123 Gleysteen, Culver: Telegram
The Consul at Dairen (Paddock) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 1—7:24 a. m.]
129. Traffic police yesterday stopped Consulate auto in Dairen commercial district for alleged traffic violation. Consulate chauffeur driving and Vice Consul Gleysteen only passenger. Police insisted chauffeur admit he had violated traffic regulations. As he definitely had not, chauffeur refused.
Gleysteen did not intervene because sudden congregation four extra police at crossroad (where known that Consulate auto would pass) and their extraordinary insulting manner indicated auto possibly halted as deliberate provocation.
When police ordered chauffeur drive to police station, Gleysteen requested them postpone [to] evening. They did not answer but entered car without permission and instructed chauffeur drive to station.
Gleysteen waited in car while chauffeur detained 20 minutes. Chauffeur on return said he had agreed with police regarding their version of facts. Obviously he had done so only to protect self.
American flag on car.
Today I sent letter protest to chief Soviet Kommandatura.
Incident possibly soured police reaction to previous Consulate protest Contel 118, April 23, to which no reply received. Status of police mentioned Contel 121, April 26.
Chauffeur said two plain-clothes men came his house late last night and questioned him how felt re his work.
It is not known if Department has reached decision whether to protest at Moscow re Gleysteen detention, Contel 108, April 15 and 117, April 23. In this connection Department should note Consulate working conditions are daily more hampered. Most recent development is response of Soviets and police re true facts of these successive incidents.
[Page 873]In official Soviet reply re Gleysteen detention (Contel 120, April 26) their distortion actual facts is in itself a [garbled group] provocation.
Consulate believes advisable warn Department of possibility of some truly serious incident occurring any time under prevailing conditions. Consulate unable judge if protest by Department re Gleysteen detention and effective publicity, as considered by Department at the time Deptel 54, April 22, will decrease this possibility.
Sent Department 129; repeated Nanking 9, American Embassy Canton 36, Shanghai 122, Moscow 75.