883.00/1–449: Telegram

The Chargé in Egypt (Patterson) to the Secretary of State


6. Prime Minister Abdul Hadi Pasha in declaration new government’s2 policy to Parliament yesterday, stressed evacuation foreign troops from fatherland and unity of Sudan with Egypt under Egyptian Crown as Egypt’s supreme objectives. Pledged cabinet with support of Parliament would do all in its power to realize such demands which had “become creed sacred to all sons of Nile valley”. Praised “valiant and victorious” Egyptian army in its struggle to liberate Palestine3 which was national and humanitarian action and an expression of Egypt’s sincerity in fulfilling her undertakings. Hoped Egypt’s honorable action in Palestine would be followed by all Arab states.

After declaring Cabinet was already bringing about King’s desire for political unity, he stressed, as among new government’s duties, maintenance of public security, reduction high cost of living, and inauguration of reforms.

Preliminary reaction to statement is still “wait and see”. Meeting of Wafd4 executive called for January 5 to consider participation new government.

  1. Nokrashy Pasha had been Egyptian Prime Minister at the time of his assassination on December 28, 1948. Hadi Pasha was designated his successor within hours of the assassination.
  2. London advised, on January 4, of information from George L. Clutton, Head of the African Department in the British Foreign Office, that the Egyptian Government had not requested of the British Government aid in the form of either men or arms under the 1936 treaty since Egypt did not consider the treaty valid (telegram 30, 883.00/1–449).
  3. The leading opposition party in Egypt.