed position of Dairen Consulate unique.
However, Consulate discouraged regarding present and future worth of this post. Its value cannot be restored until Department able enforce Soviets to allow workable conditions here including physical protection to Chinese staff. Otherwise it appears better to close Consulate on own initiative with dignity and then perhaps Chinese staff can be withdrawn.
Nevertheless closing office also will cause many problems as Mukden shows: Exit visas, Soviet visas via Vladivostok, transport on Soviet vessels including freight at exorbitant cost, and efforts take out Chinese staff. Only efficient and cheap means close Consulate is to send special ship here to remove all staff and large amount of good office and residence furniture.
Moscow telegram 27 to Dairen June 29,41 not repeated Department, points out Soviet pleasure if Consulate closed. As yet Soviets may be unaware of extent of success of their pressure program. Thus, should Department decide close post, this situation might be exploited by Department in order to obtain favorable conditions for closing post including withdrawal of Chinese staff.
Sent Department 201, repeated Nanking 148, Moscow 112, Shanghai 166, Canton 87.