123 [Gleysteen, Culver]: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in the Soviet Union (Kohler)
273. Dept desires you protest to Sov FonOff in appropriate terms detention Gleysteen (Dairen tels 108 Apr 15, 109 Apr 16, 117 Apr 23 to Dept rptd all addresses) by Sov officials Dairen. Dept believes that after outlining circumstances Gleysteen’s seizure and detention, refusal permit communication Consulate by telephone and his lengthy interrogation, you shld point out Gleysteen exercises his consular duties Dairen in accordance internatl law and practice and seizure detention of him carried out on terr[itory] Republic of China. You shld not bring up at this time question right of Sovs exercise auth in Dairen but shld base protest on arbitrariness detention and violation privileges and immunities Consuls established in internatl law and [Page 872] usage. You shld request explanation this arbitrary action and assurances non-recurrence. Pls transmit text protest to Dept with view to its release here and inform when delivered.
Dept plans issue full statement re detention Gleysteen including statement AmEmbassy Moscow has been instructed protest to Sov FonOff. Since publicity likely prove more effective in China if conveys impression Sovs violating Chi territorial sovereignty, phrase re incident occurring “on territory Republic of China” shld be prominent in note, particularly since Tass may release text.