123 Gleysteen, Culver: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in the Soviet Union (Kohler)

409. Dept considers it undesirable permit assertions Sov note (Embtel 1308 May 20) re Gleysteen remain uncorrected and desires that unless you perceive objection thereto you reply to Sov note along fol lines: US Govt denies categorically Sov assertion Gleysteen making light signals seawards with headlights of automobile. Headlights were not on at any time when Gleysteen in area where taken into custody.

With respect to identification, AmCon Dairen has repeatedly endeavored without success obtain from Sov authorities and from local regime Dairen identification documents for himself and staff. Furthermore immed after being taken to Dairen mil Kommandatura Gleysteen interviewed by Commander of Dairen garrison who had previously met Gleysteen and apparently recognized him. Notwithstanding this Gleysteen held 2 hours, denied permission telephone AmCon which would have quickly established identity.

With respect Sov assertion Gleysteen in forbidden zone, US Govt points out no notification ever recd AmConsul Dairen or, insofar as known, made publicly that place Gleysteen taken into custody a forbidden zone. Furthermore, no sign, barricade or guards along road travelled Gleysteen to indicate he entering restricted zone.

With respect last para Sov note, US Govt assures Sov Govt Amer consular officers stationed Dairen have not knowingly entered restricted mil areas without appropriate pass from authorities and will not do so in future. On other hand US Govt expects Sov assurances that Amer consular officers Dairen will in future be free from arbitrary arrest or detention and will be permitted carry out legitimate duties accordance gen accepted standards internatl usage.

For ur info no press release re Gleysteen incident has been made as yet.
