501.MA Palestine/8–249: Telegram

The Consul at Jerusalem (Burdett) to the Secretary of State


500. In talk last night Kunde, US representative technical committee on refugees, made following points:

[Here follow 13 numbered points.]

Comment: Open admission by Comay1 of Israel plans for returning Arabs confirms previously deductions that Israel has no intention [Page 1277] whatsoever conform with December 11 GA resolution in either letter or spirit. Section 11 resolves that refugees wishing return to their homes and live in peace with their neighbors should be permitted to do so at earliest practicable date, In case highly individualistic Arab, attempts to fit him as cog in Israel collective society and disregard his right return home is equivalent to exclusion Arabs from Israel. Difficult escape belief Jews loudly touted Israel projects for reunion families and return 100,000 refugees possess many earmarks of sham to evade efforts US and UN motivated by principles of humanitarianism, justice and equity to protect rights of original inhabitants Palestine in accordance UN resolutions.

Plans mentioned above and other evidence present conditions and future status Arabs may expect in Israel point up great and continuing difficulties UN will face in assuring Arabs in Israel equitable treatment and guaranteeing them basic human rights. Consulate General suggests emphasis might be shifted to rectification of temporary armistice lines to restore to Arabs area given them by GA resolution November 29 or equivalent fertile lands for use in intensive resettlement Arab refugees outside Israel. In absence willingness or feasible means for UN or US force Israel actually permit refugees return to their homes and live under acceptable conditions, this alternative might provide closest equivalent to repatriation called for by December 11 GA resolution. Would be in accord with US policy on boundaries. To forestall further consolidation by Israel of her position in all areas now held, action at September GA would be necessary.

Department summarize last five paragraphs for USDel, PCC.

Sent Department 500, repeated London 34, Amman 55, Baghdad 47, Beirut 96, Damascus 53; pouched Jidda, Cairo.

  1. Mr. Herbert Kunde’s points 11 and 12 noted Mr. Comay’s frank admission to the Committee that returning Arabs would be treated in the same way as new Jewish immigrants, would be integrated into the collective economy, and would be placed where their services were most needed. There was no possibility that the Arabs would return to their original homes. Mr. Comay was also cited as saying that the program for reunion of families “would in practice amount to selection by Israel of certain desirable categories of Arabs for return. Would be selected on basis security consideration and skill.”