867N.01/6–1549: Telegram
The Chargé in Jordan (Stabler) to the Secretary of State
247. During talk with Prime Minister June 11, following discussed:
- 1.
- Referring to present situation in Jerusalem, Prime Minister said Transjordan Government determined not to make further concessions to Israelis and would not recede from its position by Israeli threat or use of force. It would be preferable for Israel, which appears to have no end to its expansionist ambitions, to make good its demands by force and conquest than for Transjordan to make any further concessions in hope of settling problem on reasonable basis. Every effort by Transjordan to meet with Israelis in spirit of reason and compromise had ended in failure. (In earlier talks same day King made similar comments stating that although he had endeavored to be reasonable, Israel always trying to get “stranglehold” on him). Prime Minister emphasized that his remarks did not mean that Transjordan had changed its attitude re desire settle Palestine problem and that Transjordan had no thought resuming hostilities. He only wished to make clear that Transjordan had gone about as far as it could in acceding to Israeli demands.
[Here follow paragraphs numbered 2 to 5, giving the Prime Minister’s views on the desire of Transjordan to establish good relations with Syria; the determination of Transjordan not to enter into separate negotiations with Israel; the need of Transjordan, Egypt, and Iraq for internal security arms “as every bit of strength gained by [Page 1142] Arabs meant that much less feeling of superiority and aggressiveness on part Israel”; and the “fact” that continuation by Israel of its present policy would only result in increasing the determination of the Arab peoples “to prepare themselves for final destruction of Jewish state.”]
Sent Department 247, repeated Bern 25 for USDel PCC, pouched London, Tel Aviv, Arab capitals, Jerusalem.