501.BB Palestine/5–2849: Telegram
The Minister in Switzerland (Vincent) to the Secretary of State
820. Palun 173. From Ethridge. Israeli representatives on May 26 informed general limits of [to?] PCC of Israeli proposal re frontier between Israel and Transjordan. Israeli representatives considered frontier should be considered in two categories: (1) Northern and southern sections; (2) Section east of “triangle” and Hebron.
Re first category Israel suggested frontier between Israel and Transjordan should be political boundary between Transjordan and Palestine under British mandate, i.e., from junction point of Transjordan-Syrian frontier in north to El Fatur in south and from middle of Dead Sea to Gulf of Aqaba.
Re second category Israel did not propose to discuss at present time as no determination had been made as to disposition of central Palestine. Israel would, however, accept present armistice line as boundary [Page 1069] whether central Palestine was governed by Transjordan or independent authority. Israel had no ambitions in central Palestine. Israel planned to propose certain modifications in armistice lines but could only discuss with final established authority in central Palestine. Israeli attitude re modifications will change in accordance with character of governing authority, i.e., whether Transjordan, independent state or other authority. Israel did not wish to advance suggestions re its disposition. Israel wished give all interested including Arab states, Arab inhabitants and refugees opportunity to decide re future status of central Palestine.
Israeli proposal does not include Jerusalem area.
Meanwhile Israel regards Transjordan as occupying authority in central Palestine and will be able discuss military changes in armistice lines with Transjordan. [Ethridge.]