501.BB Palestine/4–2949: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Legation in Lebanon
225. Pls take early opportunity resume conversation reported urtel 217, May 4,1 expressing Dept’s appreciation over instructions to Lebanese delegation to cooperate fully with PCC at Lausanne in solving refugee problem, and Lebanese intention use its influence with Arab states to induce reasonable attitude.
You should inform FonMin that Dept is aware of sensitive Christian–Moslem balance and would regret any disturbance to Lebanon’s equilibrium. We believe, however, that Lebanon could agree to accept for permanent resettlement reasonable portion of refugees now in Lebanon, selected on basis half Christians half Moslems, in order maintain equilibrium. USG fearful that failure Lebanon indicate agreement to principle resettlement would materially lessen willingness other Arab states to share in burden which Lebanon has so generously assumed up to present, and might accordingly result in perpetuation large-scale refugee problem in Lebanon. US is therefore hopeful that in own interest Lebanon will express willingness in principle accept some refugees for permanent resettlement, as humane and constructive example to other Arab states to take similar action.
[Page 983]Inform FonMin we are continuing press Israel re repatriation and we agree that compensation by Israel is necessary.2
- Not printed, but see footnote 2, p. 966.↩
- This telegram was repeated to Bern for Mr. Ethridge. Beirut replied on May 18, advising of the belief of the Foreign Minister that “it is unlikely Lebanon will be able receive many Palestine refugees for permanent settlement. For possible effect on other Arab states, however, he agreed in principle to accept as many as could be absorbed into Lebanon … He expressed belief that number can never exceed token or symbolic acceptance” (telegram 237, 501.BB Palestine/5–1849).↩