501.BB Palestine/6–1649
Memorandum by the Acting Secretary of State
top secret
[Washington,] June 16, 1949.
Meeting With President, Thursday, June 16, 1949
mark ethridge
The President expressed himself as being satisfied with the approach of Mr. Mark Ethridge to the Israeli problem and said he felt the proposal that the meeting be adjourned and then reconvened a month before the UN session was a good one.
The President desires to have for his information and files copies of the memoranda covering the talks between Ethridge1 and President Ben Gurion.
J[ames E.] W[ebb]
- Mr. Ethridge submitted a letter dated June 17 to President Truman confirming his resignation as a member of the Palestine Conciliation Commission. The Department of State drafted a reply for the President, dated June 24, accepting the resignation at the close of business the following day (501.BB Palestine/43–2149).↩