883.20/4–2849: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom

top secret

1480. Secy Defense upon advice Joint Chiefs of Staff apprvd in gen1 proposed course action outlined ltr sent you instr 186, Apr 18.2 He suggested fol modification:

“It is our opinion the Brit shld be informed forthwith that, irrespective of whether the talks at Fayid are, or are not, the source of continued embarrassment, any further talks between members of Admiral Conolly’s staff and Brit shld be held at a point outside of Egypt, such as Malta, Cyprus or Cyrenaica.”

Validity comments urtel 1636 Apr 28 appreciated but Dept believes that in view of circumstances Joint Chiefs of Staff opinion in this matter shld be binding on Dept and modification has been accepted.3 Brit Emb being informed.4 Urtel 1636 being transmitted NME.5

  1. In a letter of April 23 to Secretary Acheson, not printed.
  2. Not printed, but see footnote 1, p. 205.
  3. In a letter of April 29 from Acting Secretary of State Webb to the Secretary of Defense, not printed. (883.20/5–249)
  4. On May 2 (memorandum by Mr. Mattison of his conversation with Thomas E. Bromley, First Secretary of the British Embassy, 883.20/5–249).
  5. The editors have been unable to find any documentation in the files of the Department of State which reflect the actual exchange of views by the staff of Admiral Conolly with British military officials.