867N.01/6–1249: Telegram

The Chargé in Jordan (Stabler) to the Secretary of State


243. According to reliable military’ source here number of incidents along entire Jordan-Israeli front have increased rapidly in past few days with ten such incidents being reported on June 10 alone. Casualties are also reported.

Legion troops at Latrun report “extraordinary” Israeli movements opposite them and believe Israelis are preparing some kind of attack on Latrun salient.

Same military source also reports greatly increased Israeli military activity “in and immediately behind” Jerusalem with two Israeli brigades—fourth and sixth—and armored cars in Jerusalem area. (According to Rhodes agreement only two battalions, but no armor, are allowed in Jerusalem.) Local authorities are seriously concerned that Israelis may be planning further operations in Jerusalem area, such as seizure Mt. Scopus or Latrun or both. Legion source stated few days ago that while Legion could cope with local incidents, it could not cope with any general outbreak of fighting.

Jordan Government has brought above (except for Latrun report) formally to attention Riley.

Comment—In view Israeli action in Government House area and above indications they are planning further aggression, I would now recommend that Department should make immediate representations Tel Aviv along lines suggested in penultimate paragraph Legtel 239 June 91 without awaiting further word from Bunche. I fear that probably protracted attempts by Riley to settle situation will only give Israelis more time in which to prepare further aggression. US should therefore make it quite clear to Israel at this time that troops must be withdrawn and that any further aggressive acts will not be tolerated.

End comment.

Sent Department 243, repeated Bern (for USDel PCC) 22, Jerusalem 119, London 46, Beirut 48, Baghdad 65, Damascus 50, Cairo 29.2

  1. Not printed; that paragraph read: “In meantime I strongly urge Department to recall its telegram 37, March 25 and President’s message to Abdullah (Deptel 38, March 28) and urgently consider possibility, in event Riley and Bunche should feel such step desirable, making representations in most forcible terms to Israeli Government to effect that Israeli troops must be withdrawn at once and unless Israeli will give undertaking to renounce agency of force to achieve its demands, US Government will be obliged to reconsider its attitude toward that state which has received up to this time unstinting US support.” (867N.01/6–949) Regarding telegram 38, see footnote 1, p. 878.
  2. The Department, on June 14, replied that it was keeping in close touch with Mr. Bunche, “who has intervened directly, is taking strong line, and at present does not desire US assistance.” (telegram 78, 501.BB Palestine/6–1349)